Request 3

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I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

"Leave me alone, Malfoy." I said angrily and tried to avoid the several offending comment that followed.
"Why, Mudblood?" He sneered. Did he just call me a...?
"I. Am. Not. A. Mudblood!" I shouted back and started running.
"Where are you going, Lupin?" The boy was everywhere! He suddenly stood in front of me, Crabbe and Goyle by his side.
"Go away." I murmured suddenly feeling intimidated.
"That's not very nice." Malfoy said and folded his arms, "Boys, I thinks it's time we teach little Lupin Mudblood some manners." Crabbe and Goyle laughed and started moving forwards, while Malfoy stood there with a smug smile on his face and I backed away. It was like this everyday. I got bullied so badly, but I couldn't talk of anyone about it. I didn't have any friends, which made my life on Hogwarts even worse. I turned my head away, ready for Crabbe's fist on my cheek, but it never came. Or maybe it did and I was knocked out because I felt like I was flying. I opened my eyes slowly and screamed loudly. Hogwarts seemed only a miniature castle, the grounds were only a patch of green and I could see what was behind the dark forest. I looked up to the night sky and saw a shadow. In fear of what the bloody hell was happening I squeezed my eyes shut.

It felt like hours before I finally returned to the ground, only this wasn't Hogwarts. I was dropped in the middle of a big forest on an open spot what was build into a camp. Boys in strange clothes that I never saw before started surrounding me. "It's a girl." Some whispered.
"What is she wearing?" I heard quietly. I looked down at my ripped and old Hufflepuff ropes and sighed softly.
"We got a new one, Pan!" A young boy yelled. The others shot him looks to shut up, while the small one backed away. A path was formed by the boys and an other one- wearing green clothes and an even more smug smile then Malfoy- approached. He must be the leader.
"You're a girl." He said confused, "well, welcome to Never Land."
"But she's a girl." Another boy walked forwards and next to 'Pan'. He had a huge scar over his face and dirty blonde hair.
"I guess we got our first Lost Girl then." Pan said, "who are you?"
"My name is Y/N Lupin. Daughter of Remus Lupin." I said quickly.
"Well Y/N, I am Peter. Peter Pan." He smirked.
"Where am I?" I asked while hand travelled towards my wand.
"Never Land. Question: where are you from?" He curiously moved forward.
"Stay back!" Before I could stop myself I had my wand pointing at him.
"A witch." He laughed interested, "the first Lost Girl is also the first one form the Wizarding World. Felix, be kind and show her around." He walked away just like that and all the other seemed to have lost their interest too. The boy with the scar moved towards me, "put that away." He sounded very cold.

"So, Felix..." I started, trying to get into a conversation. We were walking for an hour around the island. Everything Felix said was cold and unwelcoming, but it only made me more curious why.
"What now?" He sighed annoyed.
"What's your deal?" I asked and stopped walking.
"My what?" He said confused and turned towards me.
"Your deal. As in your life."
"You are interested in me?" He asked surprised and moved closer, the coldness seemed to fade. I nodded in reply and he started talking about his life in a place called the Enchanted Forest. It was so interesting in this whole new realm I never knew about, but at the same time a sad. No wonder he is so cold with parents like that.
"What about you?" He asked when he finished his short story.
"Well, I'm from the Wizarding World that everyone seemed to know about. I'm the daughter of Remus Lupin, as I already told, but I got bullied really bad and my life was a living hell."
"So... you can do... magic?" He asked carefully. I nodded again and took out my wand.
"Accio strawberry." I said and a strawberry from the plant near by flew over.
"Cool." He said, the coldness now all gone, "do another one. I-I mean... if you want too. Not that I care i-if you did another one..."
"Lumos." I said quietly and the end of my wand lit up, "Nox." And the light faded again. I looked smirking at Felix, who was now staring very interested, "wingardium Leviosa." I laughed as he left the ground.
"Hey! Put me down!" He laughed.
"Okay." I stopped the spell and he fell two feet back to the ground and landed with a thud.
"That's amazing." He said, "you should do it again sometime."
"Wow wow wow stop." I said suppressing a laugh, "did you just say something nice?"
"Oh come on." He said and gestured me to follow again, "don't tell Pan will you." And like that a beautiful friendship began.

It took sometime but I like the end result with the spells and stuff. I hope you like it too!
Mischief managed.

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