Season 2: Episode 15 - White Light

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(In a weekday afternoon in sunny Angel Grove, the ranger's friends, Bulk and Skull wander through the deserted rail yard downtown on their way to their next adventure.)

Skull: Bulky, where are you taking me?

Bulk: Quiet down numbskull. I'm taking us to see the power rangers.

Skull: Well we need to hurry to my place then. They're on after Bobby's World.

Bulk: No you idiot. We're going to see the real power rangers.

Skull: Oh. But how? You know where they are?

Bulk: Just think, where do we see the Power Rangers fight monsters the most?

Skull: Japan?

Bulk: No... (Groans) the park!

Skull: Oh!!

Bulk: Yes. That's why we're going to sit at the park and wait until they inevitably show up.

Skull: Now that's a plan I like. I just wish you told me beforehand; I would've packed a picnic.

Bulk: Pack a picnic... is all you think about food? All you do is eat, eat, eat and yet you never seem to gain a pound.

Skull: I've weighed a buck fifty for about as long as I can remember.

Bulk: Yeah, I remember when I weighed a hundred and fifty pounds.

Skull: I do too. We were in the fifth grade together, remember?

Bulk: For your information, I'm overweight because it runs in my family.

Skull: I thought you were overweight because nobody runs in your family?

Bulk: Laugh it up, wise guy. Just laugh it up. It just so happens that I packed a lunch with me. But now I'm not sure if I'm gonna give you any.

Skull: Oh come on Bulky, I'm starving. Don't do this to me.

Bulk: Nope.

Skull: Come on...

Bulk: No.

Skull: Come on!!!

Bulk: Alright fine! You can have one cookie. But you better eat slow; we're gonna be waiting for a while.

Skull: Awesome.

(Bulk takes off his backpack and unzips it to sift through the lunch he's packed. What the boys don't know, is that they aren't alone in the abandoned rail yard, and they aren't the only ones who are hungry...)

Bulk: Let's see, which flavor am I willing to part ways with? Chocolate chip? Macadamia nut? Oatmeal raison? Yuck, you can have this one. My mom must've packed it so I can eat healthy.

Skull: Oh come o Bulky, can you at least give me a good one?

Bulk: Keep it up and you'll wind up with nothing.

"I like that idea."

Bulk: Oh do you? Well, if you want to be a wise guy then, I'll gladly let you starve.

Skull: (startled) N-n-n-n-no Bulky.... I-I-I...

Bulk: No, I hear you loud and clear buddy. I guess I'll have to eat all of this myself.

Skull: No, it wasn't me... L-l-look behind you!

Bulk: What are you talking about? There's no one he--

(Bulk gets up and turns around. His words stop short as a large, non-human figure with tentacles coming out of its head creeps toward them.)

Skull: What do you think he wants?

Tentacle Monster: Hand over the food.

Bulk: Macadamia or oatmeal raisin?

Tentacle Monster: All of it.

Skull: B-bulk... I think you should give him the food.

Bulk: I have a better idea...

Skull: What's that?


(Bulk and Skull turn right around and try to bolt the other way. But they don't get very far when a two more figures, a lizard-like female in an orange jumpsuit and a man made up entirely of flames, magically appear behind them.)

Female Monster: I don't think you're going anywhere.

(They gasp.)

Flame monster: Hand over the food. Or else...

Bulk: (gulp) Or else what?

"Or else it's hurtin time!"

(A third figure made entirely of dark grey rock sneaks behind them. Neither Bulk nor Skull ever get a good look at him, as he clobbers them both over the head with his stone fists. The two of them drop to the floor like two stones themselves; spilling all of the food all over the ground. The four monsters rejoice and give each other high fives as they make off with Bulk's food.)

Flame Monster: You lucky I don't burn you two alive.

Female Monster: Look, the fat one wet himself!

Tentacle Monster: Come on, let's ditch.

Rock Monster: It's lunch time!

Tentacle Monster: It sure is, buddy.

(A little later in the day, most of the power rangers plus Ritchie, decide to hang out at the local Charbucks for a refreshing change from the Juice Bar. They have reason to as well: Robbie just got his job back.)

Robbie: Alright everyone, your drinks are served.

Jason: Let's bring them on.

Trini: Alright Robbie!

