Thanks for the cover: milkchii
Chapter 5
Enjoy reading!
Now that His key to unlock the door went gone
How can he restart what's already done?
Do not expect something because you'll receive nothing indeed
Not only you don't receive nothing, you also might lose something.What's the next move of fate?
Can Andrei escape the dark and suffocating life in that insane fate of His?---
Fear. Its the most basic and most human emotion. Sometimes it grows up with you or it curls up inside of you tightens around your guts.
Here's the thing about fear, it's always there, fear of the unknown, fear of facing it alone, fear that those closest to you are the monsters, fear as soon as you slay one, there's another one waiting to take its place, fear that there is one more boogyman waiting at the end of the dark hall.
Today I'm standing in front of my uncle's cold body taking away by some forensic agents and police officers.
I thought everything will be fine once I find my uncle Grant. But that's just one of the what-if's that will never be inside the world of reality. I thought everyone will be safe and stable, but closer, you will see the dark shadows underneath.
The clicking sounds of camera, the light flashing before my eyes, a police officer came to me and said "Are you the grandson?" Pointing his finger at me. I blinked twice and wiped my face with my hands to stop my tears from falling.
"He's my uncle." I said clearly on the behalf of my crushed emotions that are torn into pieces. I kept away that emotion as long and far as I can.
"We'll inform you the cause of death as soon as we get the result." He said. I nod and he did as well.
I stood there thinking about how can I escape and survive while walking through fire, when the officer walked away and vanished from my sight.
I looked for Jennie. I hope she's okay, because I'm not. And at the corner of this room, My eyes caught a girl sitting on the sofa, It's Jennie. Who seems lost from reality and looking spaced out. Her eyes are wide open while tears are streaming. Her eyes are sparkling with tears behind her dark, thick, tear-soaked lashes, and brows stitched together with fear and sadness.
She's physically present but her mind mentally absent. I bet she is mesmerizing madness. Uncle Grant really means something huge proportion to her. She was adopted by him after all, like me. We are on the same page but in a different book.
I waited until all the officers left.
"Jennie" I breathed as I walked closer to her and went gentle as the best I could. Sobs racked through her, and her hands stressfully fisted her hair.
I hastily stopped her and held her hands away from her hair. "Calm down, Jennie! Get yourself together." I soothed her.
Научная фантастикаYear 2017, an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.7 hits Canon City. He accidentally entered a time machine by UNI and somehow made it to 2032. Witness how Andrei can escape his dammed and obscure life.