Es' eyes widen as the stairs freeze over. She backs up and looks around."what the..."
The hound leaps to the bottom of the stairs and growls. A crack forms on either side of Es. She slips on a patch of ice that had formed. The two smirk as the hound leaps through a crack. It seems to gain color and detail as it lands on the other side. The two leap back wide eyed as if only just noticing the hound.
Levin Lep
Levin watches as the cracks form in the veil. He could feel Trish's power growing into the ground as she readied another spell. He felt a presence as a Metrit Hound tears from one of the cracks. They leap back and Trish let's out a small sound as she looses her grasp on her power.
Levin looks to check the girl. She had fallen over. He slides in front of Trish and makes himself a larger target by spreading his arms and widening his stance. Trish calmed and gathered her power. The hound lunged at Levin. He let it slam into his chest and drag him to the ground. He rolled to pin the beast as he did his best to avoid its sharp teeth.
Trish makes a deep sigh as a small sun forms in front of her.
"Trish no!" Levin shouts as the sun grows.
Trish stumbles as the strain passes her control. The large ball of energy shimmered and bubbled as it fluctuated. The ground burns around it and she forces it forward.
Levin slams the hound into the ground repeatedly. The Metrit Hounds teeth snapped at him as he struggled to keep it from getting him. It's tails wrapped around his legs and tightened cutting into his flesh.
Levin closed his eyes and sent out his senses. "Civilians.." he growls to Trish.
Trish forces a nod and absorbs the miniture sun. She flings out a hand and vines of energy wrap around the girl Trish drags her through the air and punches her stomach. The girl goes limp and Trish tosses her over her shoulder.
Levin knees the hound and leaps back to his feet. He kicks it in the ribs and moves back to Trish as she prepares a final spell. The hound escapes into a crack and they both audibly sigh with relief.
Trish runs down the street with Levin following closely. "What the hell just happened?" she growls
"I don't know. Phantoms don't usually appear this close to civilization." he says breaking his normal short phrases.
"Yeah and artifacts usually arnt humans. This is too much. It was a simple fetch mission." she says as they move into an alley. "You know how I am about phantoms."
"It's fine. Your a maker. You can handle them now..." he says running up a wall slightly to launch in front of her. "I know a short cut." he says slipping into the street.
"Fine...just..lets get to the school.." she says uncharictoisticly flustered by the events.
Levin leads her to a ally between two stores and kicks a wall. It slides open to reveal a swirling blue substance. He pulls her through and they step out onto a marble floor. The large chamber was lit by flames inside the smooth walls the alcoves holding the flames had statues in the middle. Levin relaxed as they entered the safe area.
Trish albern
Trish dropped the girl down to cradle her like a small child. "This sucks..." she says as they open the large doors to the smooth tiled halls. The place looked cleaner then when they left. The wooden doors shone slightly with polish as they passed down the corridors.
Un (Book One)
Randomthe world has changed. For most the world is the same but for people like the Makers and the Finders the world is insane, broken and in trouble. They fix what they can and fight anyone standing in the way. Unluckily for Es the world is too changed...