Zack: Congrats on getting your job back bro.

Robbie: Thanks.

Billy: And thank you for the complimentary beverages.

Robbie: It's the least I could do. Now don't just grab any random drink; I made every single drink special for each person.

Trini: Ooh, sounds cool.

Robbie: Extra caramel latte with whipped cream for Zack. Four shot Americano for Jason. Green tea latte for Trini...

Ritchie: What's special about my coffee?

Robbie: It's decaf.

(He tosses the mug in Ritchie's general direction.)

Trini: Wow Robbie, this is incredible!

Robbie: You like the drink?

Trini: No. I'm afraid to taste it...

Jason: Most women normally are when he hands them drinks.

Trini: No, I mean it's gorgeous. Look at this design he left on my drink.
(Trini passes around the mug, containing tiny designs of flowers made of foam.)

Zack: Wow.

Billy: That's incredible.

Jason: Looks like you found your calling in this place man.

Ritchie: My coffee's cold...

Robbie: Yeah. Honestly, I could see myself having a pretty decent career here. Oh, wait here guys. Someone took a dump on the bathroom walls.

(Robbie takes the tray with him and walks back behind the counter to grab gloves and cleaning supplies. Ritchie also tries to scoot out himself.)

Ritchie: Excuse me too you guys. I'm gonna go grab some sugar and milk.

(As pushes through his side of the table on his way out to the condiment bar, Billy eyes him down, then turns to Trini, who is still staring admirably at her drink.)

Billy: So... what's going on between you too?

Trini: Huh?

Billy: You and Ritchie. Weren't you going to break up with him or something?

Trini: Oh... yeah.

Zack: And?

Trini: Well, I sat him down to have the talk with him. And I kind of led off by coming clean about Robbie.

Jason: Wait, you mean he didn't know you dated Robbie?!

(She shakes her head sheepishly.)

Trini: He does now.

Zack: Geez girl. I thought you were the smart one of the two.

Trini: I know...

Zack: I guess it's safe to guess that he didn't take it very well?

Trini: It really bothered him. He tried to hide it, but I could tell. And it made me feel terrible that I didn't come clean with it sooner. He started talking about trust and coming clean with one another. And... I caved.

Zack: You didn't...

Trini: I did... I went into that conversation, just waiting for the chance to say "Ritchie... this just isn't working out." But by the end, what came out was "Ritchie... I'm sorry, I'll change."

Jason: Well, best of luck juggling your two boyfriends then.

Trini: One. I mean... none really. Nor do I want anything serious right now. I just sort of have balance what I have with Ritchie with my friendship with Robbie.

(Trini rests her head on her hand and looks back down at her coffee. A hand suddenly creeps up from over her shoulder, holding a stir stick and mixes up her drink.)

Ritchie: It tastes a lot better if you mix up the ingredients.

Trini: Huh? Oh... uh, thank you Ritchie. That's thoughtful of you.

Ritchie: Anytime, babe.

(Ritchie flashes a bright smile before taking a huge gulp of his coffee which still leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. Trini looks down and sees that the design Robbie left on her green tea latte is completely destroyed and indistinguishable. A few seconds later, Kimberly rushes in with some great news.)

Kimberly: Oh my god you guys, I have some great news!

(Told you...)

Jason: What is it?

Kimberly: Tommy just called. He says he's coming home at the end of the week.

Zack: Whoa, that's awesome.

Jason: Sweet. I smell a party with all his friends.

Ritchie: Great. I love parties!

Trini: Hmm....

Robbie: Hey guys, what's everyone getting excited over?

Kimberly: Tommy's coming home!

Robbie: You mean Tommy wasn't here?

Kimberly: No. He went missing for like two weeks remember?

Robbie: ....

Kimberly: We're thinking of throwing him a surprise party with all his friends.

Robbie: Oh good. I'll be catching up on sleep.

Zack: I can't wait man. It's been way too quiet around here.

(Meanwhile, at the command center...)

Alpha: All is safe and secure in Angel Grove, Zordon.

Zordon: Good. I suggest we use this lull to prepare for the secret mission we must embark upon. Shut off all the command center's power and concentrate it to our hidden chamber where we shall relocate to.

Alpha: Right Zordon. Consider it done.

