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Chapter 2


The sounds that ring finally succeed in making me fully awake. I yawn while slowly sitting down in my slumber. I blink several times to get my sense in real life.

Oh, I got a bad dream last night. I sigh after remembering my dream again, I take a glance at the clock that hangs at the wall of my room.

Oh my Gosh!

I am late! I am fucking late! How am I going to deal with it?

My head is thinking. The first period in this morning...

Suddenly my eyes slowly get wide.

Oh my Gosh! It is Mrs Lee's class!!

Okay, I need to calm myself, getting back to my normal senses.

My action is currently as fast as thunder.


"We will be going to make an experiment with today's class. Please make a group so that.." I heard Mrs Lee giving instructions to my classmates and she stop talking when I enter her class.

"Oh. Welcome to my class, Miss Kim. And please have a seat" I swear this is weird.

My eyes blink rapidly as if they can speak they'll be like,' is this Mrs Lee?'

"Oh, one more thing, do you mind if I ask you to do a task?" she asks again with a more bright-toned voice and cheers spirit.

Now, yes! This is right! This is Mrs Lee. I'm glad she okay today! Well, she looks scarier if she is acting like that from the normal one.

I turn my body to face her. I nod.

"Thank you, now! After school you have to clean the swimming pool, do you get that?!" her tone changed. It is scary.

"Yes, Mrs Lee" I bow awkwardly to her.

This is going to be a long day for me! I sigh again. I am planning to go back home early! Wait-

Someone did change the time of my clock. I'm sure I set it as usual last night.

Never mind. It will not be going to change a thing.

"You will be partnering with Kim Taehyung anyway, doing today's experiment" she continues.

Hm, so of course I'm late and will be partnering with someone who doesn't have a partner yet. That's the normal way for Mrs Lee's class. Some teacher will permit searching their partner by themselves, some will be determined by the teacher itself.

Since when I have the boy named that in the class? Well, I am not very concerned with my classmates anyway. Look at the sites that present the number of pupils. I am not going to remember every one of this class except who is close to me.

Okay, which one is Kim Taehyung? Wait! Taehyung? Did she mean that greedy boy?! No right? The monologue featuring myself would give me chills that I found the theory is so humorous, with that I chuckle silently, making my shoulders slightly move.

Oh my Gosh! My eyes plastered to Taehyung who is at the back waving his hand, arrogantly towards me. Sitting shamelessly looking at me.

He smirks, okay, I am freaking sure he does not learn any kind of facial reaction other than smirking like an idiot.

Once I sit on my chair, Mrs Lee asks everyone to move to their partner. Oh, man! How can I deal with this with him?

"Do you mind if we go somewhere else or move to our venue to do this experiment?" someone just makes me shocked.

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