six : the drive

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The drive was quiet. He was driving in silence, keeping his eyes on the road while I was riding a shotgun. I didn't expect a conversation either, considering we were both strangers. Even though what happened tonight seemed to be the longest three chapters of my life, I hardly knew him, maybe I only knew one or two things about him. One, he was an ass. Two, he was a charming but arrogant pain in the ass.

I saw the metro station in the front and pointed it with my forefinger. "You can drop me there...." He didn't slow down. "Now it's behind us," I watched the station as we drove past it. I turned to face him, penetrating him with a stare that I hoped could make a hole in the side of his head. He stole a glance at me and our eyes locked for a brief second.

"I'm taking you home." He returned his attention back to the road and stopped at the light that went red at the junction. "Tell me your address."

"I don't bring strangers home," I tried to argue. It was bad enough that I was in his car, I didn't need to make it worse by letting him know where I lived.

Frazier chuckled. "Well, temptress, you don't bring me home. I bring you home."

I wanted to tell him to stop being a smartass but paused. What did he call me again? Temptress?! "I'm not a temptress and excuse me, Mr. Jackass, but I don't seduce you."

"It's a nickname, it doesn't have to be true," he answered with a mere shrug.

I rolled my eyes. "You get your nickname from the truth. Just like I nicknamed you 'jackass' because you're such a jackass." I looked at the road and realized we were actually heading back to his house and not toward the city. "Wait, where are we going?"

His answer was short. "Home."

My eyes widened as I watched the building we passed through, there was no mistake that we were in the wrong direction. "This isn't the way to my house, turn around!"

He sighed. "Well, this is the way to my house. Since you refused to tell me where you live, I decided to bring you to my house instead."

"No, no, no, no. I have to get home. Tyler would be frantic if he knows I'm not home."

"Who's Tyler?" A small frown creased his eyebrows. "Your brother?"

"No. He's my boyfriend." I lunged forward and typed on the GPS. I entered the address of a building addressed two numbers away from mine. I wasn't stupid to give him the exact location. "There." I folded my arms across my T-shirt and leaned back against the leathered seat.

He slowed down the car as he leaned forward and glued his eyes to the GPS. He looked up and his eyes found mine. "You live in a hotel?"

Stupid! How did I not know that two numbers away from my building's number was a hotel?

I remained cool as I stared back at him with confidence. "Why, I can't live in a hotel?" It was stupid of me not to check but I figured I might just have to own it rather than be caught red-handed.

He watched me for several heartbeats before leaning back against his seat and speeding up the car.

I pulled out my phone and stifled a groan. If my phone hadn't died, I could kill the time by continuing my daily stalking or sending a dozen of messages to Ty. I had no idea whether he replied or not, I could only hope he got my last message, telling him that he didn't have to pick me up, and stayed home.

I heard movement on my left and seconds later, a song played on the stereo.

♫ Can we ever get rid of the whats and the ifs that doubts that exist in our minds? In the silence, I am tricked into thinking you'll forget and I'll be stranded like a man in a mine. ♫

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