Kicked from Paradise

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Sorra grunted, shoving all her emotions down, then turned away from the dark alley. Getting kicked out of Heaven sucked even worse than she had imagined. She looked down. Now, rather than white robes, she was wearing ripped jeans and a baggy black hoodie. Her dark red hair was now, rather than hip length, half up and in a bob.

She let out an outraged cry and kicked the brick wall of the building she was next to. Then, she tried to hold back tears. All her family was still up there, frowning down on her, ashamed. That was more than what she could bear. They hadn't deserved her rebellious nature. They had deserved an angel of a child. Literally. Instead, they had gotten her. A stupid shoulder angel that was sent back to earth to get redemption for her crime.

Sorra forced herself to calm down, then put her hands in her pockets. Then, humming quietly to herself, she walked out of the alleyway.

She quickly found herself in a busy city, bustling with people, roaring with the engines of cars, laughing of children, talking of people around her, and other such things. She gave a slight smirk. No one would think she stood out. Her magic wouldn't be detected at all.

She still had her magic. She could feel it. It may have been far weaker and harder to use, but it was still there. The ability to influence other people's decisions. To talk to their minds. They had managed to strip her of everything except for the one thing that had gotten her kicked from paradise. Laughing at that, she began to walk down the street, when she ran into a small girl.

The girl couldn't have been older than four. She was crying. She looked up at Sorra, then started crying even harder, and Sorra had no idea what to do.

"Um, calm down, calm down, it's going to be ok..." she said, crouching down and trying to comfort the child.

"Where's my mommy?" she cried. Sorra looked around anxiously. They were making a scene. That was the last thing she wanted. Quickly, she decided to use her powers.

"Calm down, it's going to be ok." she muttered soothingly. The child's tears began to slow. "This girl is good. She's going to help you find your mommy. Trust her."

"What's your name?" the small girl asked, calming down. Sorra smiled. Yes, this was much better.

"My name is Sorra." she said, still crouching down. "And what about yours?"

"My name is Lilly." the small child replied. Lilly. That was a pretty name. Sorra smiled.

"It's going to be ok Lilly. I'm going to help you find your mommy." she said. Lilly beamed, and she picked the small child up. "Here we go, now what does your mommy look like?"

"She's tall and has short blonde hair with a pretty brown hair thing in it." Lilly replied. Sorra figured she was probably talking about a hair beret. "She has blue eyes, and a really pretty smile." the child continued. She assumed that the mother wouldn't be smiling when she realized she had lost her kid.

"Ok, what's her name?" she asked.

"Bethany." Lilly replied. "And our last name is Johansson." she said.

Bethany Johansson. That name rang a bell. Maybe she had been the shoulder angel for a kid that knew her in her childhood or something. Maybe a close friend, or an enemy. It didn't really matter though. She still had to find her.

"Where do you live?" Sorra asked.

"I'll show you." Lilly said, then grabbed her hand and began to lead her through the crowded streets of the city.

Eventually they made it to a large apartment building, and the child led her to an elevator. They began to rise, and Sorra gave the child a long glance. She was adorable, and she just hoped that her mother was home, searching for her there.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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