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          Jungkook looked at Taehyung and caught him staring so he decided to wave at him making a smile. Taehyung remained watching him not moving a muscle and just staring not even waving back. Jungkook couldn't help but to feel nervous about Taehyung, he didn't know who he was... Perhaps a fan? Jimin walked out if the employee room and ran into Jungkook's arms.

           "JUNGKOOK!!" Jimin shouted happily jumping into his arms. "What are you doing here? Surprising me at work?~"

         "I just finished my rehab class and I thought I should come visit you... Yoongi said you work here." Jungkook hugged Jimin and pulled him close to whisper into his ear. "Hey... What's up with that guy? He won't stop staring at me... Like in a mean way... Do you know him?"

          Jimin whispered into Jungkook's ear in return, "that's Kim Taehyung..... My ex... The one I have been with for 2 years..."

            "And you work with him?!" Jungkook hissed almost breaking the whisper. He took a moment staring at Taehyung as the two had a stare off! Suddenly there was a giggle coming from Hoseok and Taehyung quickly payed attention to Yoongi and Hoseok.... Taehyung felt left out. He felt like he was a third wheel in every relationship... Taehyung looked at the two and then looked at Jungkook and Jimin hugging... He felt a tear running from his eyes and bolted out of the restaurant making Hoseok look back to see who left.

          "Oh no... He's jealous again.." Hoseok claimed sighing as Yoongi looked down.

          "I thought you wanted me to meet him?" Yoongi asked.

          "Yes... So he wouldn't get jealous."

          Yoongi let out a chuckle. "He's very overprotective for a friend..."

          "No... He's my boyfriend actually." Hoseok claimed feeling nervous.

           "I see... But hey, who says we can't get to know eachother? All you need to tell me is when I can meet him and we can all head out together... Okay?" Yoongi made the situation more comfortable.

      Hoseok nodded making a promising smile, "Thankyou! I'll see you tomorrow?"
        Yoongi pulled out a card with his number on it. "Why don't you text me instead?"

       Hoseok took the card and nodded again. "Of course.. Bye!" Hoseok was quick to leave the restaurant to catch up with Taehyung. "H-Hey! Tae!! Please wait!" Hoseok grabbed his boyfriend's arm as Taehyung turned around and pulled his arm back.

         "Leave me alone!" Taehyung shouted in tears.

         "Why are you crying? Tae, don't worry... I won't leave you! I still love you." Hoseok claimed.

    "Then what's that in your hands?" Taehyung pointed to the phone number card.

        "Listen... We are friends!" Hoseok stuffed the card into his pocket and hugged Taehyung holding him tight. "I don't love him!!"

           "Yes you do... I see it in your eyes! The way you stare at him like he's special.." Taehyung looked at Hoseok. "Make your choice! You can't love us both!! What do you think this is?! A threesome?! I hate sharing something beautiful.. Call me selfish all you want but you only belong to me!" Taehyung shouted as Hoseok flinched everytime his voice got louder.

        "I don't want him... I want you..." Hoseok sighed.

         "Then if you want me, know that I get jealous.." Taehyung pulled away from the hug. "You have a choice... Come home with me or follow him." Taehyung pointed behind Hoseok as Hoseok turned around to see Yoongi standing there.

       "Taehyung of course I'll choose you! You aren't listening to me!"

         Yoongi looked at the two letting out a sigh, "I'll see you guys tomorrow... I guess.."

         "WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND HE'S A GOOD FRIEND?!" Hoseok argued.

           "BECAUSE YOU KNOW HOW I AM!" Taehyung shot back.

           Hoseok got silent and kept walking as Taehyung yelled into his hands making muffled yells. Of course he did end up following Hoseok wanting to make up with him again.

       When the angry couple left, No one noticed but Yoongi was alone outside finally able to cry to himself... This was rare because Yoongi was a strong man... But even the strongest men cry at times... That's what makes them strong at the end of the day.

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