>>>--> Intro, Rules... All that Fun Stuff <--<<<

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  Hello everybody and welcome to my first Warrior Cats Roleplay!!!  I know that some of you have been waiting a looooong time for this, but I really hope the wait was worth it!!  Anyone can join, so if your thinking, "Hmm... well, I have nothing better to do...", then continue reading for the Intro, Rules... All that Fun Stuff!!!

Introduction to my Warriors World ~

Many, many years have passed since the Warriors we knew so well walked the grounds where a new generation of cats now rules the wild.  All four... no, five Clans sit at peace in the hot seasons of green-leaf.  Everyone is fully recovered from what was known as the Sky War; the War that debated whether or not SkyClan should have a place beside the lake.  Every Clan had different opinions -- ThunderClan agreed that SkyClan should break up among the other four Clans, while WindClan had extremely varied thoughts.  Meanwhile, ShadowClan had the idea of moving the RiverClan camp to the Gathering Island, and make WindClan give up some of it's huge territory to RiverClan and SkyClan.  RiverClan thought that the overall plan coming from ShadowClan was great, but some were worried about the smaller details. 

  No matter which way it went down, SkyClan was now leaving the lake, not after they had come this far.  The new Clans' dream was to re-organize territories so SkyClan could have their very own territory, camp, and borders.  They allied with the RiverClan and ShadowClan plan, hoping things would turn out as they hoped in the end.  That started the Sky War.  This was not a war of Clans, no, it was a war of ideas.  In fact, many cats broke off with their Clan to form groups with others cats who had the same ideas as themselves. 

  There were many different groups -- at least nine in the thick of the war -- but some of the main ones were know as the "Split Plan" group, who believed that SkyClan should split up and join the ranks of the four original Clans.  This group contained mainly ThunderClan, but some WindClan warriors joined the cause too.  There were also the "Exile Plan" group and the "New Borders Plan" group.  "Exile Plan" cats were rebels from every Clan that didn't want SkyClan near the lake at all, while the biggest group, the "New Borders Plan", were almost all SkyClan, RiverClan, and ShadowClan cats who were willing to move around the territories to give SkyClan a spot. 

  In the end of the Sky War, the "New Borders Plan" group over-powered the alliance made between the "Exile Plan" and the "Split Plan groups, and territories were shifted, giving SkyClan a home beside the lake.  Many cats were injured in this war, and tensions were tight between the cats as groups broke up and Clans merged back together.  The war ended last green-leaf, and the Clans have almost fully recovered!!  But, that doesn't mean that they are still hiding some small weaknesses within camp...

  Now you guys (or gals) get to be join one of the five Clans in the new era of Warrior Cats!!!  If you are thinking, "... Okay, okay, you got me hooked!!" then continue on through this chapter to read the rules.  Yes, I know rules are boring, but we need them to have a fair Roleplay!!!

Rules for Roleplaying ~

  1) No cursing!!!  I am only allowing Warriors slang, such as Mouse-brain, Fox-dung, ect.

  2) You can have a mate, crush, and/or kits that are other Roleplayers, just get their permission first and then make sure you also tell me.  If you plan on forbidden love, then wait for me to give you the thumbs up to do that.

  3) Keep your cat looking like a cat!!  But since I'm a sucker for purple eyes... yes, you can have purple eyes!

  4) No mating anywhere in this Roleplay!!!!!  I'm only telling you once!!

  5) Please try not to control the other Roleplayer's cat!  If your in a fight, only comment what your cat does, and wait for another to respond.  And people: sometimes we do it without realizing it!!  If this happens, just tell the other person what they did wrong and move on with life.  If it's serious please get me.

  6) If you want your cat to be involved with something big, like a prophecy or things like that, contact me first and I'll try to set something up.

  7) This Roleplay is going to be sectioned off into weeks.  Only one week will be open at a time.  If you join this Roleplay while the cats are in the middle of the week, I will add you to the news board as a "new member".  Only after I post your name on the news board can you Roleplay in the week.  Oh, and I will close old weeks to start new ones, so please: don't play in closed weeks!

  8) Be respectful of others.  You can have a bad relationship with a cat in this Roleplay, but it must stay just with the cat, not the player!!!

  9) No purrfect little cats with purrfect fur and... no.  Nobody's purrfect!  Please have flaws!!!

  10) Don't power-play -- it's no fun.

  11) No cyber-bulling WHATSOEVER!!!

  12) If you will not be active for a period of time, please tell me so I can put it on the news board.  If you would like to quit being in the Roleplay altogether, I will put your cat on the adoptions page.  If no one would like to take them, I will make them elders.

  13) You may have three characters in this Roleplay: one tom, one she-cat, and one of your choice..  They can be a mate pair and/or brothers and sisters and such, jut remember that you should RolePlay with other cats too!

  14) Okay, now I said earlier that you may have one she-cat and one tom.  But if you choose to make a she-cat, and you find a mate and have kit(s), then, as long as you don't already have two cats, RolePlay as one of the kit(s).  If you have others, they will be put up for adoption.

15) Use ( ), [ ], or { } when your talking out of the Roleplay

Okay, if you think I missed anything just say so below in the comments, cause I probably did!!  But, without further ado, here is the cat forum for this Roleplay!

Warrior Cat Forum ~

Name ~ (Name of your cat)

Rank ~ (Are you a warrior, queen, apprentice, or kit??  If you would like to be a medicine cat, deputy, or leader, please ask me first.  Also, you may be a rouge or loner if you like, just adjust the forum to fit your role)

  Age ~ (In moons)

  Gender ~ (she-cat or tom)

Clan ~ (ThunderClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan, SkyClan, or no Clan)

  Looks ~ (Include pelt color, fur patterns, eye color, and visible wounds)

  Personality ~ (How your cat interacts with others, or acts in public)

  Strengths ~ (Three good things about your cat)

  Flaws ~ (Three flaws your cat has)

  Backstory ~ (The story of your cat before the Roleplay -- include what group they would have been in during the Sky War)

  Family ~ (Mother, father, siblings, stuff like that)

Mate and kits ~ (Pretty self-explanatory)

  Crush ~ (It can be anyone, just get their permission)

StarClan or Dark Forest ~ (Where you plan on having your cat go when they die, for rogues and such you may skip this, unless you plan on joining a Clan)

  Other ~ (anything I missed, optional)

Alrighty, now, when you comment your forum, tag me and three other people so we can get this Roleplay started!  I'll go first by tagging...





Feel free to check this out guys, and May StarClan Light Your Path!!!

Fire and the Flood ~ A Warrior Cat RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now