Remembering The Past

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I woke up in the weirdest place. It had this sort of console in the middle, with buttons, levers, keyboards, spinning things, monitors, and a big tube down the center of it all.

"Where am I?" I asked confused.

"You're in the police box, the politically correct term is ' T.A.R.D.I.S. ' that's....."

"T.A.R.D.I.S., T-A-R-D-I-S, Time And Relative Dimensions In Space" I cut him off before he could finish.

"Good Desiree, you're remembering,"He said to me.

"Of course I am, but only in little fragments," I informed him.

   My face went blank and flushed

"What of Gallifrey, (the Doctor's and Desiree's home planet they are time lords) Doctor?" I asked him scared of the answer.

His face when from happy to a serious vindictive (a strong desire for revenge) face.

"It's gone, it burned,"

Tears started to form in my eyes

"And the Time Lords?" I asked extremely scared of what the answer would be.

"They burned with Gallifrey," He said with his voice breaking more every word.

After an hour I realised he was my doctor, just with a different face.

   Back on Gallifrey the Doctor and I were best friends, but I loved him. He knew and he loved me just as much, we just couldn't be together because of the Time War.

"Is there a thing with you and Donna?" I asked him worried

"No way! Why does everyone think we're a couple everywhere we go, oh that's an odd couple..."

"Doctor! Calm down it was just a question, jeez,"

"Sorry" He said with those big Brown puppy eyes.

"Oi don't start with the puppy eyes!" I scolded him

    The T.A.R.D.I.S landed on a tall flat skyscraper.

"Donna, could you stay in here, I want to talk to Desiree alone?"

"M'kay, have fun you two,"

The Doctor ignored that and we walked outside.

We sat at the edge and held hands.

The Doctor turned his face away from me and I scooted closer.

"You know Desiree.. I've been thinking, we should catch up or something," He said unsure of what he was saying

He turned to face back towards me, and I kissed him.

He was surprised that I did that at first but then he cupped my face and continued kissing me, very passionately. I felt firework and butterflies in my stomach. But then it stopped.

"God damnit, I hate oxygen," I complained

We got up and went back in the T.A.R.D.I.S.

"So where do you want to go?"

*Doctor Who outro plays*

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