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WARNING: Talks about self harm

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WARNING: Talks about self harm

Written form Lewis' POV

She sat there so beautifully. So effortlessly. She has gorgeous from head to toe. The way she could zone out and be in her own mind for hours was mesmerising. She was every ounce of interesting in the simplest ways. The way she spoke little, but said a lot. The way she locked eyes in every conversation to make sure you were really listening. That's what I had wished I had done; really listened.

It was early morning and the chilly morning air blew against her skin, her soft and smooth skin. She rolled over in bed next to me and gave me her signature smile. No teeth, all lips and shining eyes. As we laid there simply enjoying each others warm company I thought. I thought about what I should say.

Laying on my back she was resting softly next to me with her head relaxed against my chest. "Y/N," I began breaking the silence between us. She twitched her head against me signalling she was listening. "I need to talk to you," I finished.

She took in a short and sharp breath and quickly exhaled as she sat up fidgeting with her t-shirt. She locked eyes with me and noticed my sad expression. Her eyes were quiet and cold, her lips tight and angled downwards.
"What's up?" She questioned trying to lighten the already serious mood that surround us. "I want to help you," I began before she quickly turned away and rubbed at her face, her arms on full display. Graced across her arms laid several white scars that I had learned to love. The stories they told about her that she would only share to those she loved. The stories that shaped her, made her who she was.

But along those white, healing, lines laid several purplish red scars. Fresh, new scars. That was what had been worrying me. Y/N was hurting again and I didn't know what to do. She had been struggling in silence. She was perfect but she was hurting.

"I noticed Y/N," I answered knowing she would know what I was talking about. We could communicate in such little amount of words but still understand each other completely. She stayed still and silent. She wanted to become invisible just for a moment. "Lewis, I'm sorry," She spoke barley above a whisper.

"Hey don't be sorry Y/N" I tried to comfort her. "I just want to help you okay, I'm not here to judge you, I'm here to love you. Do you want to talk about it Y/N?" I asked hoping that her answer would be yes and she would be comfortable enough to open up.

"Yes.." She began timidly, "Just give me a minute to organise my thoughts"
"Take your time," I allowed.

"I just..." she began slowly taking in a breath as tears filled her eyes wanting to escape. "It was a way of coping with overwhelming feelings, which I don't even know why I'm having and it's really confusing, but it makes me feel in control and I'm just really sorry." The tears streamed down her face, cascading down her cheek bones and along her jaw.

I was so upset and worried for her. She was broken. "It's okay Y/n" I reassured her. "Thank you for talking to me, how are you feeling right now?" I asked

"I don't know, I don't know what to do, I just have a lot of bad feelings and thoughts and I don't know what to do," She rambled, letting her guard down.

"It's okay Y/N, we can do this. You can do this. I believe in you." I spoke calmly whilst pulling her into a tight hug. My warmth radiating through her cold body. "We can make a safety plan, and we can get help from a professional, I can go with you if you're scared."

"Thank you" she mumbled against my chest letting the last of her tears subside. She was the most beautiful girl I knew. She was so effortlessly captivating. She had stories to tell and stories she choose to hide. She was perfect.
I pulled her away to look at her straight into her eyes. "I love you," I spoke reassuring her before I kissed her lips gently. "I love all of you."

A/N: Thank you for reading! Hope you are having a great day x If you would like to request an imagine feel free to!

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