The Eliatrope Sickness

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"It starts with long periods of sleep, then even when asleep vomiting, next there is migraines, after that loss of the ability to walk, and finally death..." Quilby said as he told the members of the brotherhood of the tofu except Yuki and Adami what the symptoms of the Eliatrope Sickness were. "There is a cure, but it's very rare on any world, very few worlds actually have the main ingredient growing there, we're in luck though, the world of twelve has it growing..."

"WHERE???" Amalia screamed

"Please calm down, it's a plant called, fire kelp, it's supposed to help get rid of the bacteria that caused the sickness... There's just on thing I'm worried about..."


"The sickness has to be given to an Eliatrope to effect them, through food or water, if it's not it won't harm them."

"Then who do you think had access to it?"

"Nox, possibly, he hates her, it is a possibility that he found the bacteria, but Yuki says that she didn't eat or drink anything when Nox kidnapped her. All he did was chain her to a chair that was sitting on top of some fire."

"That explains the burn marks on her wrists and ankles."

"I need you to find these things for the cure; Fire Kelp, Bamboo milk, salt water, and cawwots from Wabbit Island."

"Okay we'll get them as fast as possible."

"AHHHH!!" They heard a scream from Yuki's room

"I'll be right back she keeps having nightmares." Quilby walked out of the room and down the hall to Yuki's room. He found Yuki curled up in a ball, crying. "Yuki what's wrong? Did you have another nightmare?"

"Y-Yeah, it was awful, I was in a field, and I saw people, Eliatropes, laying there dead in craters, I looked up and saw this huge robot thing, then it shot a laser at me that woke me up, and when I woke up I couldn't feel my legs!"

Quilby's eyes widened "Chibi!" He yelled

The younger Eliatrope came running into the room and said "What?"

"Could you tell Eva to make sure they get those ingredients quicker then as fast as they can, Yuki skipped a stage of the sickness."

Chibi nodded and rushed to tell the brotherhood of the tofu. Quilby felt a small hand on his shoulder. "What'd you mean by sickness, Quilby?"



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