Final Chapter- Turfs End

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Gomensai for the drastically long wait people of the Nalu!(lol I wanted to say that because I canz) Oh and Everybody that was asking me to hurry up and write? Dont be sorry! You guys motivated me to make this a great chapter and Im glad to share it with you all! Thank you guys so much for the support. Now enough blabbering you all came here for a story and that is what you shall get!!!! Oh yeah and warning, if you cry during this chapter comment Aye. Lets just say I was crying as I wrote this.  Oh and see that youtube link over yonder of to the right? Listen to that as you read it sets the mood kind of XD And I wanted to dedicate this chapter to one of my best friends, o96 Neko. If you scroll down my page you will see her message to me telling to me to relax and that she is there for me when I need her. Thank you girl I ruv youXD That message helped me a lot and im glad I have such an awesome friend.

I took a calming breath, trying to frantically collect my thoughts.This was it, the night I faced darkness face first. I was very nervous. I felt an arm wrap around me and looked over. Natsu pulled me in a bit closer to him. I looked into his eyes, scanning them. He had a hint of fierce desire for something and the rest was unreadable. I couldn't tell what he wanted, but Im pretty sure it was for us to make it out alive. That much was obvious. The breeze picked up and it felt like cool silk against my skin. The moon was just taking its place in the center of the sky. The soft moonlight was illuminating my face, showing each trace of worry etched in my eyes. I could hear the footsteps get closer. Then I saw Zeref and Lish. My blood boiled. A very large group of dark mages and demons stood behind Zeref. All I had was My friends from Fairy Tail, my mother, and the dragons of course...everybody I loved and held close to my heart was being forced into the battle front. Risking the warrant of death for my sake. I had to try, I had to win, I had to succeed. I had to for the sake of my friends, for my love. For the dragons. For the freaking world!!!XP

I channeled my strength pulling it from the earth below me. My skin contracted a slight golden glow showing I was ready. I looked at my mother wondering if I will ever get through this to do mom and daughter things normal people do. 

 What was I thinking???? Of course I would. I shook the thought from my head and looked at Zeref. He was grinning at me almost mocking me. Oh how I wanted to rip off his head right now. 

"So, you really want to battle for the whelps Lucy? You still have a chance to join me and slaughter these pathetic excuses for the living. Join me." Zeref shouted at me gazing at me expectantly. I gave a small growl in the back of my throat.

" Burn in hell." I stated staring right back into his eyes. I could see the hatred in the black abyss of his eyes. 

"So be it" he said laughing and then Alisha ran forward as did the rest of the dark mages. I guess this means the war started. I find it funny. Its like a movie. Maybe im in a movie? This is all an act? Just then I heard the screams of agony from the people around me and magic swirled in the air, whip-lashing at a target. I knew this was real. I had to face it and stop being a child. Someone slammed into me and I stumbled back quickly regaining my footing. I turn and see Alisha smiling sweetly. 

"Black Arcane Triple Shot!" She yelled and black crystal looking thingy  shot at me. I jumped and ducked avoiding them and countered by slamming my foot into her stomach. she flew backwards skidding on her heels. I followed her running at her body slamming her causing her to lose her footing and fall on her back.

"Celestial Dragon Star Cannon!" I countered and a cannon of white light formed in my hands. She got up and I started shooting at her. She was jumping around and dodging them and then launched herself at me. I front flipped just in time rolling away. She landed behind me spinning around for a counter attack. I shot at her again and this time it caught her off guard slamming her directly in the chest throwing her back.  The cannon dissolved as I ran forward and pinned her under neath my foot. She was squirming trying to get free. I had her now. 

" Filth. You had a chance to shine be the ruler of the world have attention be adored. And you turned it down!  I would have taken it, scum. I would have given up everything to rule beside my love." Alisha spat. Then it dawned on me.

"Y-You love that sick person?!?!?!?!?!?!" I asked in disbelief. She gave up everything to be smacked around and screamed at? Because Zeref, thats all he was really a controlling freak.

