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When Lionel asked me to meet her at a bar, facing the LA beach, I was confused at first. If she wanted a meeting, on my first day back to work since the incident, I would have been completely sure she would want to do it in her office... now, I am not so sure. Specially, since we should be preparing for the friendly match later today. But I didn't asked, her gloomy expression and pursed, angry lips made the warning bells in my head go off.

"Hi, Lionel" I greeted her, cautiously.

She was like a lion sometimes. Graceful and enchanting, to seduce you to her, until it was the right moment... and she attacked! At moments like this, you never know what will she do. She's like a time bomb... a very angry time bomb, dressed in prada red.

"First, it's good to have you back Jude. I missed you. I hope you are better" she began, her motherly smile made me put my guard down... at least, a little bit.

"I am, it's good to be back" I replied.

"Good. Second, congratulations! The paperwork is ready, all my shares are now yours. The Devils are practically yours now!" I couldn't conceal the beaming smile, that appeared on my face "Third, your first job, as the head of The Devils, is to find a new place to have the friendly match today"

I looked at her, shock clear on my face. I kept on waiting for her to say unexpectedly, 'SURPRISE! You've been tricked!'. But in never came. Saying that I was furious at how childishly Lionel behaved, saying those horribles things to Solane, which caused Amin to kick us out of the podium- and didn't help a lot in our delicate situation in our battle against Jelena and Terrence.

Also, I had to find a place and prepare it for a match in less than ten hours! Luckily, I've lived in LA for most of my life and instead of making enemies like my father, I made friends- who I can call and ask for favors, without expecting to give something in return. So, I called an old friend from college who was in charge of building community basketball courts all around the city, for public used. He was able to reserve one of those for us, to play in. It wouldn't only be a refreshing scene for the viewers, it will also be seen as charity. Because we'll help and give credit to the LA Children Association, those basketball courts were for kids that don't have the means to be part of a club and play in it.

As a bonus, I invited Amin to the match. To start on a clean sheet, and present myself as the new head of The Devils. Also, I needed to see if he gives away something, cause this has Jelena written all over it.

"Not bad, for being your first day on the job" commented Kyle. I turned around to see her walking towards me, with a smirk on her face "You saved the day by finding a place fro the match, and preparing it on time- while contacting the press for the change of location. A charity gesture, by the whole nation aware of the LA Children Association. And you made every girl happy, by gifting us with the sight of these yummy men shirtless. I like you as our boss, more and more every passing day"

"So, do I" a voice startled us, from behind. When we turned around, we saw Amin watching us with a pleased smile "You surprised both of your parents. Not as impulsive and without experience in the field, like your step-mother. And not manipulative and always with a secret agenda, as your father. The Devils will surely flourish under your watch. But you should remember not to trust easily and always have a trick under your sleeve, otherwise you'll be eaten by the sharks out there"

"Thank you for your advice, Amin" I thanked him "I am glad you accepted my invitation, and I'm sorry if your business was compromised by Lionel's impulsive statement. You see, her ex-husband cheated on her with Solane and the stress of the discovery made her lose her baby... you can say there is a bit of bad blood"

Game on [Hit the floor] {The wake up call: Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now