Love like any other

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         Jungkook was in his room with Jimin still holding him close not allowing the boy to escape. Jimin couldn't help but to feel scared. He wasn't the type of people who would suddenly have Stockholm syndrome towards the abuser... Jimin sighed trying to fall asleep as Jungkook suddenly began to tear up.

          "I-I'm sorry...." Jungkook whispered hoping Jimin was awake. "It must feel like a rollercoaster when you are with me... I can't help but to drink... And I feel guilty for hurting you... I want you safe from everything in this world willing to protect you from the danger... However I never thought I'd be the one who'd hurt you like this..." Jungkook slowly removed his hands from Jimin. "If you are awake... I'll give you time to leave now. Please leave if you hear me.. In the morning I'll probably be drinking and hurt you more again.. I can't stop this.. I'm too far into this addiction and there's nothing that could save me now." Jungkook turned around shunning Jimin. "If you want to take off the charm... I get it... Just know.. I'll never forget such a beautiful light that stepped into my life... 14 years ago and the prefect promise we made 12 years ago..." Jungkook tried not to cry so Jimin would stay. Jimin sighed and decided it was time to bail before things got worst. Jimin sat up as Jungkook was surprised he was willing to leave.

          "It was nice knowing you.. Thankyou for everything.." Jimin whispered walking out of the room and heading out as the sun began to rise. No matter how much he hated it... He had to be smart and be the one that avoids these abusive relationships... Jimin didn't roll that way... He stuck around and got hurt. He decided to jump off the train in order to dodge the bullet... At times, It's tough to face reality but there's moments where you have to bail out of the situation before it leads to your undoing.

          Jungkook looked down at his necklace and began having regrets...he had regrets of responding to Jimin's message and wished he'd make Jimin forget of all the tear jerking, stupid moments.

           The next day at work Jimin didn't have the necklace on and tried his best to give a smile... But deep down his smile was hollow... Nothing but depression lingered on how guilty he was for not being able to help. Jungkook said there was no way to fix something broken from the start but Jimin believed there was a way... But that will be risking his all.

           "Hello welcome to the Steakhouse! I am your host, Hoseok. How many tables?" Hoseok asked as Yoongi was wearing shades, a black coat and black hat.

         Yoongi tipped the shades down and smiled at Hoseok. "I know who you are, Hoseok."

        Hoseok began to smile excitingly. "Oh! You've been coming alot lately... How haven't I noticed?" Hoseok stated sarcastically as he guided the famous rapper to his table. "Here's your menu. Enjoy! Your waiter will be here shortly." Hoseok smiled as Yoongi nodded. He had to admit it... The only reason why he'd go there was because of Hoseok! He liked his smile and sunshine personality and thought he was too precious and needed to protect him at all costs!

       Hoseok alerted Jimin to tend Yoongi's table. Jimin followed instructions and walked over to him. "Hello, I am Jimin your waiter for today..are you ready to order?" Jimin asked.

        Yoongi quickly scanned the menu but little did Jimin knew, Yoongi has always been here and memorized the menu. "Regular steak cooked to perfection... Wine and after that, an apple pie."

         "A-apple pie?" Jimin said looking back at when Jungkook and himself went out together for the first time. Those were happier times...

        "Yes." Yoongi answered as Jimin quickly wrote the order down.

        "I'll be back with the meal" Jimin turned around about to leave when suddenly Yoongi called out Jimin's full name.

         "Park Jimin?" Yoongi questioned as Jimin turned around.

        "Y-yes?" Jimin felt scared was he another creep too?!

         "Do you know... Jeon Jungkook?"

         Jimin sighed and nodded his head slightly and just walked out of the conversation not wanting to talk about this anymore... The constant idea in his head on his he cheated on Jungkook and failed to make Jungkook healthy... Only grew more and he felt depression from all the hurt Jungkook and himself has been through.

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