Chapter 8

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One Week Later 

I had learned about most of the supernatural things that Sam and Dean hunt. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, even demons. 

They were going to teach me how to defend myself against angles next. Sure, I knew about angels, but I didn't know how to fight them. Unfortunately, a case popped up and they needed to go. Cas also had business to attend to in heaven so I was all alone. 

They left yesterday, so I woke up to an empty bunker this morning. 

After rolling around in bed for a good half an hour, I finally got up. I hopped into the shower, blasting music that Dean would disapprove of. I sang along loudly and danced as I washed the grime off of my body. 

Once I was done, I got dressed and headed to the kitchen, still blasting music of course. I made some chocolate chip pancakes while I continued to dance and sing. 

I laughed and felt free, dancing around the bunker with no one to make fun of me. I haven't felt like this in so long. It felt like there was always someone around. Whether it be Sam and Dean, or stalker-like Castiel. It was creepy sometimes how close he stood or how long he was around me. But, in all honesty, I didn't mind. I liked the angel, maybe more than just friends. I didn't get much alone time, so I actually really liked these days. 

I was never scared when everyone was gone. The bunker had wardings and sigils for every creature possible. There were devil traps painted underneath every carpet and some were painted on the ceiling. Weapons were stashed in every place possible for every creature and I had the exorcism memorized. There was nothing getting in the bunker and if something did, I was ready. 

I didn't have to be worried about Sam, Dean, or Castiel either. I knew Sam and Dean could handle themselves. It was a simple hunt and the brothers wouldn't let anything hurt the other. Castiel was an angel, I doubted that anything could harm him. 

Once all of the pancakes were finally ready, I sat down with a glass of chocolate milk and ate. The pancakes were nice and fluffy, just the right temperature and all of the chocolate was perfectly melted. The chocolate milk was nice and cold and went perfectly with the pancakes. 

After I had finished the delicious meal, I put the rest in the fridge for later. Hopefully, I could finish the rest before Sam and Dean got home. The second they got home and Dean opened the fridge and saw them he would eat them. I couldn't let that happen. 

After washing the dishes, I looked through the cabinets to check what we had. We were running quite low on a lot of stuff. 

Well, time to go shopping. 

I headed back to my room and grabbed my wallet. It had my driver's license in it, as well as a few fake credit cards that Sam had given me. I thought that I would freak out knowing that they used fake credit cards and impersonated FBI agents, but it actually didn't bother me at all. 

I quickly checked all of the doors to make sure they were all sealed tightly before heading to the garage. I hopped in my car and started it up. 

Cas had zapped my car into the garage and Dean fixed it for me. I know nothing about cars so I still don't know what was wrong with it, but as long as it worked I didn't care. 

In a few minutes, I was pulling into the parking lot at the grocery store I got our supplies at. I parked at the spot closest to the door. It was quite early and there were only a few other cars in the parking lot. 

I went in and did my shopping, not forgetting to grab a pie for Dean. It would still be good by the time they got home. I pushed the cart outside and to my car, putting the groceries in before pushing the cart over to the corral to put it away. 

When I turned around to head back to my car, there was a man standing behind me. He had short brown hair with brown eyes and was wearing a suit. 

I jumped and quickly raised my hand to hover over my heart. I took a deep breath before letting out a nervous laugh. 

"Sorry, you scared me," I told him. 

He didn't say anything and that's when I realized how straight he was standing. No human or creature stands with a posture like that. 

My suspicions were correct when a silver blade slid out of his sleeve and into his hand. He's an angel. 

"We've been looking all over for you, Hope." 

I could feel the fear running through my veins, but I didn't let it show. 

I had no idea what to do. All I had was a gun, I hadn't gotten an angel blade yet. There was no way that Sam and Dean could help. 

I sent a quick prayer to Cas, hoping that he would get here fast enough. 

Out of instinct, my eyes closed as I sent him the prayer and the angel took the chance. When I opened my eyes he was standing right in front of me and quickly placed two fingers on my head. 

Everything turned dark. 

To Be Continued...

A/N- Thanks for reading!!!! I hope you liked it! And if you did, maybe you could check out some of my other stories? Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!

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