Intruder In The Castle

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"Well done, everyone! We managed to save Planet Azura. Pidge, where are the nearest Galra?" asked Shiro.

Pidge starts to search on her screen. "The nearest seem to be at least a day away, so we're far from being found."

"Okay everyone take a rest, we all deserve one." says Coran. "So, who's hungry?"

"On it!" shouts Hunk running straight to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I could really do with some food, gotta keep this bod perfect!" Lance said with a smirk on his face.

Everyone just looked at each other then looked at Lance, slightly annoyed.

"Anyway, should we make our way to the dining hall? We might as well wait there." Allura suggested. With that, they all went to the dining hall.

They were just chatting away til Hunk comes in with delicious-smelling food.

"Bon appetite guys! Dig in. And Coran, we really need to go space grocery shopping cause we're running out of food."

Everyone starts grabbing their food and eating. They haven't eaten in what seems like forever so they were savouring every last piece. Soon enough, they had finished everything (with some help from the mice).

"Ahhhhhh, that was so filling. Thanks Hu-" Lance was interuppted when the Castle's alarm went off.


"Paladins, suit up! Coran, follow me to the Bridge. We need a lockdown and we need to identify who it is." commanded Allura. And with that said, everyone went off to find out who broke in.

The paladins split up into different corridors, carefully looking for the intruder. As Shiro was walking, he heard footsteps. He quickly hid and looked over to see an armoured figure walking his way. As soon as the intruder passed him, Shiro charged at it. They quickly ducked and kept on walking. Shiro quickly got up and attacked again from behind. The intruder then turned around and was about to attack until they saw Shiro's face and froze. Shiro ended up knocking them out.

"Guys, I got him. But when he saw me, he froze." Shiro said

"Great Shiro!" Said Allura. "Now we just need to interrogate him"

Shiro took off their helmet and his eyes widened. It was a girl. He remembered seeing her before...


Shiro is one of the many prisoners on a Galra ship and they were all lined up in two lines, with Shiro at the front of one. A gate has opened and a big monster has come out. The Galra soldiers are talking amongst each other, choosing which prisoner should go first. They get interuppted by Zarkon giving a message.

"Before we let the prisoners out, there is someone I would like to show the Galra Empire and show their abilities in battle."

As soon as he finished his sentence, a figure wearing armour walked passed the prisoners and onto the battlefield. Everyone started cheering.

The monster immediately charged at the figure and they dodged and attacked. Everyone was suprised at how fast they dodged the monsters lunge at them. The cheering gradually got louder. It only takes them two minutes to knock the monsters weapon out of its hand.

"You may reveal yourself." Zarkon commands.

The figure removes their helmet. They are revealed to be a girl, and a beautiful one at that. Her hair was black and purple and she was human!

"This is Ivy. She is human and she will be the second heir to the Galra throne as she will marry my son, Prince Lotor, in one year"

The smile that was on her face went down when Zarkon said she would marry Lotor. Shiro seemed to be the only one to notice that.


"I think I've seen her before, on a Galra ship." Shiro said. The girl was in a cryopod. She is still wearing her full armour.

"Soooo is she Galra? " asked Hunk

"No. But I've seen her around different ships and I know that she was supposed to marry Lotor in a few months."

"She was?! So, she's taken? Too bad." Lance complains

Keith then hits Lances head "Who cares if she's 'taken' or not. She came from a Galra ship so she might not be trusted. She might've been sent to trick us, so don't fall for anything. Is she ready for interrogation, Coran?"

"I believe so. Opening the cryopod now."


The Purple Paladin (Voltron OC) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now