Chapter 4: Unexpected Reunion

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HAHHA How do u like the Cliff hanger? I feel evil leaving you guys in the dark for so long. Anyway, I surprised some people it seems ! I was reading through the comments the other day and laughing because I got the reaction I was looking for specifically. That is why my book is so different from any other nalu famfiction. Though the general Fairy Tail Nalu thing  is still the same, My cliffhangers and plot twists and my personal way of twisting the characters to how I want them to be is what makes me special. And I get a lot of, "You are very special!" from my friends, trust me. 

Dedications! I couldn't do more than one specific dedication, so.... I WANT TO DEDICATE THIS BOOK TO EVERY ONE THAT HAS READ IT AND LIKED/COMMENTED!


"MOM! MOM!" I yelled. 

"Igneel! Metalicana! Open the portal NOW! Back to the kingdom!" Layla shouted. She went over and smacked Achnelogia down with a fire ball when the dragon tried to get back up.

Igneel nodded his head at Mom and in an instant we all stood in front of a HUGE castle. It had floating islands and towers that seemed to loom over the meadow that rested peacefully below it. I collapsed in a pile of exhaustion. I manged to get a huge gash in my stomach from my struggle with Zeref. 

Mother rushed up to me and scooped me into her arms. 

"I need Grandine and now! Tell we have an emergency and that it is a case 498! NOW! " Mom yelled and Igneel and Metalicana scrambled. Hmmm. That made no sense. The dragons are the highest on the food chain yet they are yielding to my mothers every request. Even though she is yelling out in anger she seems kind to the dragons and the dragons seem kind and obedient to her. 

"LUCY!" Natsu yelled and ran over to me. He tried to grab me out of my mothers arms, but she nudged him away. Erza and Gajeel had to restrain him. I smiled lightly at him and whispered,"I love you..." and drifted to sleep

I awoke to a woman with blue and sliver streaked hair that looked like wendy, with more curves and a wiser face.

"Where am I..." I asked feeling a bit unsteady.

"It is alright! Your mother is waiting for you outside. As is this pesky pink haired boy that Igneel says that is his son.. I am Grandine. It is good to see you princess!" She said smiling.

"Princess? I am not a princess!" I said jaw dropping.

"Oh my. Layla hasn't told you yet....LAYLA! GET IN HERE NOW!" she yelled.

My mother burst into the room with concern written on her face. As she looked at me, she relaxed and the concern disappeared and was replaced with love.

"Thank the stars you are alright! I was so worried..." She said

"Layla you haven't told her yet! " Grandine said.

Tell me what!! I was getting anxious when Natsu burst in and ran over. He hugged me tightly and kissed me lightly on the check. Heat spread through my face as I saw mother raise an eyebrow. Grandine Laughed. My mother beckoned me to come and Natsu helped me out of bed.

We walked down the hall in silence. Then mother spoke.

"I will tell you at dinner my dear child. But first I want you to look as if you were fine. The servants will help you get dressed." Natsu started to say something but Layla cut him off." And no Natsu you may not stay and help my daughter. I dont even know if I can trust you with her..." she said. Oh SNAP

Natsu looked down clearly embarrassed. Just then The servant came and whisked me away. 

They took me into a white room and pulled out a number of dresses and told me to pick one. Each looked elegant an expensive, fit for a princess. But I wasn't one. I choose a black and gold dress. It was black  lace up in the back. Gold designs swirled up the front seeming almost alive. I looked closely. They were! They were moving about slowly , slithering up the dress. Then they sat me down and curled my hair. When done, the servants put a gold crown on my head. It had gemstones embedded into the crown. At the top of the crown, a onyx jewel sat there glinting against the soft light that entered the white room. There, inside the black jewel, was again the gold swirls. The servants ushered me out of the room and down the hall.

