Girl, Interupted

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May’s POV

                The back of the squad car was tight. The walls seemed to close in as three of us tried to squeeze in. I ended up on Justin’s lap, which couldn’t have been agreeable with his legs, considering how tight his jeans were.

                The blue and white car was trailed by its twin as we rolled into town.  Bug was pissed, to say the least. He continuously pulled on his hand cuffs, attempting to cover his manhood all the same. And failing. The car went over many speed bumps, slowing us down as people came out to stare. We knew no one in town, considering we lived so far away. We were practically aliens, and aliens who had killed an officer on duty. Aliens they were likely to hate.

We pulled into Gaskin County Police station, where several officers stood ready to assist. This probably had to do with the nudity and borderline molestation coupled with domestic violence.

“Sorry for the extra attention, we don’t get many ‘Fifty-one-Fifty’s’  ‘round here.” ‘Fifty one fifty’?

“Officer, what exactly is a Fifty-One-Fifty?” Bug spoke up, ceasing battle with the cuffs. The police man smirked before picking up his radio.

“I shouldn’t say. Your people are very sensitive.” His eyes found each of ours in the rear view mirror before speaking into the small black box. “Hey, Mary! Look, girl interrupted and her buddies are chilling in my cruiser.  That house? Just as big as you said, I had to dig for the body. We’re bringing them in, open the cells!” Mary responded in slurs, and the line went dead.

Officers surrounded the cars, yanking the doors open and grabbing one of us. The police station was a little small compared to others, but among the biggest buildings in town. Bug was wrapped in a towel, as I was, when he first exited the car. Any available civilian clung to the action, watching as we were hauled into the station.

We were separated, and led down separate halls. The young officer leading me seemed frightened by me, only lightly touching my wrist to lead me down the hall. He had blonde hair, and pouty lips with blue eyes. Standing at least at 6 ft, he was a little handsome.

I soon found myself in a white room, complete with a two way mirror and steel desk. While he handcuffed me to the table, his hands shook.

“Excuse me!” I called to him. His head turned so fast, he had to have gotten whiplashed. “What;s happening?, Like I know I'm bing arrested, by why is everyone staring. Why are you so scared of me? You’ve got at least 50 pounds on me and you’re an entire foot taller than me. Is it the red hair?” I grinned a little, remembering all the kids who wouldn’t play with me on the play groud, claiming I was a witch.

Pouty lips trembled a bit, as if he was going to cry. Breathing in deeply, he composed himself.

“Y’all killed Jeff. They said they think y’all killed some other people too, up in the city and in the town over. And we haven’t had a ‘Fifty-One-Fifty’ in 40 years. “ He coughed. “Y’all are psychopaths  and everyone knows it, we’re just waiting for ya’ll to strike.” Stunned, I remembered the man with jello- knees in that warehouse. We were sloppy.

“What’s ‘Fifty-One-Fifty’?” I asked.

“Police jargon for possible mental illness. Though,” He chuckled as if I’d said a joke, ”I think it’s definite in you guy’s case.” Not as frighten as before, he pulled his pouting lips into a small smile.”Bye, Girl, Interrupted.”


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2014 ⏰

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