fourteen : reunion

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And I'm bleeding in love,
you're swimming in my veins
You got me now
Been breaking for a lifetime for you
Wasn't lookin' for love 'til I found you
— Liam Payne, Rita Ora, For You

And I'm bleeding in love,you're swimming in my veinsYou got me nowBeen breaking for a lifetime for youWasn't lookin' for love 'til I found you— Liam Payne, Rita Ora, For You

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Frazier offered to drop me by NYU but I politely declined. I didn't want to start another rumor. Also, I wanted to have time to think about what to say to Jess and I wouldn't be able to concentrate on having him around.

I knew my way around NYU and Jess gave me her schedule a few days before the class started. I sat on the bench in front of the building and waited. It was half past three when I finally saw her walking out of the building with a brunette girl on her side.

"Jess!" I called as I moved towards her.

Her head whipped around as she heard my voice. Her eyes finally found mine and she whispered something to the brunette. Probably telling her to go off without her because the next thing I saw was the brunette walking away.

"Autumn!" She threw her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. "What are you doing here?" asked her once we pulled away.

"I need to talk to you." I adjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder. "I left you messages but you didn't reply."

"Yeah." She flipped her blonde hair over one shoulder and continued, "I got really busy with school and stuff. The first week is overwhelming."

I nodded. "Should we go somewhere to talk?"

"Sure." She pulled her cell phone out and glanced at the screen. "I'm going to meet Colton in a cafe nearby. Why don't you come along?"

"Jess, I'm not sure that's a good idea." What I was about to say was not up for a threesome conversation.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on. Colton knows all about you and me. You don't have to worry about anything."

I still think it was a bad idea of bringing Colton into the conversation but by the time we arrived at the cafe and he was nowhere to be found, I decided to have that talk before he arrived. "So, Jess, did you talk about me at that party?"

"Of course, I talked about you. It was your college party, I wouldn't have been invited if it wasn't because of you." She took a sip of her latte and then placed the cup back on its saucer.

"No." I shook my head. "I mean did you tell my secret to someone there?"

A small frown appeared on her forehead. "What are you saying?"

There was no such thing as a good way of doing this so I decided it was best to get straight to the point. "One of the girls from my school mentioned that you told her about my relationship with Joe."

She gasped as if I just committed blasphemy and she was a fanatic. "I did not! I would never do such a thing!"

"Are you sure?" I knew I shouldn't doubt my best friend but she was drunk that night. "Cos she also mentioned your name."

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