(Alpha pushes several different buttons, causing most of the lights in the command center to go dim and Zordon to de-ionize.)

Alpha: I sure hope Zedd doesn't plan some sort of attack while we're down.

(Meanwhile on the moon...)

Lord Zedd: I detect a sudden weakness in the morphin grid. Perhaps it's time I capitalize with another attack?

Goldar: Our armies have been getting stronger my lord. I knew that if we kept at i—

Lord Zedd: Silence you fool. It is more than that. The morphing grid's power is maintained by the constant struggle between good and evil.

Goldar: Maybe Zordon gave up?

Lord Zedd: Or is somehow damaged. Either way now is the perfect chance to retrieve the former green ranger to turn him against his friends. Now, just to find something to keep the other power brats occupied...

(Lord Zedd rises from his throne and lumbers over to the ledge. He scans through Angel Grove for something he might like, but then suddenly stops when something catches his eye.)

Lord Zedd: What? It can't be...

(He takes a closer look to a spot near the abandoned train tracks.)

Lord Zedd: There are monsters already down there? Not just any monsters, those are inmates from the Otherworld Penitentiary. But how could they be on Earth. That facility is beyond maximum security. How could they have escaped?!

(Goldar tries to quietly sneak off behind him.)

Lord Zedd: You!

Goldar: Ah, my lord I can explain! They must have entered the portal red ranger used to rescue his friends. I had nothing to do with it.

Lord Zedd: What? Nothing to do with it? You are the head of security in that prison. You're supposed to keep these inmates from getting out. You had onejob!

Goldar: The whole place caught fire my lord, I had to flee to save myself.

Lord Zedd: How convenient. The flame monster started a fire in order to escape. How could have possibly seen that one coming?

Goldar: Actually, I sort of ran into him...

Lord Zedd: Quiet, you nimrod. I suppose now that they're out. I might as well make good use of them and have them take out the power rangers.

Goldar: But master, I thought they were in prison because they fail to follow orders?

Lord Zedd: Yes, but we'll see how subordinate they quickly become when I threaten to haul them back off to where they came from!

(Lord Zedd laughs evilly to himself as he conjures up his next evil plot. Meanwhile at Angel Grove Park, a bruised Bulk and Skull carry on their mission despite just being assaulted earlier. And despite protests from within...)

Skull: Can we get out of here already and go to the hospital? I'm getting woozy.

Bulk: No. We set out today to find the power rangers and that's what we're gonna do. Perseverance Skull; all the great detectives have it.

Skull: This heat is not helping my concussion. Plus I'm hungry.

Bulk: Yeah, me too. Maybe we'll wait another hour, then we'll go grab something to eat.

Skull: (Moans) You would think if the rangers keep getting attacked at the park, that they would just stop going to the park?

(A little further down south, the rangers without Robbie are wandering down the park.)

Kimberly: I can't wait until Tommy comes back you guys. Things just haven't been the same around here without him.

Zack: That's for sure. I miss the days when he was here with us. It's like having a fallen brother in combat.

Kimberly: Tell me about it. All Tommy ever talks about how he would give anything to get a second chance. Heck, I would give anything for that.

(Cut back to Bulk and Skull)

Skull: I just wish we had some sort of a clue. You know, to show us that we're on the right track. A sign.

(Suddenly, a loud explosion goes off in the distance that gets the attention of everyone in the park.)

Kimberly: Whoa, what was that you guys?

Billy: I don't know, but I'm betting it's nothing good.

Jason: We should go check it out.

Trini: Right.

(The rangers run in the direction of the explosion, which is marked by the cloud of smoke pouring into the sky. Bulk and Skull however, get there first.)

Bulk: Come on Skull! This is the sign we've been waiting for!!

(The two run right into the proverbial fire where a small dumpster is buried deep within a crater created by the explosion. Inside of that crater is exactly what they've been looking for this whole time.)


Bulk: This is it!

Skull: Yeah, this is it! ...what is it?

Bulk: An omen. A sign from the gods pointing us in the right direction.

Skull: Can we open it?

(Bulk haphazardly reaches out to pick it up, but is immediately scaled by the incredible heat it is emitting.)

Skull: Guess not.

Bulk: Must be cooling down like a car engine or something.

Skull: Hey, maybe we can take it to my uncle's garage. He has some tools in his place; maybe we can pry it open.

