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Contains probably bad German

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Contains probably bad German. Again this was a request x

You were currently walking around the enormous building where Gamescom was being held this year. So many stores and companies had set up areas to display their games, technology and fun little activities to try. A few of your 'YouTube friends' had invited you to the event seen as you were born in Germany. Being overjoyed with the invitation, you of course came along to visit your home country and an amazing event.

Yourself, Josh, Simon, Vik and Lewis were casually walking around trying to locate a stall that Vik was needed at for some press. You and Lewis were walking slightly behind everyone else; this was a usual habit. "Are you going to visit your family while you're here?" Lewis asked. "Yeah I think I'm going to visit them tomorrow if I have time," You answered smiling at his interest.

"Can you guys wait for me while I go to the toilet?" Simon called out as the whole group just walked past the bathrooms. "Yeah hurry though" Josh replied as Simon already made his way into the public bathroom.

Suddenly your phone started vibrating in your back pocket and the tune signalled an incoming call. You pulled the phone out and read the called ID: 'Mum' You smiled at the name and answered the call lifting the phone to your ear. A short conversation began to take place between yourself and your mother.

"Hallo Mama, Ja, ich bin okay. Wir treffen uns morgen richtig? Ja okay, mir geht es gut Ich werde später mit Ihnen sprechen, ja es geht mir gut" You continued to reassure your worried mother.

"Hello mum, Yes I'm fine. Will we meet tomorrow? Yes okay, I'm fine I'll talk to you later, yes I'm fine" you continued to reassure your worried mother.

You hung up the phone not thinking much of it before you looked up to find all 6 eyes of Josh, Vik and Lewis on you. "What?" You asked at their shocked expressions. "You were speaking German" Vik replied still shocked. "And?" You continued smiling at their dumbfounded faces. "I just hadn't heard you speak German before" Vik spoke. "That was so cool" Lewis interrupted complimenting you. "It's not that big of a deal" You brushed off the compliment.
"You're so cool" Lewis blurted out blushing at his unintentional statement. You smirked at his compliment while locking eyes with him. It seemed like everyone else was quiet and you could only hear your heartbeat in your chest. Your eyes wandered his, only now noticing the connection that you both shared.

"What I miss?" Simon asked walking back to the group fiddling with his waistband. "Y/N speaks German," Vik spoke still slightly gobsmacked. "Yeah" Simon shrugged, not fazed by news. "She's German Vik," Simon continued.

The group carried on walking around trying to find the store for Vik. "Do you speak German at home?" Lewis asked you. You began to reply before Lewis interrupted again. "That was a stupid question wasn't it?" He began blushing. You slightly chuckled "It's fine and yes I do, my parents don't speak much English." You kindly explained.

"I wish I could speak another language," Lewis stated. "I'll teach you sometime" You smiled at his kind eyes. Again noticing the connection you both shared. "Oi come on you two Vik is already running late" Josh called out. You blushed as your eyes fell to the floor feeling embarrassed. Lewis noticed and tugged on your arm. He pulled you in close to his side as you began to walk, catching up to the group.

A/N: Sorry for not posting, I went away for a week but I am back! Feel free to send me a request if you would like and I hope you all have a lovely day x

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