Fresh Eyes

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Sorry for this next chapter it's mostly fluff, vote, comment, and rock on


(Matilda's POV)

Let me break it down for you, after I was released from the hospital Tom made me stay in bed for a solid week. I wasn't allowed to read, I wasn't allowed to listen to music or watch TV so I basically spent the whole week sleeping with a giant headache. Or hiding under the blankets on my bed. When Monday rolled around again, my internal alarm clock woke me up super early, I felt like something was going to happen today, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I decided to take a shower, I haven't shaved my legs in 6 days so I'm starting to feel like Chewbacca from start wars. I grab a purple skirt and a white tunic. I feel like dressing up a little, I've been stuck in a bed for a week. I shower but have to keep my head dry because of the stitches. My hair is getting kinda gross so Emma went and bought me some dry shampoo, but that's not doing anything. I shave my legs and armpits, I wash my body and just stand in the water and let the drops bounce off my face. My body is starting to look like a raisin, so I decide to get out of the shower. I dried off and blowed dried my hair, I pulled it into a half up half down hair style. I brushed my teeth and put on deodorant, man getting ready takes forever. I open the bathroom door and Shara was sitting at my Vanity.

"Shara!" I exclaim "what are you doing here?"

"Tom had a meeting with the directors for his new movie, so he asked me to come over and keep an eye on you."

"Oh I would have been fine by myself." I say feeling slightly offended, I mean come on if 14 I can take care of my self.

"Well we can still have fun right?" She and with I smile,

"Of course! I'm going to go make so tea."

"Mmmkay." I walk out of my bedroom with Shara hot on my heels,

"You don't have to walk so close to me," I say starting to feel frustrated, as I step down the stairs Shara put her hands over my eyes "hey what the heck!"

"Trust me Mal." I take a step forward and slip a little,

"Shara! I'm not liking this." I state, when my feet hit the floor she takes her hands off my eyes, she points to the blue and purple wrapped box sitting on the counter, "for me?" I ask, feeling bad for snapping at her. She nods I walk over to the gift and I start tearing the paper off the gift, I notice that there are holes poked in the top, I pull off the lid and sitting inside the box is a small grey and white kitten.
"It's adorable! Thank you!" I pick up the kitty and hold her close to me, I stroke her soft silky hair "what's her name?"

"She doesn't have one. Emma, Tom and I wanted you to pick her name." The cat has icy blue eyes that complement her grey fur,

"Mmmm what about Crystal, because of her eyes."

"That's perfect, after you've eaten we have to take her to the vet to get her claw covers and cat food." I set Crystal down on the floor and she starts meowing, she jumps onto the counter and starts licking her paw. "She's Agile. I'll start breakfast, anything you want?"

"Mmmm eggs are fine."

"Then eggs it is."


Later that evening, Shara and I were sitting on the couch. She was reading a book and I was playing with Crystal, we got her blue claw covers to match her eyes. A cat bed, food, dishes and some toys, her favourite toy seems to be the ping pong ball. "When will Tom be home?" I ask, Shara glances down at her watch and frowns.

"Soon I hope, he said he was bringing dinner home. Until then want to watch a movie?"

"Can we watch a musical?"

"I don't know if Tom has any, you can check." Shara says, she points to a shelf full of DVDs I stand on the balls of my feet and pull a disc off the shelf,

"Ahah! He has les Miz! Let's watch this one!" I pop the DVD into the player and I plunk down in the middle of the floor, the movie starts and Crystal curls up in my lap.

When Tom gets home it's half past 8, he doesn't have a good explanation to where he was, but he brought Pizza so it's okay. I guess? Shara has dinner with us then goes home, Tom and I talk for a little bit we talked about his new movie and what I'm going to do about school. We agreed on online courses, but I have to join some clubs so I don't become a hermit. At ten Tom ordered me to bed, he was sitting at the table reading a book. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck, he places one hand over both of mine, I lean forward and kiss him softly on the cheek. I unwrap my arms from his neck and walk towards the stairs.

"Goodnight Dad." I say over my shoulder,

"Good night Matilda, sleep well."

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