Bulk: Great idea.

(Skull, who has gloves on, picks it up and is able to carry the giant container away just before the rangers show up.)

Billy: I think it's this way.

Zack: Yeah, I can still see the smoke rising out of it.

Trini: What do you think Billy?

(Billy hovers his hand over it, but doesn't even have to touch surface to realize it is too hot.)

Billy: Still burning hot. I'd say something was here... not too long ago.

Jason: If it was here... where is it now?

(While the rangers try to put the pieces together, a charter bus arrives on the sidewalk near the abandoned rail yard. Although the bus is mostly full, only one person comes out of it, holding a small green and white backpack.)

Tommy: Thanks for letting me board an earlier bus. Have a good one.

(Tommy waves to the bus driver and walks through the rail yard as a short cut back into town. The sky is beginning to darken and Tommy is all alone, but Tommy appears unafraid of what can go wrong. Things have been awfully quiet around him anyway since he lost his powers; much to his disliking. Little does he know, he is about to get exactly what he wishes for after venturing out a little too far to head back.)

"Halt! Who goes there?"

Tommy: Huh? Who's there?

(A second, female voice calls out to him...)

"Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an English man."

Tommy: I'm American!

"(Groans) God, what an idiot."

Tommy: Show yourself!

"With pleasure."

(A lizard-like woman with long brown hair and an orange jumpsuit appears right before Tommy; as if she came from out of thin air. She leans back and drills him in the chest with a vicious kick that knocks his backpack off of him.)

Tommy: Great. I should've known.

(Before long, Tommy is surrounded by the four monsters.)

Tommy: Talk about rolling out the red carpet for my return.

Tentacle Monster: What's in the bag?

Tommy: Why do you care? I'm not a ranger anymore. Why don't you buzz off?

Flame Monster: Wait, did he say ranger?

Tentacle Monster: This guy's a ranger?

Stone Monster: Me clobber power rangers!

Tommy: Was it something I said?

Tentacle Monster: You just used the magic p-word. We spit on that word. That word is the reason me and my colleagues were imprisoned and locked away in some other planet. We loathe that word and anyone associated with it. In other words: Today is not your lucky day.

(Sensing immediate danger unless he does something, Tommy puts down his backpack and puts up his dukes to defend himself.)

Tentacle Monster: Get him.

(The four monsters jump him at once from all corners. Tommy quickly pushes them all away with four lightning fast kicks, but it doesn't do much in the way of damaging them. Still they stand before him and still he stands completely outnumbered and no chance for escape. That is until a rush of energy suddenly surges through his veins.)

Tommy: AHHHHHHH!!!!

(Bemused, the monsters hold on their attack as Tommy's body starts flashing bright green and white.)

Female Monster: W-what's going on?

Flame Monster: Is he tripping on acid.

Tentacle Monster: Are we tripping on acid? What was in that oatmeal raisin?

(Tommy falls to a knee and clutches his chest in agony before mysteriously disappearing into thin air. The monsters look to on another for confirmation of what just happened. However they themselves disappear into nothing shortly thereafter.)

Lord Zedd: Yes! Everything is going according to plan.

(Back on the moon, Zedd triumphantly marches around his base, swinging his staff around as he lines up before the four monsters he has apparently picked off from the rail yard.)

Flame Monster: You!

Tentacle Monster: Well if it isn't the emperor whose lost his skin.

Lord Zedd: In the flesh.

Female Monster: I guess we didn't do a good enough job of hiding, huh?

Lord Zedd: You were fools to even think you can remain hidden from me. Don't you know? I see all. I'm like a God; only real! Hahahaha!

Baboo: They also probably shouldn't have stayed in Angel Grove.

Lord Zedd: Silence!

Tentacle Monster: Can it, Zedd. If you're gonna throw us back in prison just do it already.

Lord Zedd: So quick to assume. Actually, I applaud your courage in trying to escape. Therefore, I will reward you with a proposition.

Female Monster: What kind of proposition?

Lord Zedd: Work with me to destroy the power rangers.

Tentacle Monster: Forget it!

Stone Monster: Me no like! Smash Zedd!!!

Flame Monster: I'd rather rot in prison for the rest of my life than work for slime like you. You give the rest of us monsters a bad name.

