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The dark ominous clouds loomed overhead in the crimson sky, taking the shape of numerous twisting vortexes. Lightning matching the color of the sky, struck the ground burning away anything that it touched and setting ablaze anything close to it. It was almost as if the ground to wanted to mirror the sky, for it to was stained red and black by the incredible amount of blood and bodies that littered it. Amid all of this carnage and destruction stood two males back to back, surrounded by demonic creatures which were colored black with white eyes, some took the appearances of man, while others animal, and some resembled what people would call a hell spawn. No matter what form they took they always wore the same sinister smile, akin to the one people carve on jack-o-lanterns. The male on the right had black unkempt hair, tan skin, and glowing red eyes, his fist were held out in front of him ready to move at any moment. While the figure on the left held on to his sword that was almost twice as long has he was, with both hands. He had spikey black hair, brown skin, and blue eyes. It was clear to see that they were breathing heavy, they were tired. Of course they were, they've been fighting for what felt like days, but it had only been a few hours. The blood that was flowing out of the multiple cuts across the surface of their body had long since hardened.

"I can't believe things escalated this quicky." The brown skinned male stated to his friend as he continued to stare at the monsters, not taking his attention off of them for a second.

A laugh came from the male with the tan skin as he replied, "Honestly, I showed up party but this," he looks over at the monsters and straight ahead again, "this is a little much even for me."

"Really demitsue?" says the brown skinned male as he chuckled a bit. "The world is about to end and your still making party jokes? I guess some things never change."

"Yeah, I know Ishido. Not the exact moment to be making jokes and all but considering were the only two humans left alive...I thought id try to lighten the mood a bit." Demitsue says as the monsters draw in closer ready to kill the pair.

The monsters in an instant charge onto the two boys. A punch, a kick, a counter, a slash, a stab, a sweep, upper cut, a parry, a guard. It seemed like these exchanges were never going to end for each time a monster was killed it would split and form two more and grow even stronger than before. It was endless. Before long the circle of darkness that surrounded the two became a sea of darkness.

"This is getting us nowhere!" Demitsue yells to Ishido as he knocks another beast off of him.

"I know...and this is all...my fault." as ishido looks toward an illuminated object standing tall in the center of all of the battle field which was usually reffered to as "The grail". The object just stood there allowing all the darkness to endlessly flow out of it creating even more Demons.

"Ishido..." Demitsue says as he reads into the meaning of ishido's words.

"If I...If I had just had the strength, if I had just had been stronger I could have destroyed-" Ishido is stopped mid sentence as he is kicked in the face and blown back into a building. Ishido, dazed looks up in the direction he was kicked from and sees a man with dark armor and cracks along the front that glowed the same color red as the lightning that had been striking the ground. His hair flowed with the same twisting dark energy that filled the sky and poured out of the grail.

"You could have what, failure? Destroyed it? Hikhikhikhikhik!" the armored man said as he mocked Ishido. Even if you had all the strength in the world you couldn't have destroyed it the grail is immortal, self sustaining. All you can do is exactly what your doing now and lie there in fear of what is to come. Actually, you cant even do that because im going to kill you here and now." The man said with a twisted smile. He raised his hand in the air and a single red spear appeared from thin air. "Good bye, failure."

Just as he was about to flick his wrist to throw the spear, demitsue roars, "YOU!" The man turns around and takes notice of Demitsue. Demitsues hair began to flow with power and his eyes turn a darker red. He dashes toward the man and sends both of them into the air. "Why! Why did you Kill her!" Demitsue screams as fights the man.

"Tsk, the mongrel was here too. I was having so much fun I didn't notice you. Hikhikhikhik! And kill whom? Oh yes that pathetic girl? I killed her on a whim honestly, annoying as she was I didn't feel that she was a threat. I just wanted to see death. Although I did recover something that was mine to begin with." The man says as he pushes demitsue off of him.

"Demi! Hold on I'm coming to help!" Ishido stands up leaning on his sword and right before he is about to take a step something grabs his leg and tells him to wait. Ishido looks down and his eyes widen. Below him was a man with half of his torso completely crushed by the rubble that fell with the building. Ishido knew this man. How could he not after being with him so long.

"Hey y-your still alive, how did you?"

"Hush, and listen Ishido there is not much time at all, I'm withering away as we speak. I only managed to hold on this long because of this." The buried man uncovers his other clenched fist to unveil a glowing blue crystal, which had the shape of a rhombus and weird transcriptions engraved into it.

Ishido takes the stone from his hand. "what is this he asked?" as he looked at it strangely

"It's the culmination of mine and the other two mages magic crests and magic circuits. In the even that one of us were to die we created this stone to siphon our crests and circuits into itself so that we would still have magic power to provide to our servants so that they can continue to fight. But we never imagined a situation where we would all be wiped out at once, including our servants." The man says as his body is now becoming more transparent. "after I die. you have to get that crystal and jam it into the grail, if you do that it should reverse time to the point where these events were being set into motion."

"wouldn't the same thing just happen again and again though?" Ishido asks as he grimaces at the mans disappearing body.

"I don't know fool, its possible. But we can also hope that the possibilities for the future are not finished yet, that there is a different path that we could have taken, we have to believe that the us from then can find that path. If not then everything is over...go Ishido." The man says as completely disappears.

"You're the fool." Ishido says as he resolves himself and looks forward with eyes full of determination. "Demitsue!" Ishido calls out as he begins to run. "I have a plan but I need you to keep the armored man and the rest of the demons busy!"

Demitsue hears ishido and kicks off the armored man and appears right in front of ishido. "Get ready cause I can only do this once with my current levels of strength." Demitsue says as he readys his sword and stance.

"I'm counting on you demi." Ishido says as he nods his head.

Demitsue draws his swords and blinding speeds creating hundreds of shock waves everywhere blowing everything away. Even the armored man could not move due to the sheer air pressure of the waves. "GO NOW ISHIDO!"

Ishido gives his strongest dash as he holds his sword out in front of him to take care of any of the stragglers. He gets closer and closer to the grail. But right has he is about to reach it he shockwaves stop and demisue is left tired after using all of his remaining energy.

"Hah im right you are a failure." The armored man said as he charged toward ishido.

Ishido uses all his remaining strength to hurl his sword toward the man to at least distract him for a second and it works, for the armored man chose to block the sword head on. And in that instant ishido turns around with the stone clenched in his fist, and shoves it into the grail. A rumbling starts, then its quiet. Then suddenly an over flowing white light erupts out of the grail seemingly consuming everything in sight, everything in existence begins to fade away just like the man who was trapped in the rubble except the stone. As ishido looked back at the stone which was sent flying by the initial explosion of light he closed his eyes and thought to himself.

"Entrusting the future to the past, what an odd thing to say. Let's just hope things go differently for them."

Suddenly after everything had been seemingly erased the white light collapsed in on itself and a whole opened, the world of the past revealed itself. The stone flew into this hole and landed in a forest where it would sit until the fated events started to play out.

Prologue end.

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