First Day

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     "Hey! Sydeny! Yo, wake up!" Sydney was having such a great sleep. She didn't want to stop sleeping. "Hey stop! You gotta wake up!" Fine, I'll get up!

     Sydney started to slowly open her eyes, but they were so heavy. At first everything was blurry, with the only thing she could make out was the silhouette with red fiery hair. "What's up," said a tired and weary Sydney.

     "What do you mean by that! You slept through the wake up call. You still got a lot of time though. But me and Krystal thought that we could walk to the school together so we are gonna be waiting for you."

     "Okay, but what about Lillianna?"

     Annette looked at her with a face of annoyance and disgust, "Her? She left hella early without saying a word."

     "Oh." Sydney got up with a stretch and a grunt, "Well, gotta get ready."

     Sydney started to head towards her closet with a swaying motion, trying to get adjusted to walking. Annette stayed, she laid on the edge of her bed, "So uh, Sydney, do you know anyone from your sector who passed?"

     "Yah. My friend Victoria got in."

     "Oh cool! Should we try going with her to the main building?"

     Sydney thought about it, "Damn it! I didn't ask about what floor she was on. I guess I'll find her when we get there." She was looking through her closet and got out a flannel button up shirt, a black tank top, some black jeans, and some combat boots. 

     Annette got up and looked at what she was gonna wear, "Nice boots!"

     "Thanks." Sydney started finish getting ready. "Okay, I'm done."

     Annette looked at her up and down and once she looked at the top she went out with a huge, "Wow, wait! Brush your hair at least."

     "What'd you mean?" Annette pointed behind her to a mirror on the wall, "Oh, it doesn't look that bad. Besides, I don't care."

     "No, I'm not letting you leave this room like that." She pushed Sydney to the bath room on the other side of the hallway and grabbed a brush and brushed her hair thoroughly, making Sydney roll her eyes as she was. "Okay. You are now dismissed."


     Sydney, Krystal, and Annette arrived at the front door of the main building. All three were mesmerized as if it was their first time see the institution. They entered the grand double doors of the place. Inside, there were two stair cases on the left and right. Straight ahead, there was a door that was at the end of a small staircase. It seemed dark and oddly enough attracted Sydney, Krysta, and Annette. Simultaneously, all three of the girls started to walk slowly to the stairs with Krystal hiding behind Annette. They got to the final step, about to open the door, when they were interrupted.

     "Hey!" The girls turned around rapidly, frightened, seeing Victoria at the top of the staircase "You guys shouldn't be going down there." She looked at Sydney, "The floor leader was supposed to tell you guys where the restricted places were."

     Annette rolled her eyes with a groan, "Lillianna was supposed to tell us that. She conveniently left that part out last night."

     "Well, anyways we should start heading to our first class."

     Sydney looked up with a shocked face, "That's right! I have to go to this room before classes start!" She took out the paper from her messenger bag.

     Victoria took the paper and looked at the room number, "Oh! I know where that is. I just passed it on my way here. I'll take you there."

     "Okay let's go then." She started to walk up the staircase waving to Krystal and Annette, "See ya guys later."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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