Lord Zedd: But you didn't let me finish... work with me to destroy the rangers. And I will grant you all pardons.

(The four of them fall silent.)

Lord Zedd: If and only if they are completely destroyed. Once the last one gasps their last breath, I will transfer you all to your respective homes, where you can live happily ever after.

Tentacle Monster: ....

Goldar: So what's it gonna be?

(After being forced into a tough choice, the four monsters look to one another though they don't get much feedback beside blank stares. Meanwhile, back on Earth, Robbie is done with work and on his way home. He travels through the very same rail yard with a friend and co-worker named Jorge.)

Jorge: It's good to have you back bro.

Robbie: Thanks. It's good to be back and making some money again.

Jorge: Things have been awful crazy since you left. We've been so short staffed. It'll be great to have an extra body on Sundays too.

Robbie: Yeah I bet. Well I mean this Sunday's no good for me...

Jorge: I see. I guess it's nice to see some things never change.

Robbie: It's good to stay consistent.

Jorge: Sure. So what's up with you and your girlfriend?

(Robbie's face starts to twist up.)

Robbie: Well... she's not really my girlfriend anymore. We broke up a while back.

Jorge: Oh. Sorry. So is that why she had that guy hugging up on her?

(He nods)

Jorge: How do you feel about having to see that every day?

Robbie: I've come to terms with it.

Jorge: Have you?

Robbie: I mean, we're finally friends again. She wouldn't even talk to me for a few weeks and now I feel like she's finally starting to open up around me again. Maybe sometime down the line I'd like to try and give us a second chance. There's a big project in school coming up, I think I'm gonna ask her to a study date. You know, to get the wheels going.

Jorge: Is she with that guy? Like officially?

Robbie: Sure. I think.

Jorge: You sure that's a road you want to go down then? Home wrecker? I mean how would you feel if it was the other way around and that Ritchie kid tried to sabotage your relationship?

(Thoughts of Hannah M. Tanah and what she did to his relationship start flooding his mind. Does he really want to stoop that kind of level?)

Jorge: However you guys split, you had your shot. Best you can do now is hope it doesn't work out between her and the other guy. Worst thing you can do it try to force your way back in and risk straining what you have with her now.

Robbie: have a point.

Jorge: Bet you practically had to save her life just to get her to talk to you again.

Robbie: (shrugs) A couple times, yeah.

Jorge: So my suggestion is to be cool for a bit. I know you're dying for a second chance, but you gotta take it slow. Let her get comfortable with you again and it can happen.

(Although Robbie to go against his word with every fiber in his being, his friend makes all the sense in the world... though it kills him.)

Robbie: Yeah, maybe.

Jorge: Are you sure she even still likes you back at this point?

Robbie: She might. I still feel a spark there. Like deep down she wants just as much as I do to be back together.

Jorge: Wouldn't she be with you if that were the case?

Robbie: I don't know man... trying to figure out women is like trying to figure out how an armless man scratches his rear.

Jorge: (laughs) Well, then I wish you the best of luck with that.

Robbie: Alright, well my house is straight up this way. I'll see you later man.

Jorge: We aren't gonna hit the buffet after work like the good old days?

Robbie: Nah, I've got some work to catch up on. Besides you never leave any food left for me to eat.

Jorge: Homework? What are you talking about? And I barely eat when I'm there.

Robbie: They put speed bumps in the buffet just to slow you down.

Jorge: Is that why they did that?

Robbie: And yeah, the end of the semester's coming up and I'm trying to catch up on some work.

Jorge: I take that back then, you have changed. Alright then, I'll see you around man.

Robbie: See you.

(The two slap each other five as Jorge turns left to go home. Robbie wanders alone until he's pretty much in the middle of nowhere. He passes by a large cave-like ditch underneath a hill. His curiosity gets the better of him and he peeks his head inside to investigate.)

Robbie: This would make a pretty nice pad for a homeless person. Looks like somebody's already called dibs too.

(He looks around and sees discarded cans of food and wrappers, as well as evidence of a camp fire for warmth. He is a little more curious due to the fact that it doesn't really smell all that bad. In his neighborhood, there is a pretty big problem with homelessness and that distinct smell was absent here. That's when a big pile in the corner catches his eye. He gasps, then backs away.)

