Chapter 15:No understanding

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Mr .Johnson~Nope I know 100% that my ears aren't deceiving me. Did you say Rayan Handled it?.

London~(Say nothing)

Mr. Johnson~ London? Did you say Rayan?.

London~ FINE, Yes I said Rayan. Is that such a crime that he was there by my side when I almost died?.

Mr. Johnson ~ For all we know he probably was the cause of you almost dying. What was he doing near you in the first place? I thought I told you that you two were never to go near each other again?.

London~ (Chuckle out of anger) You don't even know what you are talking about. He wasn't the reason I was in the hospital.

Mr. Johnson~ I highly doubt that.

London~ And you told me that 4 years ago...I'm grown now, I don't live with you anymore so I can decide who i want to see and who not to see. Why are you so overprotective of me when it comes to being around Rayan in the first place?.

Mr. Johnson~ Because That boy is dangerous, You don't need that negativity In your life and I damn sure don't need no scumbagg nigga beating on my daughter.

London~ (Gasp and laughs) Is that why you don't like him? You think he's a women beater?.

Mr. Johnson~ I have no doubt in my mind that he is.

London~ Wow, You're making the right allegations but putting it on the wrong person.

Mr. Johnson~ And what do you mean by that?.

London~ Rayan isn't a women beater, He never has been and never will be. You're so focused on Rayan that you don't even know the real Jamaal.

Mr. Johnson~ The real Jamaal? Nothing's wrong with Jamaal. I'm focused on Rayan because he have no business near you and you don't need to be focused on Rayan. What you need to be focused on is Jamaal, You two are a perfect couple.

London~ Don't speak about perfect couples cause Jamaal and I aren't that. Infect we aren't a couple anymore at all actually.

Mr. Johnson~ Why not? Is it all because of Rayan? I knew we shouldn't have let you move all the way back there knowing that little trouble maker is still living there.

London~ No, Jamaal is the troublemaker. You were so focused on getting me away from Rayan that you probably just hooked me up with anybody. Did you even check his jail background records or any of that stuff at all? Just because he's your bestfriend's son doesn't mean that he's a saint.

Mr. Jonson~ What do you mean? He's more of a saint than Rayan Lopez will ever be!!!.


Mr. Johnson~ What?

London~ Yup, That's right. Your little angel made deals with the devil. He have put his hands on me, For a couple months now actually. He was the one who put me in the hospital. He got me pregnant and put me in the hospital causing me to lose the baby all because he's not ready to be a father. Rayan was there the whole step of the way with me. He's the reason why I know that what me and Jamaal had wasn't love, Rayan shows me love. He shows me how love is suppose to be, The right way. He is the reason why I'm not homeless and still getting beat on. So stop talking down on him when you don't even know him. He's nothing like what you're trying to make him out to be.

Mr.Johnson~London, I am so sorry. I didn't know that was going on.

London~ Of course you didn't because like always you're focused on yourself and nobody else. If It don't concern you it's none of your business right? You were focused on your happiness by forcing me to be with Jamaal that you didn't consider my happiness and choice if I wanted to be with him or not.

Mr.Johnson~ Wait one minute Lil girl. I'm still your father and you're gonna talk to me like you got some sense. Dont try to put this whole thing on me, You wanted to be with Jamaal just as much as I wanted you to be.

London~That's a whole bunch of bullshit and you know it. I've told you a million times in the beginning that i still loved Rayan and don't want to be with anybody else but you kept pushing my feelings to the side and kept tryna brainwash me into dating Jamaal. Every time I brung up my feelings you kept saying "Rayan probably has moved on already. He wasn't in love with you like you think he was but you and Jamaal will make a better couple than you and Rayan did,trust me. Jamaal really likes you just try it and you'll see". You threatened me a million times that if I screw things up with Jamaal because of my feelings for Rayan that you were gonna kick me out and I was to never move back in. I didn't want that to happen,I was 15 years old where was I to go? We have no family members out there and I honestly believe that if I screwed up with Jamaal a long time ago you would've left me for dead. I swear you would've.

Mr.Johnson~ Look, Calm down. You're just a little emotional right now. You know I never said any of those things and I wouldn't have kicked you out.

London~Don't tell me to calm down, I'm far from emotional. So you're basically calling me a liar to me face?.

Mr.Johnson~Nobodies calling you anything.I'm just saying that you're too emotional from losing the baby that you don't know what you're saying. I just don't understand where all of this is coming from.

London~Well understand this, I hate you and I wish you weren't my father.I hope you burn in hell right along with Jamaal.Both of y'all ain't shit.(Hang up)

Rayan~(Standing by the door listening)

London~(Starts crying)

Rayan~You ok?.

London~(Jumps and wipe tears)Ugh yeah.I just got into a little argument with my dad nothing serious.

Rayan~(Sit next to her)Aye, Thanks for sticking up for me the way you did but most of all for sticking up for yourself.

London~You heard everything?,

Rayan~Yeah,It kinda was hard not to. We could hear you screaming from all the way downstairs.(chuckle)

London ~(Giggle) Awwe man I done embarrassed myself,And I'm losing my voice.

Rayan~You sound sexy like that. (Chuckle)

London~Boy please.(Playfully push him)

Rayan ~Long as you got me you don't need nobody else. (smile)

London~I know that for a fact.(smile)

Rayan ~(lean in and kiss London)

London ~(Kiss back)

Rayan~(Break kiss)I love you,Ok?And don't you ever forget that.

London~(smile)I won't.

Rayan~ I'm tryna make you forget everything that just happened and make you have a good rest of the day,So you tryna go to the mall and spend it up?.

London ~Yeah I could use that.

Rayan ~Ard, Go ahead and get ready I'll be waiting downstairs.

London ~Ok.

Rayan~Ard. (Go downstairs)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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