Chapter 5

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We made it fam! We in this *****, #606 in werewolf all thanks to you guys

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We made it fam! We in this *****, #606 in werewolf all thanks to you guys. This is my second story being in numbers and I'm hype for real. I want to think everyone that reads, votes, or make comments.

Like I didn't believe I'll ever get so many people reading my stuff, on the low. So thank you!

Langston cocks his head to the side studying how determined I am to talk to him before opening his studies for me. Walking in I seated myself in the chair before his desk. I watched as he walked around me right before sitting behind his desk waiting on me to speak.

Clearing my throat and gathering courage, "So I've been here a month or so now and decided to look up what mate means."

Looking into those icy blue eyes as I give my answer, "Mates in human terms mean soulmates, the person you can't live without or you'll suffer and die a slow death." Langston eyes have turned black and he's just staring at me but I've learned that means his wolf is surfacing. Cocking his head to the side as though he was truly in wolf form, now his in my face and my heart is beating out of control. One minute he was behind the desk and now I'm starting into those pitch black eyes, reaching up Langston cup my cheek pulling me into him. Right before his lips touched mine I tried to protest but it was no use.

When our lips touched it felt like a shock of electricity went through us both, the kiss was just as good as the first one. Feeling his lips against mine causes something inside me to stir, wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him in closer want, no needing more. Releasing my from the kiss I had to catch my breath, felt like I was running out of oxygen. Closing my eyes I tried to tell myself it's nothing but the mate bond, even though I am human I can feel it because the mating process has begun once he marked me. With caution I reached up to touch the mark, it's never going to go away, every time I look into the mirror it will stare right back at me.

Pushing myself away from him, "I didn't come in here for you to go call caveman on me Langston. I'm trying to have a important conversation because it depends on if I stay or not."

Ok that got his attention really fast because he grips my arm so tight I feel as though he'll break my bones. Looking down at his hand on my arm I start to cry it hurts so bad.

"Stop, your hurting me," I cried out. Langston gives out this growl that almost stop my heart, glancing up I screamed so loud. His face is morphing into this beast, where his features are because more wolf than human and I'm so terrified. My vision is getting blurry and it's hard to breath, all I remember is darkness as I fell.

The sound of someone talking awakens me, slowly I open my eyes but had to blink a few times because the light was blinding me. My vision is still blurry so I wiped my eyes waiting on the to adjust, glancing to my right I see Summer is examining a chart mumbling to herself.

Clearing my throat a little, Summer turned around with a sad smile on her face. "What happened summer all I can remember is..." gasping for breath I recalled what happened. Looking down I see a cast on my arm, he actually broke my arm. Feeling someone hand on my shoulder I look back up at Summer. "I need to leave Summer I can't stay what if he do something even worst than break my arm."

She looks st me with sad eyes, "You can never leave him August, as long as you are his and bare his mark you can't leave Luna."

Glaring at her with so much hatred, "I am not your Luna and I most definitely ain't his," I cried out with tears froming.


I remember seeing the beast that Langston became ever night in my nightmare. Whenever I sleep I see his inhuman face and his pitch black eyes stalking towards me. Every time it ends with him biting my neck marking me as his, looking at myself in the mirror I look terrible, my once flawless dark skin now look sickly. I've gain more weight because I eat to make myself feel better. Summer and Salvatore are worried all the time and Drew tries her best to cheer me up.

I'm no longer help with the pack, I stay in my room to myself and eat. That beast has ruined my life more than what it was. I'm his mate, he is supposed to treat me like a queen, not like his property that he can throw around. What have I done to deserve this.


My life is no longer simply, I'm a prisoner to the Alpha of The Black Moon Pack, he's as ruthless as you would think and unfortunately I'm his mate. I have tried to make the best out of my life but I'm so depressed and lonely.

Ever since Langston broke my arm those months ago I don't see him but I do have nightmares about his beast taking a bite out of my neck. Without thinking my hand goes up to my neck where the proof that I'm his is at. Sighing softly to myself I go take a shower and tend to my hygiene.

Walking out my room I go and watch the pups for awhile, I don't help like I used to but I do love watching them. They are just so beautiful, I wished I could say I hope to have my own one day but with my life now I wouldn't dare think of bringing a little one here. Watching them makes me smile and bring a little joy in my life.

After some time I felt someone behind me. I already knew who it was. Glancing up behind me, lost brown eyes meet cold dark blue eyes.

So what did y'all think!?? I'll love some feedback. Please bare with my grammar, I'm not that good with it. Anyways I love you guys!

 Anyways I love you guys!

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