Robbie: (gasps) What is that...?

(But he already knows the answer. He sticks his head back inside to look more closely. The pile in the corner looked strangely familiar to him. It's a pile of discarded orange jumpsuits. Just like the ones he wore while locked away in the Otherworld Penitentiary. Despite not seeing anybody with those suits he puts the pieces together and wastes no time reaching for his communicator.)

Robbie: Zordon, come in.

(He gets no reply.)

Robbie: Zordon?

(Again no reply. After waiting a few seconds, he decides to contact the others.)

Robbie: Jason, come in.

(But again, no one replies.)

Robbie: What is going on?

Jason: We read you.

(He breathes a sigh of relief.)

Robbie: Jason, guys... I think you should teleport to the abandoned railroad fast. I have something to show you.

Kimberly: Robbie, we are not sticking our hands in your pocket again. We don't have time for your games.

Robbie: No, I'm serious this time. I think Zedd might be up to something.

Jason: We're on our way.

(Within seconds, the entire power ranger team appears behind him.)

Robbie: (Pointing) What do you guys think?

(Billy takes a peek into the makeshift home and sees nothing out of the ordinary. However once his eyes lock onto the discarded jumpsuits, he can't help but to feel a little uneasy.)

Billy: I think we better brace ourselves for something big pretty soon...

Trini: You guys, look what I found.

(Trini points to the green and white backpack left on the floor when Tommy was attacked.)

Zack: Open it. It may give us a clue as to who's been hanging out here.

(Trini opens the bag up and sifts through the belongings. She sees nothing but typical travelling items inside: toothbrush, comb, deodorant, a book. However she does spot something of interest... a photograph.)

Trini: What's this?

Jason: It looks like a picture.

Kimberly: It's... a picture of me!

Robbie: That's so weird. You're looking through the belongings of your future murderer.

Kimberly: ...I... I don't think this was just anybody's bag. I think... this was Tommy.

Trini: But doesn't he come back at the end of the week?

Robbie: You mean he came back early? Things were so peaceful here without him.

Kimberly: Robbie, he could seriously be hurt. Show some compassion.

Robbie: Did you know that if you play "Go Green Ranger" backwards it tells kids to smoke drugs?

Kimberly: Robbie!

Billy: Well, if it is Tommy I'm guessing these four jumpsuits have something to do with Lord Zedd.

(Back on the moon...)

Lord Zedd: No! My cover's been blown! It is too soon. Send down the putties.

(Within seconds, rail yard is surrounded by putty patrollers.)

Kimberly: Putties!

Zack: I guess I was wrong about it being too quiet around here.

Jason: Can em!

(The rangers spread out. Jason bursts through the middle though to try and draw some his way and make it easier on his friends. He pulls a backflip that leaves him some room to move. He ducks one putty's swing, then responds with a punch and kick to the chest. He uses the kick to spring himself backwards and into a side kick to the chest of an enemy behind him. Sensing double trouble straight ahead, Jason backflips again then rushes forward to land two punches to the chest; one for each enemy.

Trini on the other side leads her own charge, using extremely refined kicks. She eliminates threats on each end with two high kicks to the chest. She backs up, anticipating another attack from the sides. When it does come she puts her hands up to block both punches and twists both their wrists simultaneously till they fall on the floor. An attacker approaches from the front, which Trini tries to take out with a crescent kick. The putty ducks, but cannot recover quickly enough to block the proceeding blow to the chest.

Kim finds herself surrounded more so than the others and it begins to worry her. She tries to remain calm however and uses her agility to guide her. She shifts away from a kick from the right, nailing a putty behind her right on the Z target. Kim thanks him by kicking that putty in the chest as well as the one behind her and to the left of her.

Robbie's fighting style looks comparatively crude and unrefined next to the others, but effective nonetheless. He ducks a blow from his right, catching the arm. Then ducks backwards to dodge a blow from the left while catching the arm. Robbie swings both enemies around so that they face each other, grabs them both by the back of the head and slams them into one another. Then while dazed, he pulls in front of them and disposes them simultaneously with a double back elbow.

