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As she walked towards the exit Rosalie couldn't help but feel a swell of disbelief. How could she be here. It simply couldn't be, they'd left to protect her from becoming like them, a soulless monster. Why then was she on stage, skin alabaster white and eyes as red as the blood she clearly drank.

As the opening lines of the song began a college student stumbled directly into her pathway gormlessly staring at her body, in her current state the smell of his tantalising blood wreaked havoc on her previous control, holding her breath Rosalie glared at the babbling fool and slunk into the nearest exiting corridor away from the auditorium. As the heavyset door shut behind her, the music from inside abruptly quietened. Had she been human the noise would have been cut off completely.

Glancing from her left to her right Rosalie found herself alone in the hallway. Slowly exhaling she attempted to calm her racing thoughts.

Bella was here. Bella was a vampire. A human drinking vampire.

But the question was how? After the mishap at her eighteenth birthday party Edward and Alice had thrown for the despondent teen, the golden boy had panicked, thrown a fit and all but demanded the entire family to remove themselves from Forks, from Bella completely. Not that she cared for the human, whilst the others had been so happy that the broody, lonesome Edward had (finally) taken interest in someone, they'd all begun to fawn over the girl, welcoming her into the family. Which had annoyed Rosalie to no end.

No one else seemed to worry over the harm letting a human so close to the coven could have been. Not only to the human, but more importantly the coven. The house had been their only reprieve, where they were not forced to act against their nature. Poor Jasper, whose control was already severely tested by the humans at school had no escape not even within his own sanctuary. The fool had made himself uncomfortable to please his mate Alice. And for what? His control finally snapped during that damned party Bella hadn't even wanted. Then there was the matter of the legality of their transgressions, had the Volturi caught wind of the closer ties the coven had been forming with a human, a human that figured out their secret, they would have either been forced to kill the girl (most likely) or turn her, dooming her to their continued existence.

Not that Bella would have minded, Rosalie thought wryly, she had been willing to give up the gift of her own humanity, that which would enable her to have her own family, a life, a child. Not that leaving seemed to have stopped Bella from finding another to turn her into a vampire.

Scowling Rosalie kicked off from her stance leaning against the corridor wall and smoothly crossed the length of the hallway heading towards the stadium's exit. She would need to warn the coven of her find. They would probably want to see Bella for themselves, probably try to welcome her back into the family.

Startled by the path of her thoughts Rosalie frowned, in reality although done with the best of intentions, having left Bella alone the coven no longer held any claim to the former human, who it seemed was thriving on her own. Snorting at that thought Rosalie couldn't help but lament what Edward's reaction would have been had he been near enough to hear that errant thought. No doubt he would throw a hissy fit proclaiming Bella was still his and therefore attempt to affirm his right to decide what was best for her, reasoning she wouldn't know what that would be. Arrogant prick that he was.

Sighing Rosalie slid into her beloved car, a cherry red BMW M3 Convertible. Should she even tell the others? It could cause havoc within the family. Forget that, it would cause havoc with the family. Probably more so if she attempted to keep it to herself, problems such as these invariably had the unfortunate likelihood of coming to light. Not that having an empath, mind-reader and clairvoyant made keeping anything private or hidden any easier.

Rosalie thumped her head against the backrest of her seat as her phone began to buzz insistently on the dashboard of the car. Seriously. Closing her eyes Rosalie gripped the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger, attempting to swallow her growing irritation. She had just wanted to get out of the house, spend some time by herself, enjoy a bit of music. Was that really too much to ask? The consistent buzzing stopped, Rosalie slowly exhaled and dropped her hand from her nose when the infernal mobile chirped. Alice. Definitely Alice. Maybe she hadn't seen what it was Rosalie was contemplating to hide ... a girl can hope, even just a little bit.

Reaching out for her phone Rosalie lifted the screen to face her as though it might suddenly jump up of its own accord.

*What's wrong? I lost you a little while ago, I can't see anything.*

It was Alice, at least she hasn't seen anything. Looking at the time Rosalie was surprised to see she had been sat in the car for almost two hours. Spending so long undecided would of course draw Alice's attention. Rosalie began to think furiously, searching for a way out; couldn't use Emmet as an excuse as he'd still be at the house, couldn't pretend to be shopping it was too late and they all knew she had been going to head down to the concert ...


Really, you would think after nearly a century of living and a future of eternity would teach the girl to have some patience.

*I'm fine. On my way home right now*

There, that should tied her over, though now Rosalie had undoubtedly released a headache of massive proportions by attempting to stall a reply for the blackout. Alice's curiosity would only draw the others attention as well. The annoying one would be Edward as he would no doubt be able to skim from her surface thoughts that her silence was somehow linked to himself. Then the moody git wouldn't let up until he knew the secret. He may complain about the noise of everyone's thoughts, but as soon as it was beneficial he'd be focussed on her thoughts until he was satisfied. The hypocrite.

She really did hate her family's gifts sometimes.


Author's Note
Hey this is my first time writing anything, so I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

Please feel free to leave any comments and if you have any constructive criticism I'd be grateful if you left a message 😁 I'm going to be honest and say I'm not entirely sure what it is I'm doing or where I'm going to go with this story but I'll try to keep it interesting.

Thanks for reading!

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