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Chapter Sequel (One Shot)

The sound of the keys enlightening MiHye to his presence from the practice but as soon as she heard the door slam, caused her to get out from the bed.

"Taehyung?" she called from the stairs. He doesn't answer and the apartment is currently silent as nothing happened before he arrived.

MiHye call his name again but it's just fruitless. She walk downstairs and make her way to the kitchen to find Taehyung since he is not at living room. She noticed that Taehyung open the refrigerator to sip a drink.

"Taehyung?" He doesn't even look up at MiHye's face, but continue to put the drink back at the refrigerator.

MiHye approached her husband as she tried to touch his cheek. He ignored her actions, then dodge it as he said that his face is full of sweat cause of the practice.

"Have you take your dinner? Did you
skip yours?"ask MiHye concerned.

"No, I haven't , yes I skipped it since the practice is so hard" he answers , plain.She sigh, knowing exactly the reason why he was acting like this.

Its been about two month since BTS's debut but Taehyung still have to attend for night practices. Since he has such a heavy day schedule, MiHye tried to understand it but if he acting like this who could stand that for every night when they are face to face? With this attitude of him, it seems like he was being forced to attend the practices.

He used to love it this way when it was his first and second weeks but it's been two months, MiHye could understand him. When the first week he has started having these practice, he usually approached MiHye to lets she know that he would be late to home. And after his third week with the same routine, he have stopped it. There was no point to tell her since both of them knew that he don't have any option. It's such a habit that he would be home at 2 or 3 in the morning.

It was lucky for him if he went back in early than that. MiHye glared at the clock, its shown 2.45 AM heading to 3AM now.

"Do you want me to heat up the food? Sarang is waiting for you from 10PM till I asked her to eat first the dinner"

"That's no point in that. I will just wake up at 5AM and slightly eat the breakfast replaced the dinner anyways" he said with the weak voice sign he is too tired right now.

"You know I'm concerned towards you, Taehyung. I know it's late but you should fill your tummy with something now. It's not good for your health if you continued with this habit..."

"if I had wanted to live with my mom, we wouldn't have moved out and stay in this apartment" he said as he continued.

"So, Id relieved that you stop acting like that" MiHye bite her lips together, trying to hold back the pain in her heart as she tried to control her tears.

Now, she could have hated it this dance practice because its will ruined their relationship. When just can meet in a minutes when at the morning she have to works and when it comes night, Taehyung must gone to practice and for sure the heavy schedule.

"Taehyung, I know these practices it's hard for you.."


You don't even know a thing!" he controls his voice when he relived that he will started to yell.

"Illuminate me then! I want to know and understand you"She said. He sighs then says.

"Even when I tell you there's nothing to do with it! This is my problems and I have to handle it by myself!"

"Do you really think that is just your problem now? Its mine too! How do you think I feel when I came back with the empty home every day? It's lucky when weekend I have Sarang! How do you think I feel to look you in this condition? It's hurt more than you imagine it"

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