Chapter 4

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The next day I woke up and checked my phone to see that its 6:30, "why the heck am I awake" I thought to myself. I got out of bed and went to brush my teeth and get dressed. After I was done I went down stairs. Dave was awake and drinking coffee ready to go to work and mom was still asleep.

Dave *smiling*: Hi Sara, why are you awake at this time, isn't it too early.
Sara: I couldn't sleep.
Dave: well good morning
Sara: good morning.
Dave: Sara I know that you don't like me, and I understand you. But I had to do what's best and come here. And I really do love your mom and want to see her happy.
Sara: I know Dave. I'm sorry if I'm acting rude. Its just I miss my friends. And I know you love my mom, and that your doing this just to see her happy. I really do appreciate it and anyway LA isn't that bad. And neither are you.
Dave: Thanks Sara.
Sara: For what
Dave: For understanding and accepting me.

I went and gave Dave a hug

Sara: No problem dad.
Dave: did you just call me dad.
Sara: Ya I guess if your married to my mom that makes you my dad.
Dave: thanks sweety. I'm gonna go to work. Have a nice day.
Sara: You too. Bye
An hour past and its 7:30 and mom woke up. She went to get coffee and saw you seated on ur phone.

Mom: Good Morning Sara.
Sara: Good morning mom. How did you sleep last night.
Mom: I actually slept well. Thanks for asking.

You go over to your mom and kiss her on the cheek.

Mom: Your happy and positive today. What happened.
Sara: Oh what an I not allowed to be happy and cheerful.
Mom:No that's not what I mean.
Sara: Ha ha, I know mom. It's just I decided to change my ways. Being mean is not gonna make me see my friends again or make me go back home. Its only gonna bring negative vibes and I don't want that.
Mom: aw I love the positive you. Stay like that forever.
Sara *giggling* : okay mom.

After about half an hour I got bored and decided to go for a walk. When I was leaving, I see Jack sitting on the bench so I shouted.

Sara: Hey, what's up noodles.
Jack: Aw sunshine I see your back.
Sara: Ya, I was going for a walk. Wanna join.
Jack: Ya sure. Just let me tell the boys I'm leaving.
Sara: okay I'll wait here.

What boys was he talking about. Is it the guy I saw entering the house yesterday. Should I ask him or not. Ya I'll ask I'm curious.

Jack came out.

Sara: So ready to go noodles.
Jack: Only if you are.

We were walking for 5 mins in silence then he decided to talk.

Jack: So how was your day.

I giggled as he was speaking nervously

Jack: What's funny.

He looked confused

Sara: it's cute how nervous you are.
Jack: I'm not nervous
Sara: Ya sure. Anyway... What boys did you have to inform that your leaving.
Jack: Oh it's just my band mates
Jack: Ya why are you surprised
Sara: It's just, I didn't think you would be in a band.
Jack: And why is that.
Sara: It's just the members of a boy band are these little boys who want girls to like them, but you don't seem like that.
Jack: Me and the guys decided that we want to be unique, different form the other bands.
Sara: Nice. Can you sing something.
Jack:Ya sure.

Jack sang a part of one of his songs and it was amazing

Sara: Well when can I meet the rest of you guys.
Jack: Tomorrow we have a farewell party form one of the boys' girlfriend! Want to join.
Sara: I wish I could but I have a farewell party for this girl I met a few days ago. Can't I meet them another day.
Jack: Uhm ya sure.

I looked at my watch and it was 10:00

Sara: We need to get home now we have been out for a long time.
Jack: Okay I'm gonna walk you home.
Sara: Your kinda forced to cause we are neighbors.

I laughed then he joined in.

Jack: I guess your right.
Sara: Ya, well come on let's go home.

The walk home was kind of long, it was like 30 mins long. But when we arrived I went to my room and he went home.

I opened my phone and texted Daniel about the farewell party for Christina.

Sara: Hi Daniel.
Daniel: Hey what's up.
Sara: I finished unpacking early and I'm pretty sure I can go to the farewell party for Christina.
Daniel: Thats great. I can't wait to see you.
Sara: Same. Now I'm gonna finish the last of my unpacking and I'll make sure about today.

Sorry for not posting. I'll try to post more often for now on.

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