Chapter 4: All-Aboard

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It was clear she wasn't telling them the whole story. Although the parts she did speak of were true. There were none of the tell tale markers humans make when they lie present in any of her expressions or body language. Only wariness and slight fear. In all honesty, Siobhan found the human brave. She had to be, considering she was trapped in a confined space within spitting distance of three apex predators that could quite easily rip her to pieces, or crush her body until only a mere paste remained.

Siobhan flicked her eyes onto Maggie. Her beloved childe. She could see the expectant look on her young face as she held the human in her grasp.

"You have spoken the truth, yet there is much you leave out of your story I think." A slight incline in the beating of her heart is the only proof she gives of her omission being called out on. Impressive, Siobhan thought. It would be much better, if the human would explain a little more of her past. It would enable them to better prepare for future attacks.

The human stared at her, her eyes flickered towards Maggie. Her heart beat became steady once more. It seemed Isabella felt at least some of the bond, if she was able to relax if even slightly. Closing her eyes. She faced forward and with a heavy breath said, "it seems I possess a gift, despite being human."

Chewing her lip, Isabella trembled slightly. Aware that this was a trump card, a gifted vampire would be beneficial in a coven. Hopefully.

"The local coven held a slight interest in me," that was as far as she got before Maggie interrupted with a hiss of displeasure. She wrapped her forearms around the waist of the human, pulling her back flush against her chest.

"Maggie." Siobhan gave the quite reprimand and said vampire stopped hissing. There was however an inhuman growl at the back of her throat that would not be silenced. Too low for human ears to hear, however Isabella was able to feel the slight vibrations from her captor's chest. The rising flush a telltale sign.

Refusing to relinquish her new hold on her mate, Maggie rested her chin on Isabella's shoulder. Taking deep breaths of air, filled with her scent. The rumbling growl, became a tender purr. Still too low for human ears, however it had the desired effect of relaxing Isabella. As they could see her slump slightly as contracted muscles were loosened from a rigid form into a more relaxed state.

Siobhan gave a nod to Isabella, for her to continue her previous statement.

"They were interested in me." She said again, trying to ignore the hands running soothing circular motions across her stomach. "One of their members had a gift that seemingly did not work on me. At all.

"There was another vampire whose gifts did work on me. Currently it seems I shield myself from psychic attacks, though abilities which are not invasive to my mind are still able to work." There, Isabella thought, she made myself appear useful and gave them a reason to assume why she would want to be turned into a vampire. Baring the initial struggle when she had first woke up, it must be odd for a human to not freak out all that much whilst discussing their possible death. Though the only reason she freaked out was because the vampire holding her hostage, Maggie, was a redhead and she thought Victoria had found her again.

"Its true Siobhan." Maggie said happily. "I can tell she's tellin' the truth." The last part was whispered too low for human ears, however there was a clear increase in purring.

"A special ability whilst still being human, that's rare." Liam muttered, just loud enough for his mate to hear. Siobhan hummed in agreement. Not only was a gift present whilst human rare, according to rumor it would only become more powerful when it fully manifests itself after the vampire transformation. A human born to become a vampire. Siobhan had heard whispers of the Volturi scouring the world for such humans, with little success.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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