The Explanation

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     The man was a fairly old man that looked to be in his mid 50's. He had white hair and wore all black with a black fedora with a purple seam on the edge. He spoke in a deep, stern voice that seemed to strict and serious for the student's ages. "Hello Sector students. I am going to be straight forward and say that this institution is not for everyone. Even if you did pass the Novice Portion of he test, it is not assured that you are going to enter. I am aware that you many of you have no idea of what I am possible speaking of and i am not going to further say any specifics on what any of the things i have been saying today. The only information you will need to learn today is the test that you have and will be taking." Many students started to murmur.

     " What does he mean by 'the test we will be taking'."

     "I thought we finished with the test taking."

     "God. What the hell is going on!"

     "How can we believe him without information."

     "I dont expect any of you to understand what I may be talking about and if you dont believe or trust in me, then you may leave now. There is an extra transfer bus waiting outside for the students who are not able to trust in me. If you cannot do that, then that is an immediate sign that you are not capapble of going through the test. Now go!" Many students stood up and headed towards the tunnel. Many of the sectors became empty because they didnt trust them. Sydney had decided to stay, she was determined and convinced that nothing could possibly happen. She came this far, why would she stop. Whats the worst that can happen.

     " Now that all of the uneligable has left this area, we will know begin the next test. We cannot give you any information on the test or even the name, because if we do there will be a chance that it will be leaked. The test is now being handed out. There is a possiblitity that there will be no one who will pass because you have to pass atleast 98% or else you or not eligable to be in this institution.

     Do not try to to cheat or even ask for help because you all have separate and unique testing sheets. It will not benefit you in any way. Now, you may start." All of the students hurried to start, determined to be the first to finish and show their abilities to the man. Sydney tried to stay calm and paused for a moment before she had started. It was a technique she had believed in ever since she passed the first test.


     It has been, estimated, an hour since the test had began and some students have already finished. Sydney looked up from her paper after finishing and had realized that she was the last to finish. Still feeling a slight sense of discouragement, she got up and confidently walked to the podium to turn in her paper. As she passed one of the men who seemed to be guarding something, she heard a whispered voice saying, "good job." Sydney wasn't sure if it was sarcasm or actual encouragement, but either way it didnt bother her.

     The same man in all black started to speak through the microphone. He started off with a raspy cough that sounded like it was extremely painful," Ahem! The tests will now take a few moments to be processed into the system. It will only take two so calm down and be quiet 'till that moment is over."

     Three minutes had gone by without any sound coming from any of the sectors. It wasnt clear is it was out of fear from the man or out of dedication to not seem unreliable. After about five minutes a girl from Sector 23 raised her hand and even before she was called on she began ro speak in a snobby tone, "Hey, um, we were supposed to get ther results in 'three minutes' but it has been longer than three minutes now." She looked at all the men and women who were guarding something and no one responded. She had a surprised look on her face. Then, slumpted in her chair with her arms crossed, mummbling to herself.

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