thirty seven : brothers

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I could feel the tension
We could cut it with a knife
I know it's more than just a friendship
I can hear you thinking 'bout it, yeah
Do I gotta convince you?
- Shawn Mendes, Lost in Japan


I always knew that my life would not be as boring when I'd made it my life mission to get revenge two years ago. When I finally realized (thanks to Autumn) that it was pointless, I was finally able to accept my new family. Alexander Bernucci, the man that I'd hated growing up, became the father that I respected and loved. Shanelle, the girl I'd previously wanted to use to get my revenge, became the little sister I dearly loved. It was almost as easy as flipping a lamp switch but looking at the guy (who unbelievably looked exactly like me), I wasn't sure I could accept him just as easily.

Why? For one, he had a really bad attitude and temper. The way he talked to my dad (who was also his biological father) with no respect showed what a snob he was.

"I'm not here to see you," said Flynn with a dismissal flick of his hand. I tried my best not to get flared up by his attitude. "I came here for my mom before she made a big mistake by marrying you."

"I'm sorry that we have to meet like this," said Alex, ignoring what Flynn just said. "I didn't know about you until last night when Audrey finally opened up to me that Tyler," he paused and gave me an apologizing look, "has a twin brother."

I glanced at the door, impatiently waiting for my mom to come here. At first, I couldn't believe that she'd do something like this, keeping the fact that I had a twin brother from me, but now the evidence was right in front of me. Breathing and insulting my dad.

"I don't care whether you know or you don't," replied Flynn. His chin jutted out arrogantly. "I don't even care about Taylor or whatever that guy's name is," added him without looking at me. I realized, fifteen minutes late, that he'd never look at me properly. It was as if he didn't want to acknowledge my existence. "I'm here for my mom."

As if hearing her name being mentioned, my mom walked through the door toward us. Her face looked confused but once her eyes laid on Flynn, she smiled. "You came! I can't believe this!" She rushed forwards despite the five inches of heels on her feet nearly causing her to trip and threw her arms around him.

"Of course, I don't want you to make the biggest mistake in your life." Flynn shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers and didn't make any effort to hug her back.

My mom sat next to Flynn, still holding his hand on her lap. There were tears in her eyes and a look of disbelief on her oval face. "It's not a mistake, Flynn. I really do love your father."

Flynn scoffed. "He's not my father. He's just someone who donated his sperm and knocked you up."

"Flynn!" My mom nearly shouted as she raised her hand to her chest. "He's your father."

"He was the reason you put me up for adoption." He shook his head in disgust. "He will never be my father."

"Good," I jumped to my feet and looked down at him, forcing him to meet my eyes. "Because we don't need another family member." Flynn looked up, he looked surprised and perhaps even shocked. Maybe he thought I would beg him to be my brother. Like hell, I would. "Especially a disrespectful asshole like you."

Ignoring my mother's protest and my father calling my name, I walked through the door and left.

* *

Just like in the past, Faith always managed to find me, no matter where I hid. "I knew you'd be here!" She smiled as she offered me a can of Coke. "Don't worry, I didn't steal it like last time."

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