Rainbow confetti

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Karma and Amy started dating when high school ended, the day after they graduated Karma kissed Amy, and Amy kissed her back. Karma promised Amy that she was done with all her high school drama, including Liam, the guy she only pretended to love because she was scared to admit her true feelings for Amy, and a boyfriend seemed like a safe way to make it seem like she was straight when really she wasn't. Two years later, Karma and Amy found themselves living together in a small apartment in Nashville. Karma working on her career as a singer, and Amy working to become a film maker. One day out of the blue Amy proposed to Karma, and of course Karma said yes. Six months later they found themselves back in Austin getting married. Lauren and Shane were a very big part in the wedding planning, and also they were co-maid of honors. Penelope was officiating the wedding, happily. Both Karma and Amy's parents came, without any issues. The wedding was perfect.

Amy walked down the aisle first, wearing a black suit. Karma started down the aisle as Amy approached the altar. Karma wore a tight sparkling dress, fitted to her body perfectly. Amy's jaw dropped when she saw her beautiful bride, and Karma's did too when she saw her beautiful bride. Karma's auburn hair sat perfectly on her back, her hazel eyes sparkled like stars...she was perfect. Amy's long blonde hair flew wild in the wind, Karma became lost in her green eyes as she approached the altar, god was she lucky.

They joined hands as they both watched one another standing at the altar.

"Girls" Penelope smiled "Its time, are you ready?"

"Since the day I met her" They said in unison. Causing Penelope to smile ever wider than she already was.

"You two girls have had a long journey, you fake dated in your junior year I believe, then you broke up. You had some dark times in your friendship, but in the end you knew what was right. Amy knew first, telling Karma she loved her years before Karma had the courage to say it back, but when Karma did...god was that a great day. I was there, Karma and Amy came to the high school to drop off some late books, and then Karma just kissed her. It was magical. Now I knew the day these two girls kissed at the homecoming assembly that they were truly in love, I saw the looks they gave one another, and even though Karma was too scared to be honest...everyone knew. This kiss though, the one Karma gave Amy...It was special, it was real to both Karma and Amy. I am over the moon for these amazing girls, and am so thrilled to be the one to marry them. So let's get started."

"Amy would you like to say something about Karma?"

"Of course" Amy laughed. "Karma you are my other half, if it wasn't for you I would have stayed inside and watched TV and ate donuts all of high school, but you made me go to parties, and meet people and everything and at the time I hated you for that...but I love you for it now. Because I met people like Shane at those parties, people who made high school easier. People who tried to help me with things that you couldn't. Karma you made my life crazy, you made me realize I loved you because you liked some boy and needed my help getting him and some popularity. You made me almost sleep with you, so you could sleep with him. You kissed me, and said it was nothing so many times that I started to believe you, but it wasn't nothing It was you wanting me but being way to scared to tell me. Karma you are a crazy, kind of selfish beautiful funny girl who makes me smile, and laugh and....you make me me Karma, because without you I wouldn't be who I am today and I love you every day for that, I love you Karma." Amy then slide a little silver ring onto Karma's finger.

"Karma, your turn" Penelope smiled, tears filling her eyes.

"Amy, I fell for you, not slowly..but very fast like I was falling down a hole and I had no control. I never showed you that, I let you think I didn't like you back until you had given up, but I loved you right when we first kissed, I felt a spark of..wow and I knew. I knew that I was meant to be with a silly donut loving, documentary making blonde girl, whose name was Amy. I was so scared to tell you that, and even after I knew you loved me that fear didn't leave. I stayed scared, until I realized that It was my last chance to get you, and I wasn't ready to lose you. Amy, you are my everything, my best friend, the love of my life, and I can't ever lose you. So I am going to put this little ring on your finger to symbolize us, I actually had it engraved with something. It says...Maybe we should just marry each other." Karma then let the ring slide onto Amy's finger.

"Karma" Amy smiled, tears welling up. "I said this...years ago"

"I know that" Karma giggled "It was your first proposal."

"Very sweet girls" Penelope wiped her eyes. "Now Do you Amy take Karma to be your wife, till death do you part."

"No" Amy smiled "I take her to be my wife forever...death will not part us." Karma and Amy both giggled.

"Karma" Penelope laughed 'Do you take Amy to be your wife?"

"I do" Karma laughed

"Then you may kiss the bride!" Penelope exclaimed, throwing rainbow colored confetti into the air.

Amy and Karma kissed, their lips pressing together sweetly, as everyone clapped and yelled happily.

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