We walked for a bit and then we reached a door way. Curtains hung blocking me from seeing what was inside. A male stood in front of the curtains staring directly ahead. When he saw me coming, he opened the curtain. I walked through the curtain and I swear I was in a Fairy Tale. It looked exactly like the ballrooms you would see illustrated in a child's book. The elegant stairs, the shining floor, every body dressed up in fancy clothes. And a balcony. That held 2 thrones. One bigger the other. And my mother was there sitting in the bigger one. And I was took over to sit in the smaller one. THIS WAS UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! My jaw dropped after I got done being in shock. I am NOT a princess!

"Lucy, my dear what troubles you?" My mother asked seeming a bit shaken.

"This is like a dream.." I muttered.

"Well why dont you join your friends down there. And no touchy feely with this so called Natsu. Dancing only." She said sternly. My face turned red instantly.

"Mom he is a sweet guy. Give him a chance.." I said still embarrassed. I walked down the steps and found everybody gathered in a group around the food. and when I mean everybody I mean Gajeel, Wendy, Happy, and Natsu. Dragon slayers and their food.... *Stomach growls* Oh yeah I am a dragon slayer to. FOOD! I walked over and they stooped what they were doing and I stopped dead in my tracks to make sure I was seeing correctly. GAJEEL AND NATSU WERE IN SUITS!! LIKE ACTUAL SUITS! I swear I am going crazy. SUITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG they actually are!!!! 0 _0

"Oh. Lucy you look.. beautiful. To beautiful for words." Natsu said blushing. My jaw was still hanging open and Gajeel was signiling for me to close it. I shook my head and snapped out of my shock. Now I se why Levy loved Gajeel and Now I know what I see in Natsu. THEY WERE HOT! Eyes only for Natsu though. I laughed and joined them. Just then Erza, Juvia, Gray, Juvia and PantherLily joined us.We talked and laughed, and played around. Natsu and me danced and had a good time. While my mother wasnt looking he would sneak a kiss or 2 on the forehead.

I heard a glass TINK. Everybody looked at my mother and Just then the dragons came in. Odd I just realized that we haven't seen them since the fight. I swear they were trying their hardest not to come and say hi to use. Ignell looked like he was gonna explode with anticipation. we all sat down at the huge table that magically appeared.

"I guess it is time I told you what is going on. Get comfy because this will take a while. It all started with achnelogia. You all know the history of how the dragons escaped his grasp so I will spare you that. 21 years ago, when Lucy wasn't even born I was contacted by the dragons. Currently at the time I was a powerful celestial wizard. Igneel approached me in his human form, which startled me because I thought they can only be dragons.He told me of a prophecy that had to do with me and mainly my child.  Here is how the poem goes.

Seek the one with the golden hair,

The one that contains the power of the celestial spirits,

thou shal conceive agirl with power that could end your war,

One that has the power of good and evil.

For good she could banish every source of evil and darkness that rides the world,

For bad she could kill every ounce of light bringing eternal evil.

The dragon whisper she shall be ,

The one that could set you free...

"Igneel told me I was the girl with golden hair they were to seek out. As the prophecy foretold, I harbored a beautiful girl. As you know dragons are highest up on the power level. But a dragon whisper is even higher. She could control dragons forcing them to do her bidding. Her commands are like poison or they are like honey. Each hypnotizes the dragon into her bidding. That is you Lucy. The dragons made me their queen until you came along. Lucy you are the rightful Dragon Queen.You are the girl in the prophecy. You are the forsaken one. You will lead the dragons to victory or to death. That is why Zeref wants you. You could help him win the war. Now choose Lucy. Will you become the right full Dragon Queen and lead the dragons in war? Or will You lead them to their downfall?" Layla asked

All eyes fell on me. The drgons looked at me with pleading eyes hope filling them.

"Do you really have to ask? Isnt it obvious!?!? Of course I will help the dragons! I will do everything in my power to help them even if it means dying. I will lead them out to war with courage on my shoulders and smile on my face." I said.

War is coming. And Life as I knew it was changing. Forever

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