The Letter

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Dear Min Yoongi,
    I am Lonesome, boring, shy when my parents die I was depressed lost interest in life I never like this before I was the cheerful one but all this thing happens in my life in one painful year.  But when  my eyes laid on you my heart start to beat beating faster like a runner I don't know why?  But I got attracted to you.  Since that day my interest in life is back I inspired going to school everyday just to see you.  I'm happy  just watching you. I try to approach you but when I look to your cold eye's  I was taken aback and  got scared. And it's so sad because you can't interact to someone you like because you scared to him or  It just that I don't have confident to myself. But everything has change when you bump in to me and the first word I hear to your mouth is "I'm sorry" and you stared at me like a second and I got blushed to my cheek and I was embarrassed. Since that incident happened we became friends.  Our first conversation start "hi how are you?  What's your name again?". And that's the time you tell your full name to me. "Min Yoongi " a beautiful name own by a beautiful man. I know you for a long month still I'm happy because you introduce yourself to me. Many day have pass and we became close like there's a rope that tie to us that no one can cut it. The more we became closer the more my feelings get deeper to you. I never regret to fall in love to you because you are my source of happiness you are my inspiration to live happily again and to focus to my studies but the day when you told me that you got a girlfriend I was so sad. My heart torn into pieces but I'm happy that you find your happiness even though it broke my heart. I don't have the right to get mad because we're not in relationship we are just a friend. Until that we graduated in college still we are friend and your still in relationship to your girlfriend.  It's so sad because our bonding are lesser than the past.  Your focus is now in your girlfriend and to finding a work. But suddenly my heart can't handle now the painful moments anymore my heart explode and I became selfish and depressed. I was looking for your presence and your care but I realized that I got nothing to you at all. I always text you and call you everyday but no response I became crazy as fuck. I know that you have girlfriend I'm so sorry Hyung! I just love you whole heartedly that's why I'm like this now.  The day you suddenly pop up to my dorm i got shocked and embarrass to you.  Because you saw me messy and nearly dying. I fucking cried everyday and every night. And you saw my dorm mess broken glass and bottled scattered in the floor. And the first word that came up to your mouth is "Oh my gosh Jimin what the fuck is happening to you?". I look at you tiredly and I saw your face with anger expression and your eye's is worried.  And you try to come closer to me but I said to you "GET LOST !" that was the most painful word I ever said to you. But you never leave me. And you still ask me "What happened?  Why are you like this?" Calmly and the only answer that I gave to you is to cry and cry. You hug and comfort me hyung but you don't know the reason why I'm crying. The day have pass and after that incident happened I realize that we will never become a couple. It will never be an us. That was the sad thing in my life. Even though I experience all this heartache hyung I'm still happy that I meet you to become your friend.  And I never ever regret that I fall in love to you.  Thank you hyung for taking care of me and for loving me as a FRIEND.  Hyung if you ever read this letter probably I'm in U.S that day I just wanted to say to you that be happy to your relationship to have peaceful and better lives. Thank you hyung and I LOVE YOU.

                                     Your Friend,
                                       Park Jimin

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