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Danielle's P.O.V.
"Hey Nate? You alright?" I wave my hands in his face and he laughs, "What is so funny? Is it the fact that I can do a perfect impression of you?" I stick my tongue out and pull my cheeks, and he laughs more. We have bonded a little as we wrote a song, and we both are having a blast. He was everything I thought he would be. I smile looking over at him, he smiles back.

A idea pops into my head and I smirk, "Hey wanna go to the mall?"

He laughs and nods, "Sure that sounds fun."

I nod as I think, "Can I invite my friend Camden?"

He nods as he goes to grab his keys. I smile and text her.

(M- me C-Camden)

M- hey wanna go to the mall with me and Nate?
C- sure can I bring someone with me?
M- sure who is it?
C- ummm... uh Jack
M- aww of course you can. We will see you at the mall ok?
C- yeah we can meet at the food court
M- yeah see you there

I click off my phone. Nate grabs my hand, leading me to his car. I smile at our hands as he opens the door for me. I climb in and he walks over to his side, getting in.

Camden's POV
I shut my phone off and yell to Jack, "HEY WANNA GO TO THE MALL WITH ME?"

He chuckles walking out of the bedroom. "Yeah sure. When are we going?"

I grab his hand dragging him along with me. "Umm now. Oh and my friend is going to be there with Nate."

He nods as he squeezes my hand I blush. God I can't believe I'm actually hanging out with him this is so crazy. We get to the car and hop in. He starts the drive to the mall. I sing to whatever song that was on the radio. Jack smiles at me. He talks and I couldn't help but smile at his Irish accent. "You have a gorgeous voice Camden."

I blush looking down. "Thanks Jack."

He nods as he pulls into a spot. I hop out. "We need to meet them at the food court."

He nods, "Ok then lets go."

I nod as he grabs my hand leading me away. God he is so adorable.... I'm so glad I actually got to meet him, this is a dream come true. Too bad the way we met was through Anti but there's something about Anti I don't know. He's adora- no he's not I can't let my mind think that. He's evil and that's all there is to it. Jack tightens his grip on my hand, shaking me out of my thoughts, "What's wrong?"

He laughs at me, shaking his head, "Nothing we are here."

I blush well damn I didn't even notice we were. I feel embarrassed now. Dani laughs at me as I look down. She walks over, "Hey don't be embarrassed I would be the same way."

I nod as I giggle, peaking over at Nate. He waves and I wave back to him. Jack walks over and starts to talk to him. I look over at Dani, "So how is everything with him going?"

She blushes, "Good we wrote a song together."

I nod, "That's awesome I want to hear it one day."

She nods as we start to talk about random stuff. Just girl stuff really. I wanted to go shopping but the boys wouldn't stop talking with each other. Jack looks back at me, "Hey we are gonna go walk around have fun with Danielle."

I nod as I grab Dani's hand, "Come on." I drag her along with me.

Danielle's POV
Camden is pulling me along as I laugh. Geez this girl really wants to shop I wonder why. I'm upset Nate didn't come with us, but I think he wanted guy time. Same as Jack. We get to Hot Topic and let's just say we spent a lot of money there. I laugh as we walk out, but I run into someone. I gasp as I see Natemare.

He smirks at me, "m̸i̸s̸s̸ m̸e̸ d̸a̸r̸l̸i̸n̸g̸?" He moves closer to me.

I back away from him. "N-no give Nate back. This isn't right."

He laughs, "n̸o̸w̸ w̸h̸y̸ w̸o̸u̸l̸d̸ i̸ d̸o̸ t̸h̸a̸t̸?" He smirks at me.

I gulp, "Because that's the right thing to do."

He laughs harder at me. "b̸u̸t̸ d̸a̸r̸l̸i̸n̸g̸ i̸ d̸o̸n̸'t̸ d̸o̸ t̸h̸e̸ r̸i̸g̸h̸t̸ t̸h̸i̸n̸g̸ p̸l̸u̸s̸ i̸ h̸a̸v̸e̸ a̸ n̸e̸w̸ f̸r̸i̸e̸n̸d̸."

I go wide eyed, but before I go to talk Camden comes out and gasps. Dammit she wasn't suppose to see him, but it seems like she's looking at something else. I wonder what it is.

DespairWulf helped write this

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