Chapter 1~

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The lights turned on as music blared loudly from the speakers. A spotlight turned on and a tall man rolled on stage on a ball. He wore a top hat with red and gold. "Welcome one and all to the show of a lifetime!" He said. I heard the crowd clap and I went along with it. The man bounced on the ball and landed on the ground. "Now put your hands together for all my freaks and geeks!" 

The spotlight turned off and in an instant, it turned back on. The man was gone and replacing him was a woman. She had not two but four arms. She picked up a couple of balls and began to juggle them. A man then walked over and took one each while juggling and set them on fire. The woman hopped on a unicycle and began to juggle with the flaming balls all around the field. The audience looked amazed but then perplexed by this woman. She stood up on the unicycle then jumped into a nearby pool.

For a moment she didn't come back up. The audience then began to worry along with me. "Miss?" A child called out. A spotlight then shined over the pool. The woman rose out of the water in a new outfit. She crawled out and everyone applauded. "Thank you Vanessa!" The ringmaster said. She bowed and disappeared into a puff of smoke. Everyone then clapped.

I turned to my father. "So Y/N, you enjoying the show?" He asked. I nodded and looked back to see two clowns running around with buckets of water. One of the clowns tripped and the bucket of water slipped from his hands. He was dosed with water from head to toe. The audience laughed at the clown.

Once the show neared the end, all the lights turned off. There was a misty fog and then a soft voice spoke.

Look at yourself

Look inside

What should you see

Many don't see them

The darkness gathering

Lay your cards down

You're in for a ride

I looked around and saw people with their eyes closed. The voice was hypnotizing. I looked at my father. He seemed relaxed and calm. There was a dead silence then the spotlight shone on a man. He wore all black with a hat covering his head. He wore white and black gloves and looked up at the audience. Immediately I saw some golden eyes stare into my soul. I felt a strange inner peace. He looked down at the floor.

Step forward

From the shadows

A devil of a man

Then a woman from the audience rose and walked down the stairs. She had brown curly hair and wore a red maiden dress. The man looked at the young maiden as she approached him. The woman and the man looked at each other; inches from one another's face. She leaned forward and locked lips with him. She then pulled away and looked at his glowing bright eyes.

Who are you this mystical stranger

What secrets do you hide

Beneath that mask of yours

Is there a guilty face

Or one of pure innocence

Tell me all

Mystical stranger

The man gave her a slight smirk.

Young maiden

Don't ask such foolish questions

For I am one to never see again

Mist formed around him and overtook him. The lights turned off and all that was left was a hat and a letter. The woman bent down and picked up the letter. She then looked up with a look of shock.

Mystical stranger

Where in the shadows do you hide

Where do you lurk

Then a angelic voice spoke from the heavens.

I don't make such promises young madam

Run free while you still can

The woman looked around with a look of paranoia.

I cannot leave till I know your name

Speak of whom you are

There was a light chuckle. Then utter silence. The woman grew terrified. Silence once more. The woman took a deep breath. "Reveal yourself." She said with a stern voice. Silence once more. The lights went out and then there was a scream. The lights then turned on. The woman had disappeared but the man stood there replacing her. He held up a finger to his lips shushing us. The lights turned out and then for a moment, there was darkness.

The lights came back on with the same man from before. "Well that wraps it. Come back tomorrow ladies and gents!" He said. The crowd stood up and walked down the bleachers while chatting. Me and my father stood up and walked out of the tent. Outside there were many people packing up. I then spotted the man. I ran up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around. He stood tall basically towering over me. "H-Hi!" I croaked out. The man turned back around and put a instrument into a black case. He then walked away without answering me.

My father walked up to me. "Come on Y/N. We need to get home." He said. He took me to our car and I sat in the back. When my dad started the car up, I saw a figure out of the corner of my eye. I looked to where the figure was but there was nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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