My Dog Bite

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Hi I'm Chrissy.

This is my story about how my face got reconstructed by a dog.

It all started Christmas Eve,

"Mom I'm gonna ride my bike around the block ok?"

"Don't be to long the party starts in an hour!"

"Ok, I'll be back in twenty!"

And with that I flew outside. Christmas Eve is the best time to be outside. All my neighbors light their fireplaces (even though we live in Florida and it's only snowed like once ever in history) and they just smell too good to resist. I was dressed in my new sweater and some jeans because 55 degrees is cold here. I grabbed my helmet and hopped on my bike and started to ride feeling the breeze in my red hair. I slowed down so I could take in the smell of the smoke as is rose from the chimneys in big puffs. As I rode down the street I waved to a couple of neighbors here and there either getting the mail or just being outside to take in the cool brisk air. As I kept going I slowed to a stop as I met my neighbor Norman who was trimming the trees in his front yard.

"Hi Norman!"

"Hey, how are you?"


"Hey have you met my dog, Brock?" he asked as he motioned towards his wife who was sitting on a bench in front of their house holding their dog on a leash.

"No I actually haven't."

As I started walking towards the dog I unclipped my helmet and tossed it on the grass.

"Hi Brock!"

Then as I started to bend down and pet the dog, it jumped up and bit the face.

At first I was too stunned to do anything. It felt like the world froze around me as I returned to a standing position rather than almost falling. I was quickly awoken when Norman ran over and looked at where the dog bit me.

"Son of a bitch!!!" he cried as he glanced at my face

His words startled me as I began to reach towards my lips which were bleeding a little. Then I felt something running down my face and I knew it wasn't tears because I wasn't crying. Then I pulled out my phone put it on camera and flipped the camera so it was facing me. Then I saw it. I had a deep gash less than a centimeter from my eye. It continued down but got smaller and less severe as it went past my nose and ended a bit above my lips. Blood was everywhere. All down my new sweater on my fingers from where I touched the wound.

I looked at Sheila his wife who was to stunned to say anything but pull the dog back so nothing else would happen.

"Ok Chrissy, I'm gonna take you inside so we can clean you up ok?" Norman said as he motioned toward his house

"Mmm." was all I could manage as I started toward the house.

My Dog BiteWhere stories live. Discover now