Little new face

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No ones P.O.V

A week now went by. Ink hardly leaves the room. He's always working on the same drawing. Erasing and perfecting it. Each line counted. Error was growing worried and he decided to check on him. He knocked on the door. "Ink?" He was met with silence. After a while he could hear some mumbling. But the voice...wasn't familiar..

Error opened the door and his eyes widened. Ink was crouched down next to a small skeleton that... almost looked like me, and Ink. Inks head went up in surprise. "Oh error I didn't hear your knock." Error just stared at the small Skelton. It seemed shy and looked over at Ink. Ink nodded and the small skeletons eyes lit up.

"Ink..what...? Who..? he our.." Ink just slowly nodded. "I'm sorry I kept him from you. I wanted it to be a surprise..!" Ink always kept in mind that day that Error said he'd like to have a kid they could raise. And Ink thought this would be a great way. "His name is Paperjam" Error thought where have I heard that name before? Ah oh well

Paperjam shuffled up to Error. The sky small Skeleton that was Errors son, looked up at him. "Are...are you my dad?" Error felt tears come to his eyes and he immediately swooped down and hugged Him. PaperJam squeaked in surprise but hugged his father back. Ink smiled at the scene, happy Error wasn't angry.

Ink went over and embraced them both. PJ looked at his two new parents and smiled. The young skeleton didn't know anything about Ink and Error or what they went through before they truly because happy. But he will learn, and they all will gain each other's trust. Because they aren't strangers to eachother. They're family.

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