Chapter 3

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That night I laid in my bed. Well, it wasn't my real bed. My really real bed was at home with my mom. I missed her. She would come back from the vacation soon though, with a present for me! I sighed, tossing and turning in the bed. It was small, and the wood was worn in like someone had used it before me. The blankets were crinkly and linty and the color was nearly completely faded. I pulled them up to my neck. It was a cold night. I was in another room in the back of the restaurant sleeping. It was small, dusty and had thick concrete walls that were painted a sick yellow. I tried to sleep. It was probably really late. Even as late as 9:00! I sighed. Suddenly I heard loud but muffled voices coming from the next room. I was already curious so I slipped out of bed, stashing the covers against the wall. My tiny bare feet padded on the tile floor of the diner. It was quiet with the exception of the muffled voices and light snoring of Fun Ghoul in the next room. I walked towards the voices, they were coming from the kitchen. I snuck over, stopping just outside the door. There was a girl voice and a boy voice. The girl spoke, it was a loud whisper.

"But isn't this a good thing? I thought you would be happy to hear this!"

The boy spoke.

"I am! You don't know how happy I am it's just's hard."

The girl replied quickly.

"But aren't you gonna tell her!? It's essential for her to know!"

I think it was Toxic Rocket.

"No. She can't know! I already told you why, the truth would kill her!"

I think the boy was Party Poison. Toxic groaned.

"You always keep secrets from people Party. It's your one flaw...the rest of you is perfect..."

I heard a slight laugh.

"Did I just hear you say I'm perfect Rocky?"

I heard Toxic stumble on her words.

"No...maybe...I DON'T KNOW!! The point is that she needs to know the truth sooner or later. Better sooner."

I heard a slight tinge of sass in Party's next sentence.

"Fine. I'll tell her...later."

Tell who what? I don't understand this.

Toxic snickered.

"I hate you." She laughed.

"I hate you more." He replied.

They both laughed. I heard people moving around and they were coming out of the kitchen. I bolted like crazy out of the kitchen hallway, slipping on the tile. I smacked my cheek on the cold, hard ground. I heard one pair of the footsteps stop abruptly. Oh no! Their gonna know I was spying on them! I quickly scooted over to the wall and crawled back into the bedroom quickly before the footsteps could get any closer. I crawled under the covers and hid my face from the light of the doorway. Then I heard the door close and the light was gone, I let out my breath and pulled the covers off my face. It was hot under there. My eyes started to get droopy and I yawned, turning over on my pillow.

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