♡ You saved me ♡

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It was a bright sunny day along the coast of sydney, the sun was out, the birds were chirping, the sky was blue then theres me sitting on the beach with my family. My family and I go on holidays like these every year. We stay in a place along the beach with a very nice overlooking view of sydney. We always go to beach while we are here in sydney, but I never go in the water. I hate even being near it because the last time we were here I....  enough said I just hate the beach.

"Sophie" Dad yelled "come in the waters beautiful" he added  "no I just want to go back to the hotel" she replied in disbelief "we came here to swim" Dad yelled out  "im going home" sophie yelled back while rolling her eyes. I picked up my sandals and off I went ive had enough of this holiday already.

The next day I went for a nice long walk along the beach. I could here laughter from people coming from the water, I saw surfers surfing along the huge waves. Sophie used to surf once before... she did it all the time when she was younger. "its nearly lunch time i should be getting back" Sophie thought to her self as she headed back the other way. On the way back I saw a sign wich read surf boards for hiring.  I followed the signs untill I arrived at a big old yellow shack. She thought maybe she should hire a board and see if she still had her surfing skills. I grabbed the board and took a deep breathe "This is my first time going in the water for over a year" she mummerd to herselft as she took her first step in the cold salty sea. She jumped back in fright as she felt tne coldness of the water on her feet.  I ran in, closing my eyes I opend them looking at to massive waves crashing. I quicky jumped under still holding my board in my right hand. I finally got the feel of the beach. I saw a wave coming, I quickly stood up on my board. "this was a huge wave " I thought to my self. I leaned forward while paddling fast "I wish I never did this" a wash of regret ran over her. I stood up waiting for the wave to hit the board as i leaned forward I herd someone call out my name "sophie" I glanced over the yellow sand, I could see my dad he looked mad! I lost my concertraion and the board went from under me. Thats all I rember.

I opend my eyes to the sight of a young boys face, he had brown wavy hair and brown eyes. I shot up from his arms not knowing where I was or what happend. I coughed a bit and fell gently onto the warm sand. "are you okay"? the boy replied. "not really, my head is sore and my legs are aceing" I said in a soft voice as the boy held me. "what happend" I said "You got knocked out on the board the waves were too big, you went under but luckly i was there to save you " he replied "whats your name?" he added "sophie gerrygreen" I replied softly "yours?" I asked " my names jai waetford"

♡ You saved me ♡Where stories live. Discover now