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(Matilda's POV)

   I'm sitting in the police station, with a blanket draped over my legs to cover my the blood, the police lady couldn't find my pants. Uncle Ben was the first to answer my text he called the police, Emma, Shara, and grandma. We haven't been able to get ahold of Tom his plane is still is in the air. Shara, grandma, Emma, and uncle Ben are all yelling at some poor police officer right now. She looks scared, I feel so bad. "Bloody! Matilda are you okay?!" It's Lane how did he find out? "I came out of class and there were police cars everywhere! Oh Tilly!" Lane sits down next to me and takes a breath. I didn't really see where I was when the dude took me, I think to myself.
   "Lane can you please tell them to stop yelling at that poor lady."
  "Sure thing." He stands up and briskly walks over to my family. The all talk for a minute then walk over to where I'm sitting. Uncle Ben sits down next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder, Shara squats down in front of me.
   "Matilda honey," she whispers softly her voice is so tender "the police officer needs to ask you a few, personal, questions."
   "I don't have any pants."
"I know, I know I'll keep you covered. Just stand up when your ready."


"Yes Mal?"
"I was so scarred," I whimper. I'm crying softly now. The police officer walks in, and immediately assess the situation.
   "I'm officer Clark, Matilda I need to ask you a few questions are you up for that?" I nod. "Good, now if at any point you feel uncomfortable just say pass and I'll move onto the next question. First did he have any weapons?" I shake my head "Okay than did he punch you or slap you? Anything like that?"
   "Umm he kicked me in the back of the knee when I tried to fight back." Clark scribbles something down in her notepad. She ask millions more questions, after what feels like an eternity officer Clark tells me that I can go.
  "We've got your bags and we were able to have your pants washed for you." Office Clark stands and leaves.
    "I- I- I want my daddy!" I sob. Shara holds me tightly as I sob uncontrollably, the rest of my family walks in: along with Lane. I'm sitting in a room surrounded by family with no pants on and I'm crying with makeup running down my face. "I want to go home, and clean clean clean this guy off of me. I- I want to go back in time and never have gotten in the car in the first place, I want go home and and and listen to Lane play the cello while I'm sitting and reading at my bedroom window. I want my pants!"
   "I'll get you your pants, and then we can go home." Emma says softly. Lane is standing quietly next the door. Uncle Ben is on his phone, "Uncle Ben, who are you talking too?" I ask, Grandma wheels my suitcase in, and hands me my pants. "Thanks, uh, Lane, Uncle Ben I'm going stand up now and and two more men really don't need to see me naked."
    "Of course Mal." Uncle Ben kisses me on the head, then leaves the room Lane follows him.

    "Has anyone gotten ahold of my dad yet?" I ask sliding on my pants, there's a tear in the knee now. Grandma, Emma, and Shara shake their heads. "I just want Tom"


    "Matilda honey why don't you go and take a shower." Grandma suggests, I'm sitting on the couch starring at the blank tv screen.
     "Okay." Shara and Emma are sitting at the table and uncle Ben is standing at the office trying to get ahold of Tom. "Grandma I'm going to go shower then after I shower I'm- I'm going to go to bed."
    "Okay dearie we will all be here for the night, scream if you need anything." 
  "Mmmm-hhhhh" I'm empty, completely empty I don't feel anything, I don't want to feel anything anymore. I'm not going to shower In my room so I wander into dads bedroom, I shut the bathroom door and take off my clothes. I just realized I never got my heels back. I stand in the steaming hot water and watch the dried blood turn back to liquid and run down my thighs. The water runs down my face obstructing my view of the drain. The strong taste of salt spreads across my tongue, I'm crying again. I don't try to stop myself I just cry. After a while I step out of the shower and dry off. I don't have any of my clothes so I pull one of Toms t-shirts out of his dresser and pull it over my head. I don't bother with any underwear. I shut the bathroom light off saunter back into Toms room dragging my feet. He made his bed before he left. So I pull back the comforter a slide into Toms soft bed. I can hear Ben and Emma discussing something down stairs, and then a step squeaks. I quickly close my eyes and pretend to sleep. Emma walks past my room, but Ben sees me 'sleeping'
   "She's in here Emma, she's sleeping."
"Okay, I was able to track Tom's flight he's still another 2 hours away from landing."
   "Why don't you go downstairs and get some rest, I'll sit with her." Uncle Ben suggests.
  "Thanks Ben. I think my mum is making dinner, I will call you when it's ready Ya."
  By now I'm really falling asleep, but then again it's not really a sleep. My body just turns its self off so I don't have to think any more.


Hey my lovely's, I just wanted to say I'm great full for those of you have been reading my book from the begging. I really appreciate it, and I haven't decided yet but I want to give Matilda a friend, and I need someone to base her off of. So if you want to be in my book don't hesitate I reach out to me. That's all for now, vote, comment, and rock on!


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