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Camden's POV

    I smile as I hug Sam to me, giggle. I love this plushie with my whole heart, no way was I leaving him at home. Anti pops back into my head, but I shake my head, I can't let him get to me. But i have to admit he is cute. Dani looks over at me, "Hey is everything ok?"

    I nod, I can't let her know about Anti she would think I was crazy. We get to the airport and rush to get checked in. Luckily we got there in the nick of time. We get on the plane and I pass out when we take off, cuddling Sam.

(After the flight) Dani's POV

    I nudge Camden, she groans but wakes up luckily. We grab our stuff and head to the hotel we are booked at. Camden goes to the bathroom to fix her hair and makeup. She is seriously obsessed with Jack, but I don't have much room to talk. I'm obsessed with Nate, I giggle at the thought of him. I can't believe in a short hour I'll be able to meet him. I call out to Cam, "Hurry up slowpoke."

    She huffs but comes out. "Ok ok. Let's go." She grabs Sam and I grab my bass, we are then on our way. The taxi takes us to PAX, we couldn't contain our excitement. We run in after we show our tickets. Nate's panel is about to start to rush over there. I just had to see it.

    When we get there I see he has his guitar and I smile. He's doing an acoustic set, that's amazing. Camden is looking around like she's expecting something, but I don't know what it is. Nate does his introduction and the set starts. I squeal and listen, I recorded some of it so I would never forget it. After I turn to look for Camden but she disappeared, guess it's time for Jack's panel. I turn back around, seeing Nate is gone. I groan great I can't meet him now. I start to look for Cam but feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn and gasp. No way it's Nate. He smiles at me. "Hello there, I'm Nate."

    I nod, "I-I'm Danielle." Oh god why did I stutter, I just embarrassed myself big time. Ugh great going Dani.

    He chuckles, "Aww that's cute. What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I blush looking up at him, he smiles at me. "Hey wanna walk around with me?"

    I automatically nod my head, "Yes I would love to."

    He chuckles and wraps his arm through mine, leading me in the other the direction. Please don't let this be a dream. I would be very upset if it was.

Camden's POV

    I leave Dani at Nate's panel, to go look around. Jack's panel should be happening soon so i start to head over. Anti just can't leave my head. How did he even get into the house? Ugh I'm over thinking this. He can't be real can he? I smile as I get up front as everyone starts to crowd around. He will be coming out anytime now. I can't wait. Sam is in my arms I wouldn't leave him at home. Maybe Jack can sign him. I giggle but then the lights shut off and I gasp, "What is going?"

hey guys it's Bandy here with another update. Hope you guys enjoy. Your turn Wulfie

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