Finding the Doctor

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I waited where his 'Police Box' faded away. I waited there for about three days, then I started to get hungry and thirsty. I got up and walked down the street as quickly as I could to the Starbucks. Once I got there, I got the biggest bottle of water they had (I got three) and a lot of food. I paid the cashier and left. I hurried back to the place. I had a backpack with my water bottles, a blanket, a pillow, and a flashlight. I sat down and started to eat my bagel. About an hour later. I heard that amazing sound I smiled brightly, but I acted cool and calm.

  The Doctor sprung out of the blue box breathlessly. I smiled to myself.

"Oh my god! Doctor it's you!" I said trying to act surprised.

"Are you okay Doctor?" I asked him, being very concerned.

"Des-hhh-iree you-hhh-...."

"Doctor hold on!" I cut him off.

"Drink some water" I advised him.

I pulled out my water and handed it to him. He opened it and chugged half of it.

"Damn, you're a thirsty bitch," I joked with him,

he laughed.

"Thanks" He said

"No problem"

"Desiree you need to show me that watch," The Doctor said sternly.

I pulled the watch out of my back jean pocket.

"What, you mean this old thing?" I laughed

"Flip it over," The Doctor commanded, with tears forming in his eyes.

I realised it was upside down.

"Oops," I corrected my mistake and flipped it over.

     The Doctor began sobbing his eyes out.

"Desiree, please open that watch," He begged

"I can't my mom told me, well, wrote me a note saying to never open it unless my life is at risk and there is absolutely nothing in anyway to save me. But I think there is always a way out, and it's impossible for something to be that dangerous"

The Doctor looked at me with that reassuring smile.

"Nothing is impossible," he said in a lower warmer voice.

He put both of his hands over mine and opened them.

"We can do this together," He told me.

I nodded my head in agreement.

We opened the watch, and a sandy golden ray came out of it. It went in my eyes and into my brain. All I remember seeing before I blacked out is myself in a war....A Time War.

The Watch (A Doctor Who fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now