Zack on the other hand moves fluidly; almost as if he is about to start dancing. He confounds the putties enough that the one to Zack's right doesn't see a bicycle kick coming that takes him out. Zack turns around and tries for a flying wheel kick, but the enemy to his left ducks. Zack lands on his feet and throws a right to the putty behind that last one, then turns around to throw a kick to the one on the front. He catches his foot and spins him in the air, but again, Zack lands on his feet and takes him down with another bicycle kick.

Surrounded himself, Billy goes into the defensive. He tries to back away from his enemies but cannot escape their attacks. He blocks a punch from both his right and his left; pushing away the one on his left and kicking the one on his right. A third enemy comes rushing toward him from the front, but Billy ducks right in time, letting the putty fall over his shoulders and to the other side. From there Billy lands another kick to the chest, then leapfrogs over the downed body to strike two more with a split kick. Kim flips in with one more approaching, and almost as if it was rehearsed beforehand, they line up back to back and land two boots to his chest, sending him flying through the air before disintegrating into nothing.)

Jason: Is everyone alright?

Trini: Yeah, I think I'm okay.

Kimberly: I just hope Tommy's alright.

Billy: Suffice it to say that something weird is going on.

Robbie: I know. I wasn't even able to reach Alpha and Zordon just now.

Jason: Neither were we. I say we teleport there right now. We'll get some answers.

Robbie: Right.

(While the rangers teleport to go deal with one problem, Bulk and Skull unwittingly start another for them while entering Skull's uncle's garage.)

Skull: What do you think?

(Bulk nods approvingly. Skull rushes over to put the heavy dumpster down.)

Skull: Now what?

Bulk: Now we open it. Then we discover the secrets of the power rangers. Grab a hammer.

(Skull grabs a hammer and Bulk pulls out a power drill out of thin air. They both get to work trying to pry open the dumpster containing Rita Repulsa. Inside, she awakens to the noise and clutches her ears in agony.)

Rita: Ahhhhh! What is that noise?!

(The two momentarily stop...)

Skull: Did you hear that?

Bulk: No.

(Skull shrugs, then they continue.)

Rita: Ahh! I haven't been drilled this hard since college. It's giving me such a headache!

(Meanwhile, the rangers reach the command center and become instantly concerned when they're greeted with complete darkness.)

Robbie: What on earth is going on in here?

Kimberly: Whoa. Sure is spooky in here without any lights.

Billy: Hmm. For some reason it seems like everything but the emergency power has been shut down.

Robbie: Keen eye, Sherlock.

Trini: Where's Alpha?

Jason: I don't know...

Zack: I don't get it. Why would Alpha and Zordon just take off and not notify us?

Kimberly: This is really weird.

Billy: Maybe I can access the computer to get an activity report.

Trini: That sounds like a good idea.

(While Billy types away on the command center dashboard, an attack is underway in downtown Angel Grove. Zedd's four inmates appear atop of a tall building, looking down on the unsuspecting public.)

Female Monster: Should we go over our strategy?

Tentacle Monster: Blow stuff up?

Female Monster: Always good to be on the same page.

Flame Monster: Wait, what was that last part again?

Tentacle Monster: Attack!

(The monsters each dismount from the building in their own way to wreak havoc on Angel Grove. The monster made of stone leaps off; creating an Earth shaking thud as he lands in the middle of rush hour. He flips over taxis in his way, causing mayhem as the citizens run for their lives. The female monster tags in and vanishes from the top of the tower. She appears about a football field away from the other and intercepts anybody running away. The monster made up of flames leaps off too; but extends his hands out, letting out a rope of flames that quickly spreads throughout the area, trapping many in a cloud of black smoke. All the while the tentacled monster continues to sit at the top, scratching his chin.)

Tentacle Monster: Think I'll go on break. There a Juice Bar around here?

(While the city panics, the rangers are back in the command center just trying to find out where Zordon and Alpha went.)

Kimberly: Anything come up yet?

Billy: Strange... there seems to be a hidden door of light.

Trini: Come again Billy?

Billy: Alpha seems to have shifted all the command centers resources into a closed off section of the command center that I didn't even know existed.

Robbie: The command center isn't that big. And we've never seen any hidden doors.

Billy: I don't understand it much either.

Trini: Maybe this is an underground chamber? Like an emergency backup command center in case something happens to the first one.

Billy: Perhaps. I still don't know where I could gain access into that.

