Chapter 10

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Bandit POV.

The door slammed open. I looked up to see who was coming in. It was just The Lady again. I looked back out the window. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see The Lady staring down at me.
"Hello again. How are you feeling?" She asked.
"A million times bad." I grumped.
It didn't even phase her. I don't like her much at all. She grabbed my arm then. I struggled but she just held on, dragging me out of the room with the wide window and into the drab, futuristic white hallway. I looked up at her, she stared straight ahead like a statue. I poked her on her tanned forearm that was covered with her thin white dress. She looked down at me.
"Yes Bandit?" She asked her tone was frigid.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked.
She stared ahead.
"To the injection chamber."
I didn't have any idea what an in-jec-tion was and why they were doing it to me. She brought me down the long hallway, my eyes traced the posters along the walls. She stopped in front of Korse. He had a devious glimpse in his eye.
"Sir. Should she be injected presently?"
He looked down at me, I sneered at him. He had a very unnaturally shiny bald head. It was like a bowling ball. I wonder if people could go bowling with his head? I'm going to nickname him bowling ball.
"Yes. But not quickly. We need time for them to arrive." He instructed.
She nodded once, tugging burningly on my arm to get me to come with her. I eventually gave in. The whole time she was dragging me down the hallway, she kept watch over me like a hawk over a rabbit. It scared me, this whole place scared me. She practically threw me into a room along the hallway, the walls were all made of a smooth chrome-like metal. There was what looked like a sleek, foam dentists chair in the center. Three people stood in the corner, their heads against the wall. They wore doctor's uniforms and one had long, black hair, one had short, neat blond hair and one had shoulder length brown hair. I think two were girls. The were completely silent. I don't even think they were breathing. I immediately got nervous.
"Sit. Girl." The Lady instructed, pointing at the dentist's chair.
"But I don't wanna sit." I fought.
Her eyes burned into my scull and I sat down. The three people suddenly turned around all simultaneously. My stomach twisted in knots. My knuckles turned white as I gripped the arms of the chair. I turned to The Lady.
"Are they going to kill me?" I asked.
She smiled, a truly amused smile.
"No. Of course not. We are just going to inject you."
Injecting did not sound healthy to me. The girl with the long, perfect black hair strode towards me. She looked the same as everyone else in this town, but unlike the others, these three had red, stitched mouths that looked like they had been cut on with a knife. I don't think they could talk. I looked nervously at The Lady and she looked as if nothing was wrong.
"What's wrong with their faces?" I asked.
She scowled scoldingly at me as if I had done something wrong.
"It's not nice to talk about people Bandit. The sooner you know that, the better."
I wonder if their going to make me look like that. The Lady smiled at me sourly. I didn't smile back. She set an arm on the armrest of the dentist's chair.
"This won't hurt if you cooperate sweetheart."
It stung me when she called me sweetheart for some reason, like it wasn't really sincere.
"Don't call me that." I said.
She smiled, cocking her head.
"Alright then. Start the procedure."
The three nodded. The blonde boy took a few shiny utensils off of the dentist's desk and into his efficiently blue gloved hands. I watched in silence as they all surrounded me. The Lady handed me a glass of thick, clear liquid, I took it in my small, pale hands.
"What is it?" I asked.
She smiled one of her devil smiles.
I nodded. She wouldn't lie, lying is wrong. It must be water. It looked like water. I took a small gulp. The clear, glass liquid slithered down my throat. It tasted like hand sanitizer. I spit it up right on The Lady, soaking her. She scowled at me, it suddenly turned into a cunning smile. She crossed her hands.
"Well. I see how it is going to be. You either drink the water or you die. I'm not hesitant to kill a little girl Bandit."
I looked nervously at the girl with the brown hair. She had pretty dark eyes and thick, brown eyebrows. If only she had a pretty mouth. I looked again at the water, taking it in my hands. I saw The Lady's eyes flicker to the wide, glass window, as if expecting something to happen. I slowly drank the water again, it slid down my throat and I grimaced. It was gross. I'm feeling really sleepy...I don't think...that was...water...I glanced tiredly up at The Lady. She smiled sickly at me. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was sirens and someone shouting something that sounded like mill-boys. Mill-boys...Mill-joys...Kill-Joys.

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