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X awoke to Catarina snoring lightly beside him in the enclosed bed. It was very dim in the room. He supposed it must be getting about dinner time. As if on cue his stomach rumbled. He hadn't eaten since the pancake & fruit Catarina had made them this morning. He gently climbs out of bed on his side then walks around to Cat and picks her up she smiles up at him as she sleepily slips her arms around his neck. He smiled when she did this what an angel she is surely I am the Devils son and she's been sent to reform me because that is exactly what she is doing. Everyday with her silence she says a million loving and kind words to my heart with just a look or a touch. I have missed so much these last 36 years. I'm 36!This is the first time I am feeling anything but hatred or anger. Love is a powerful emotion. I know she loves me. I just wish she'd speak more. But on the other hand if she never spoke again it'd be fine with me as long as I have her with me everyday of the rest of my life. Maybe I can't give up the lifestyle, but I can be a good husband. I think I can feel love. Maybe one day I can give her the child I know she wants. Whenever a baby ad comes on tv her eyes light up. If that's what it takes to make her happy then I'd be happy to oblige her. He orders dinner from a local restaurant. Tuna, steamed veggies and roasted garlic and herb potatoes and for dessert chocolate lava cake with powdered sugar on top. One of his guards brought in their food. X plated the food then lit the two 12 inch round candles with three wicks placed in the middle of the table. The smell of garlic draws her out of the bedroom to the kitchen. She sits at the small  table across from X, always the gentlemen he helps her push in her chair. He kisses the top of her head then rubs her back lightly before taking his seat across from her. " After dinner do you want to watch some tv with me before we leave for our flight at midnight?" She shakes her head yes then smiles he smiles back. They continue their dinner in silence. After they clean up from dinner they watch Dexter together. Before they know it 4 hours have flown by X's cellphone is ringing. It's the pilot letting him know the Jets ready for take off when he is. The guards load their suitcases into the black suv. Then say their goodbyes wishing X & Catarina a safe flight. They board the private jet they settle into the big comfy seats. There are only 2 in this private area that X has led her to. He checks her seat belt before settling himself in the adjoining chair. They are in a private area of the jet that has a mini kitchen and a large flat screen TV with headphones at both seats. The seats are a cream color the floor has a plush white carpet with extra padding it's so soft it's like walking on a matress. They sit down holding hands as they take off. There's a little turbulence but it's over rather quickly. She realized she'd been holding her breath. She released it with a whoosh. As X reclines back in his seat she looks over at him their eyes lock. He reaches over and takes her hand and pulls her over into his arms. She's sitting happily in his lap she leans her head on his chest as he pulls a blanket up around them. They are wearing jogging outfits. More comfy for the long flight. X handed Catarina the remote control. She chose shawshank redemption for X to watch. She grabbed her ipod out of her carryon bag she put her earbuds in and settled back in her chair as she turned on her soothing sounds app set to beach sounds.

15 minutes later:

X chuckles to himself when he hears Catarina snoring lightly. How does she do that?He thought to himself. He watched the movie then when the end credits rolled he took his own nap. He woke a few hours later with the pilot saying something about landing in 15 minutes. Holy shit!He slept 6 hours! He stood above Catarina and shook her awake. Then kissed her European style on both cheeks she giggled as he pressed his lips to hers. "Babe, It's our Honeymoon! Wake up! We're landing in ten minutes." She sits up stretches her slightly lathargic body and lets out a moan. They hold hands as they land again, this time in Rome, Italy it's breakfast time. They step from the plane excited and ready to start their day! He gets a huge smile on his face when he sees his candyapple red mini cooper waiting by the runway. The sun is shining brightly and theyre in a good mood and their in Rome! What a great day! He grabbed their carryon bags and throws one over each shoulder he hands Cat a fluffy Kimono wrap to put around her shoulders as the air is a bit chilly. It is fall afterall, the air is a bitcool, perfect for sititing outside or taking a walk. They walk hand in hand to the little car he spent 5 years redoing himself from scavanged parts he found at the junkyard or ordered online. It looked brand new, even though its a 1963 Porsche 356B Karmann Coupe. X and Jionni had worked on this car together on their time off from guard duty. He threw their bags in the trunk. As X slid behind the wheel of the beautiful antique car he felt invinsible as he revved the engine. He qued up the gps on his phone and typed in Rome, Italy best breakfast. The screen lit up quickly pointing them in the right direction for the bakery. He remembered that in Italy they drive on the opposite side of the road as in the Unted States. He quickly adjusted his mirrors to the proper height because he had let Jionni drive his car a few times while they where staying in France. Allthough, it seems like years ago now, in reality it was just a few months ago. He felt happy to have his beloved car and his girl by his side...  They drove just a few miles then the many trees and dirt roads where replaced with beautiful 17 and 18th century architecture the dirt road where replaced wth cobbled little streets. X felt at peace in Italy.... He spoke the language fluently something he had worked at since he was a teenager living with Evan and his amazingly normal family. X at the time was being called Michael-his legal birthname. He actually liked his name although he hadn't heard anyone call him it very much in the last 23 years. But, hey it's the sacrifice he made to be a member of the Brotherhood. Now he was thinking maybe he could start going by Mike or Michael while he was with Catarina atleast on their honeymoon while they traveled. She never says much but maybe she woukd call me by my name instead of X. He made a right turn onto the tiny side street where the bakery was supposed to be located. It was a tiny shop filled with freshly baked breads, cookies, croissants, bagels , along with many other delicate treats he knew Catarina would love. They went in hand in hand smiling from ear to ear looking like care free young lovers. X ordered a large variety of different treats for them to try. He paid the astronomically low bill then they headed to the car to wait for their pastries to be boxed then delivered carside. X flipped on some classical music as he tapped the steeringwheel happily humming to the concerto that he loved to listen to while driving. He saw the young girl standing beide his car window. He stepped from the vehicle and took the four heavy pastry boxes from her they where teal with thick neon pink ribbons Catarina will love the packaging he told himself. It seemed she was drawn to anything pink. He was right she stopped looking out the window at the beautiful old building and smiled even bigger at the beautiful boxes he slipped onto the backseat nestled between their bags from the plane. He drove down the narrow cobblestone street slowly as he noticed women hanging laundry out to dry between the two buildings. It seemed to be such a simple existance here life seems slower paced. People here sit and chat over their meals taking hours to eat, digest their food and catch up with old friends or new. They take a break in the middle of the day, close up their little shops and go home to nap and recharge before heading back to work another eight hours.
       Maybe I can talk Catarina into staying in Italy for our honeymoon or maybe forever. What a peaceful place this is. People out strolling hand in hand, sitting at tiny round tables outside the little bakery/bar. The Cafe had a little sittiing area out front of the bar where people could enjoy one anothers company. They could drink Caffe while enjoying crepes in the crisp fall air. It was great weather for sitting outside enjoying a light breakfast with the sunshine and fresh air just cool enpugh for a sweater or pullover. Thats just what he decided they'd do, go find a quiet spot under a shady tree and sit on a blanket, snuggle and eat the pastries.  a few miles until he reached an area he recognized as the spot where he had tortured an informant for the Red Knights that he'd captured out near Old man D'Amico's place this brings back fond memories when he tied the punk to two trees and stretched him till his legs and arms popped out of socket. X pulled him down then popped his arms and legs back in place then proceeded to do it again and again until the man blacked out and X got bored...ahhh memories....

The Brotherhood Series Part 2  New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now