Zack: Or why they would just disappear into it.

Trini: Unless they were attacked and had to evacuate!

Jason: Guys, we're not getting anywhere just standing around worrying. We've got to focus and find some way to open up this door of light before Zedd decides to begin his attack.

(The alarms sound.)

Jason: (groans) Great.

Kimberly: You spoke too soon. What's going on now?

(The rangers turn to an image on the viewing globe.)

Zack: It doesn't look good.

Kimberly: Oh my god, they're tearing the whole city apart...

Jason: No Zordon, now three monsters?

Robbie: Four. There's another one just standing there.

Trini: (gasps) That's him! That fourth one.

Kimberly: What's him?

Trini: The guy from the prison we were sent to. He's the one who grabbed me.

Robbie: Hey, you're right!

Billy: Well I guess that explains the jumpsuits Robbie found.

(The rangers hear a loud beeping noise coming from the control panel. A white sheet of paper prints out.)

Jason: What's that?

(Billy walks over to rip it off and examine it.)

Billy: It appears to contain information on the four monsters.

Robbie: So that just prints by itself? So... why do we need Alpha again?

Billy: Apparently the tentacle monster is named Kraken; his tentacle head stretches out to constrict numerous opponents at once. The chameleon monster is named Blink, and she has the power to vanish... well, blend in to any and all backgrounds. The rock monster is simply named "It" and the flame monster is named the Flamer.

Kimberly: Are you serious? Like, that's his name?

Zack: We gotta morph and send this Fantastic Four rip off back where they came from.

Jason: Wait. We're gonna need Alpha and Zordon's help on this. Billy, you stay behind and try to open this door of light. The rest of us will do our best to hold them off in the meanwhile. But you better act fast.

Billy: Right.

Jason: Alright guys, it's morphin time!




"Saber-Toothed Tiger!"


(The rangers morph and soar to downtown Angel Grove, where the monsters are destroying the city block by block. As Kraken finally gets in the mix and grabs a couple of citizens with the tentacles on his head, the rangers sneak up behind him with a shot off Kim's power bow.)

Kraken: AHH!!

(Though not badly wounded, he falls over and releases his hold on the citizens; allowing them to escape.)

Jason: Not so fast, squid head!

Kraken: You! So you've finally decided to show up.

(He's joined by his three allies.)

Kraken: It seems like we've had some unfinished business before we were so rudely interrupted last time.


Jason: Talk all you want, you're still outnumbered.

Kraken: We'll see about that. Putties, attack!

(A swarm of putties come to their aide and along with the four monsters, charge after the rangers.)

Zack: Let's make these jail birds sing!

(The rangers bravely run into the fire as well and it all breaks loose after that. Zack takes on It one on one and pulls out his power axe to try and even things out. But even his hardest swing leaves barely a scratch on It's chest.)

Zack: Man, this dude just damaged my weapon.

It: It built like tank!

(With one swat, Zack goes flying into the air and smashes against the side of an apartment complex. He falls flat on his face on the first floor fire escape where It follows him. Zack tries to recover with a punch and a bicycle kick, but it barely pushes him back. Zack ducks just in time before It can connect with a punch that would have left him without a head; instead it leaves a large home in the wall.)

Kimberly: Zack hold on, I'm coming!

(Kim tries to run toward him for the rescue, but then stops and decides to delay It first with a shot from her power bow. Before she can even settle her feet down, she's interrupted by a swarm of putties who take her power bow away and break it in half.)

Kimberly: My bow!!

(The putty patroller who snapped her weapon in two tosses it on the floor to add insult to injury. In a rage, Kim runs after it for payback. Unfortunately, there are just too many around her and her very first kick is caught by at least three enemies before she's flipped backwards and hits her head on a light

Jason on the other hand has things under control while fighting The Flamer. He blocks a right hand from the monster and responds with a right of his own to the gut, then the face. The Flamer spins around and extends his hand outward to shoot flame into his eye, but Jason ducks that too and responds with a roundhouse kick to the face that knocks him over. A putty patroller trails behind the Flamer with its eyes locked on Jason, who leaps into the air and, spins and nails him on the Z target. He turns around and spots Trini locked in a stare down with Kraken.)

Jason: Trini hang in there. I'm coming to help.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Robbie Chronicles Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now