"oh i see"

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"A concussion?" I exclaimed with an eye roll. Adam was never going to hear the end of this one.

"I'm afraid so." A tall doctor whose name I didn't know answered. "It looks like your brain hit your skull pretty hard when that boy pushed you."

"How long will her recovery be?" my Dad asked. I on the other hand was worried about other things. "How long until I can play hockey?"

"It's hard to say. We could be talking a week, we could be talking months."

I zoned out while the tall doctor and my parents discussed treatment plans. I couldn't believe that it was just last night when I was at the North star game. And when the fight happened.

I had been taken to the hospital soon after I passed out. I had slept all night and now fast forward to this morning. I hadn't seen anyone from the team and I was hoping they would come and visit when I went home.

"Does that sound alright Ella?" my mom asked bringing me back to the present.


"You can't play hockey for a little while but Coach Bombay called and said it'd be alright if you wanted to be his assistant coach."

"Oh, sure I guess." I mumbled and let out a frustrated breath of air.


"Have you talked to Adam yet?" Connie asked.

I was now home sitting on my bed, surrounded by about half of the team.

"No. I was hoping he'd call but- Averman don't touch that!"


I glared at a guilty looking Jesse, Peter, Goldberg, Guy, and Averman.

"Oops sorry." Guy shrugged as Jesse and Peter picked up the pieces of a once beautiful snow globe.

I turned back towards Connie. "I really need some more girl friends."

"Tell me about it." she agreed and we laughed. "So are you coming to the game tonight?"

"I think so. Seeing Adam will be weird and all but I've gotta come back eventually."

Connie nodded and looked back at the boys who were almost done cleaning up.

"Ow!" Goldberg exclaimed clutching his finger. "Look at what your glass did to me Ella! I'm not sure I'll be able to goalie tonight with this injury! Ow ow it stings!"

"Goldberg it's just a small cut. There are band-aids in my bathroom cupboard." I rolled my eyes and pointed across the hallway. All of the boys stumbled over each other to get out the door.

I could hear a lot of rustling and opening and closing of doors.

"Hey Ella what are these?" Peter asked walking in with Guy and Averman. Stuck on their foreheads were some of my feminine products. I gasped.

"What are you guys doing?!"

"Well we were looking around in your bathroom and found these. Are they like really big band-aids or something?"

Connie ripped the pads off of all the boy's heads.

"Geez Connie chill! I think you may of got some eyebrow there." Averman rubbed his face and frowned.

"You guys are insane." I laughed. Soon me and Connie burst into a fit of giggles and the boys looked more then confused.

"Ella dinner time!" my mom called from down stairs.

"Okay mom!" I shouted back squinting for a moment to relieve my headache.

All of the boys slowly made their way out of my front door yelling their goodbyes on the way. Connie was staying for dinner so I followed her down to the kitchen table.

𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡 / 𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙢 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨Where stories live. Discover now