"Yes I do. Why do you think I spend ll my time trying to please him?" She said a tear escaping. 

"Makes sense. He was just using you Alisha. You were his puppet. He doesn't love you and never will. Please stop this. Come fight with me forget Zeref you will just end up dead or worse. I miss the friend I knew." I asked pleadingly

"NEVER! I serve Zeref alone!!!' She said and grabbed a dagger out of her pocket and stabbed herself.

"If I cant have him then I have nothing to live for..." She said and then then her eyes slid and I could see th whits of her eyes. I felt a sob choke me. I still cared for her, like she did for me once. She died because of me. It was my fault. If I hadn't been born none of this would have happened. I sawe the sticky crimson spread staining her battle gear. I stared up at the sky wondering why they choose me. Why do I have to be the Key? I wiped my eyes, ending up smearing some blood on my face which was already covered in grime. I looked forward trying to locate anybody. I didnt see anybody, and then I stepped forward and saw the horrible slaughter that was going on. Some of the dragons lay dead while others still fought for their freedom. Juvia and Gray were doing combo attacks and I saw Erza flying through in her Heavens Wheel armour. Wendy was running around healing people with a air shield around her. I saw Gajeel fighting and Cana was on the ground not moving. I couldn't see if she was dead or not but I was struck with terror at the thought. As for anybody else I couldn't see them. I ran forward looking for my mother, slamming through the dark entities, slicing them with my Whip. I finally found my mom and Igneel fighting together surrounded by dark mages. Igneel was taking on the dark mages while mom was fighting someone else. Zeref!!!! Thats were he went to. My mother and he were in a heated battle stabbing each other with a magic and flying around dodging. I ran forward to help.

"See Lucy this is what happens when you dont join the right side!!!" Zeref said some how noticing me running towards them. My mother turned her head just a bit but it was enough of an opening. Zeref sliced right through her with his black magic splitting her in half. I screamed bloody murder and blood flew every where and my mother's remains hit the ground with a thud. I saw Igneel tense up but kept fighting. Zeref gave me a sinister look as I ran towards my mother crying. I was screaming and crying on my knees at the remains of my chopped up mother. Her blood stained my clothes as I leaned in desperately hoping that this was all a dream. There was my mother, sliced up and dead. Killed right before my eyes.

"MUM!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO OH GOD PLEASE NO NO NOOOOOOO!!!!! MOMMY PLEASE!!!!!!" I was yelling out crying. Zeref was laughing so hard I think he was crying.   

I stood up and could barely see anything, tears clouding my vison. I suddenly felt drastically calm, letting insticts take over. I couldnt take any more. I dont even know if Natsu is alive. I have nothing to live for. And suddenly I know what needs to be done.. I feel energy swirl up around me in mass quantifies. I have never tried this spell before and I know the consequences. And I was ready to face them. My vision cleared and I stared at Zeref directly into his eyes. I was staring right into the eye of death and I wasnt scared any more. I was ready. 

"CELESTIAL DRAGON GODS CALLING: KEY TO THE STARS!" I screamed and the air around me and Zeref instantly became a hurricane of whip-lashing air, hurried and in a frenzy. There was no turning back now. Neither I nor Zeref could escape this fate. The gods choose me for this. 

I screamed out in pain as the light surrounded me and Zeref also hearing his screams as well. We were both picked up and engulfed in a ball of stars. 

"ZEREF! THIS IS OUR FATE! THIS IS WHERE IT ENDS! NO .MORE.DEATH!!!!!" I scream and the ball explodes around me and Zeref. As I watch Zeref exploded into a million picese I feel satisfied. 

"Im glad I had such a nice life. Gomensai everyone for everything I caused but dont worry. Its all fixed now." I said with my final dying breath. I shut my eyes smiling as I fell into the darkness facing the same fate as Zeref.

The Keys To the Stars!( A Nalu Fanfiction) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now