"about those eggs"

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I woke up the next morning with a weird feeling in my stomach. Butterflies.

Hhm that's odd.

I suddenly sat up in alarm.

Adam. The kiss.

"Oh my god!" I whispered to myself and smiled.

I had kissed Adam Banks. Or more like he kissed me. Which was better. I stumbled out of my bed and raced downstairs to call Connie. I slipped on the third step and the rest was a bumpy ride down.

"Fu...dge." I held my head. I kind of forgot about the concussion.

My brother Joey came strolling down the stairs and stepped over me. "Good morning Ella. Can you make me some eggs?" He opened up the fridge and grabbed the carton.

"Can't you make them yourself? I have an important call to make."

"Mom says I can't operate the stove until I'm at least 10."

"Fine. Let me make the call first though." I walked over the the phone sitting on our counter. I picked it up and turned around to be face to face with Joey. "Geez! Go watch cartoons of something."I mumbled.

"Why? So you can call your boyfriend?"

My eyes widened. "He's not boyfriend Joey." I grumbled, dialing Connie's number.

"Whatever you say Ella Banks." He stuck his tongue out at me and raced to the couch.

I rolled my eyes and diverted my attention back to the phone.

"Hello?" The groggy voice of Connie answered me.

"Connie it's Ella. I have to tell you about Adam."

Her voice suddenly got more lively. "What happened? Did you kick him in the balls for giving you a concussion?"

"Not exactly. So I was telling him I didn't want an apology and then he just kissed me."

"I knew it!" Joey called from the other room. "I'm telling mom!"

I ignored him. It was silent on the other end of the phone. "Connie?"

Suddenly a loud squeal interrupted me and I held the phone far from my ear.

"Omigoshomigosh I knew it!" She yelled. Suddenly she got quiet. "What are the kids gonna look like?"

I would have smacked her if she was there but I couldn't. "See you at practice."

"Wait wait no-" I hung up the phone with a smirk on my face. I sat myself on the sofa next to Joey. He looked away from his cartoons and leaned towards me. "So, about those eggs?"

I groaned.


"Another lap!" Coach yelled at the group. "We gotta beat those Hawks!"

I sighed and swung my legs that were hanging off the bleachers. I had already made my decision to play tomorrow weather the doctors said it was okay or not. There was no way I was gonna not play in the championship game.

"Alright good practice team! I expect to see you all here at 4 tomorrow for warm ups." Everyone skated into the locker room talking about the game. I was stopped by coach. "So should I expect you tomorrow Ella?"

"Yes I'll be here." I didn't even hesitate. Coach looked a bit unsure with my decision.

"Are you sure? If you hurt yourself again-"

"I'm playing." I cut him off. We had a stare off for a few seconds until his gaze broke.

"You sure are stubborn aren't you?"

𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡 / 𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙢 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨Where stories live. Discover now