It was another winter day here. Being a Guardian was great, but I still sneak off at night to look at the children live their lives the way I don't even remeber about mine.
I went to the house I first saw. I turned the corner and.... wait, what? Who is that? There was a girl in a blue, gray, and white dress with a beautiful, shimmering cape, it looked like it was made out of ice. Her hair was white, whiter than mine, and it was in a braid that went over her shoulder. She moved so swiftly across the roof. But that didn't matter, she was doing what I was supposed to do! I flewu up to the roof she was on.
"Hey lady!" I yelled softly, people were sleeping, and I didn't know her name so I just said lady. She froze, then turned around. Woah... She had peircing blue eyes, a pale face, rosy cheeks, cheeck bones. She was beautiful. My mouth opened at the sight of her, but I snapped back when I reminded myself what I orginally came her for. "That's my job!" She smirked.
"What is?" She asked in the most beautiful voice I have heard.
"What you are doing." I replied.
"You mean, what I was doing before you interrupted me?"
"Yea..." I said with a little guilt.
"I didn't know keeping the children safe was a job." She chuckled.
"Oh, sorry. It's just that, I have always done this, this is the first time I saw you." I blushed.
"I finally have a reason to leave my precious kingdom to watch over nearby towns."
"Kingdom?" I aksed.
"Why, yes! I am a queen, Queen of Arendelle." Woah, a queen.
"Oh, they why won't you watch over them?"
"My reason for keeping people safe knows better than to disturb my kingdom." Her eyes looked distant and full of sadness, regret, and who knows what. Curiosity rose through me.
"What is your reason?" I asked thoughtfully.
"I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust you, and I havn't felt that in such a long time." She said. She took a deep breath. And opened her mouth to speak.
"A prince named Hans tried to kill me, he was put in jail, but he broke out." She paused.
* Elsa *
His pants were brown, and icy. His sweater was blue, and icy. His eyes were icy, gray, and blue. His hair was snowy white. Could he be like me, does he have ice powers? My dress is ice, it looks like it is made out of ice. He carries a long, brown stick. I wonder what it's for. I took a deep breath, and opened my mouth to speak. I began my story starting from when Anna woke me up in the middle of the night to play when we were kids, to my coranation, to the point when I made the ground ice in the summer when my kingdom accepted me. It took a long time to explain. And, only when I ended the story, did I notice his shocked face. And I know why. I told him, in my story, that I have ice powers.
"Don't be scared." I reasured him.
"Of what?" He asked, smiling. I rose an eyebrow.
"That I have ice powers...." I said.
"If I was scared people with ice powers, I would have been terrifyed of myself." He explained.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you're not the only one with ice powers." He smirked. Oh my god. It took me a minute to process this through my mind. When I looked up at him again, I saw him, with a stern face, pointing his stick at me. "Which gives me an avantage to get you to stop stealing my job. I'm a Guardian, you're not. I was here first!" I slowly walked back. But I ended up being cornered on the chimney.
"Come at me, bro!" I said.
"Oh trust me, you won't. I have fought about a thousand shadow horses, I think I can defeat you." He walked towards me. I saw ice blast towards me. His magic comes from his stick. If I can get that away from him, we can't harm me. With one wave of my hand, a big snow monster grew from, well, nothing. There was no snow. The monster gabbed the stick from his grasp.
"Hey, no fair! I can't make monsters, at least not with this stick. But I need that stick!" He jumped to reach it, but it was to far up. I was about to strike him when I heard a faint noise coming from the side of the house. I saw Olaf emerge from the edge of the roof. He looked at me, but drew his attention to the boy behind the monster. I flew the monster away into air.
"Oh hi! I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs!" Olaf introduced himself.
"Uh... hi. I'm Jack, Jack Frost." They shook hands. He turned back to me.
"Elsa, Anna needs you. It's not urgent, but she just needs you, whenever you can." Olaf explained.
"How did you know I was here?" I asked. I kneeled down by him.
"Well, you made me, so I think I know everything. And, you're the Queen, so I should be kneeling to you. Silly..." I chuckled. It was funny how goofy he was.
"Okay, I'll be there. As soon as I teach Jack a lesson." I stood up and faced him.
"What? There is no need to fight. Friendship is the most important thing next to love and family. Why, you are the Queen, you should try to be polite with everyone you meet. Even if he does have ice powers like you, actually, that gives you another reason to get along." He smiled. I sighed, because he was right.
"Okay, Olaf. Jack, would you like to visit Arendelle?"
She asked me to visit her kingdom. She was strong, she could use her power without needing anything. Just her friends. I can't do that. I can only shoot ice bombs, snowballs, ice patterns and stuff. Not huge snow monsters. I wonder what else she can do. I guess, I could be friends with her, she seems nice, and her story proves that most of her life has been tragic, with no friends. I feel sorry for her.
"Okay." I agreed. My stick was on the floor. "But can I get my stick? I need it to fly." I explained. Elsa nodded. I picked my stick up and floated. She put her hand out and swayed it to the right. A huge iceflake appeard. She climbed on. She beckoned Olaf. Olaf climbed on, too. She waved her hand up, and they rose and moved foward with great speed. I rose higher and followed them with the same speed.
Arendelle was old fashioned, but beautiful. She broke the iceflake and they floated down gently, on their feet. Well, Elsa did. Olaf flew down fasty, his head falling off on the way down. I floated down along with them. A red hed, with two braids, kneeled dowm by Olaf.
"Oh! Here let me help you." She out Olafs head back on.
"Ooh... that feels better. Hey! I missed you!"
"You were'nt gone that long." She laughed.
"Well, one minute is one minute too long to wait." Olaf said.
"Umm... hi. My name is Jack." I introduced. The girl stood up and looked at me.
"Oh! Hello, I didn't see you there. I'm Princess Anna. I see you met my older sister, Elsa. And that you have ice powers." She said sweetly.
"Yes, and how do you know?" I asked.
"I know. You have white hair and icy clothing like my sister. It's easy to tell." She said smartly. She turned around. "Kristoff!" She yelled excitingly. A big, broad man with blonde hair came running this way. He went to hug her but she stopped him.
"No, not with those hands." She said, pointing to his hands, which were dirty, really dirty.
"What? They're fine..." Kristoff smirked.
"I might be your girlfriend, but I am still a lady, and, even more, a princess!" She pointed in a demanding way, but her face was still sweet. I chuckled. If that was love, I'd like to feel it one day.
But, who would ever love me?

*Frozen Hearts* (Jelsa)
Fanfic(Book: 1 of 3) "Only love will thaw a frozen heart..." One day, Elsa was out in a nearby town, when a strange boy named Jack Frost appeared. They had their dispute, but Elsa decides to invite him to Arendelle. Everything goes just peachy, beside the...