Torchwood (part 1)

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"Dezi, do you really want to go to Torchwood," The Doctor whined

"Oh stop it Doctor," I told him.

"Ughhhhh" he groaned

He pressed buttons and pulled levers, and we landed. I opened the door to see a handsome man.

"Helllllo there, I am Captain Jack Harkness, and I am certainly at your service", He flirted, he then grabbed my hand and was about to kiss it when the Doctor said,

"Stop it!"

Jack immediately jolted up and saluted the Doctor.

"Don't salute me" The Doctor protested.

"I'll have a salute," Donna announced

I laughed at her fierceness

Jack turned towards her and he saluted her.

"So Doctor how you been?" Jack asked

The Doctor just replied with a shrug.

"C'mon Dezi, you saw Torchwood, let's go"

"Hold up, we only just got here!" I protested

"Great observations, now we're going, might wanna write that down" He replied sarcastically.

I just rolled my eyes.


With that we got into the TARDIS and left.

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