Chapter 3: Wow...

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thats is all I have to say. ENJOY THE STORY (Oh and excuse me but I only know vaguely how to play poker so excuse me if my playing is wrong)

Oh as for the dedication, THANKS GRACE FOR BEIN WITH ME FOR A WHILE> I dont know why but it seems that your opnion makes a huge impact on my stories. I dont know why just an odd feeling.. THANKS <3 Enjoy peeps!

Lucys POV

I headed down the stairs. I know Natsu is changing in the room because I heard him go into the bedroom to rummage around for something to wear. I was already putting on my dress when I heard him come in. My black ankle length dress swished around me. I found it with a note attached to it saying to put it on when we go to the casino. It was a thin yet not see through thin dress. It had a slit leading up my leg and it stopped about 5 inches bellow the waist. The cut was filled with layers of lace and allowed air to run through it. It was form fitting and was very comfortable. I reached the end of stairs and found myself faced to face with the casino. I looked to the left and saw the bubble slot machine where Natsu and Happy thought they got a 17 but didn't. That was a funny night. Should have video taped it and broadcasted it to everyone.

I had to mentally force my self not to die from laughter at the thought of it. I managed to stop laughing(somehow) and tried to find the girls. I found everybody (Minus Juvia, Wendy and Natsu) At the poker table. Gajeel, Erza and Cana were setting up a table with some other guys. There was an empty seat and Gajeel was calling for last minute players.

"Ill play!" I said walking over. Gajeel smiled and set me up. Everybody was gathered around to watch. 

The game was heated for a while. Me Erza Cana and Gjeel were head locked. We were so good the other dudes had to quit before they ended up going bankrupt. I looked around at everybody who was watching us. I heard about 5 people bet on Gajeel, 12 on erza, 6 for Cana and .. 1 for me?!?!?

I feel loved. Anyway I looked at my hand and I swear my eys flashed. I set down the royal flush and I won. Everybody looked shocked and Levy started jumping in the air. Ahh she was the one who betted on me. Seriously 12 people like stormed out because they betted a lot on Erza.  I saw Natsu in the back who had managed to come around front.

"Great game. Didn't know you played poker." He said laughing

"Well I am full of surprises!" I laughed.

"Hey.. Umm.. Do you ..want to.. you know.. go for a walk?" He said nervously. 

I was bit worried with how nervous he sounded. For a minuet I was scared something was wrong. Then I reconsidered. If something were wrong Natsu would be screaming not stuttering. 

"Sure!" I said and he took my hand and leaded me outside. 

We walked around the garden holding hands. Every so often I would stop to smell the roses or exotic flowers that grew there. Whenever we stopped I swear Natsu was smiling so much It looked like he was about to burst. In a good way though. Then he stopped. This time not to look at any flowers. He gently tugged me towards him and I was staring directly into his eyes. Looking at them brought back memories of the pains, friendships, and laughter we shared. They were so much more to me now. Him in general. Every time I look at him I remember everything that we did together.

" Lucy... I .. Will you be.. my girlfriend? For real." He said. His gaze faltered a bit and it seemed as if he was bracing himself for rejection. I din't like to see him like this. Never have never will. And I felt relief flood through me. 

"Yes." I said. I have always secretly wanted him to ask me that and now my wish is true. I swear my birthday just keeps getting better and better.

He pulled me in for a kiss. The moment our lips touched I heard a scream and an explosion. I jerked up and so did Natsu. We looked at each other and started running towards the building.

Natsu kicked the door down and We went inside. I saw a HUGE gapp in the roof and people running around. I saw Juvia Levy and Wrendy trying to get everybody out and Gajeel Gray Cana and Erza fighting a black haired dude. Well more like staring him down as he talked. We ran over and immediately stopped. I felt a strange aura around this dude. Like the evil was seeping off of him. And his baby dragon to. BABY DRAGON! I looked at this guy and a dreaded feeling filled me. I had only felt this evil once before. Zeref.

"Ahh, so there you are miss Heartfilia. It is a shame that Kudo died. He was one of the best people I hired.  Now dear Miss Heartfilia I suggest that you come with me quietly and compliantly or I will kill your friends. Achnologia is very hungry." He said stretching out his hand.

I slapped him and kneed him in the balls. He crouched forward in pain. I stepped back about a yard.

"What do you want with me? Why am I so special?" I demanded. Nastu grabbed me and held me close.

Zeref got up wiping his mouth.

"Oh I forgot . Mommy dearest forgot to tell you." He said with one of his sickest smiles. I wanted to puke.

"MY MOTHER IS DEAD!" I yelled at him hating him even more.

"Oh my. Has anyone told you a thing? She is very well alive. Now come little Dragon Princess." He said beckoning again.

I tried to slap him again but Natsu held me back. I was so confused. DRAGON PRINCESS? What in the name of Fiore was he talking about.

"Fine little princess. You dont want to come willingly, lets just force you." He said and waved his hand. Everybody that was facing zeref flew back with the exception of Me. He walked forward and grabbed my hair and yanked me forward.

"LUCY!" I heard Nasu cry and I managed to turn towards him. He was struggiling to get up. That made me mad. I started thrashing and kicking Zeref even harder. Then a flash of light stroke across the room and hit Zeref flinging him backwards. Then a female figure with two males came forward. 

"Don't ever touch my daughter again you filthy bastard." The woman said and stepped into the light. She had blonde hair and a pail and frail  face. She wore a white dress that seemed to float. A crown with and jem that seemed to flicker like fire sat upon her head. She looked so familiar. Then the males stepped forward. One looked almost like Natsu just his eyes looked like a fire burned within them. Another looked like Gajeel just with a heck of a lot More piercings. Realization drew upon me. Natsu and Gajeel were the first to get up. We all looked back and forth.




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